Security Camera Captures Unidentifiable Creature Walking Across Lawn



Urban legends, or modern folklore, are an interesting realm of study. Many people are inclined to think beings in ancient folklore have some basis in reality, simply because their stories have existed for so long, But when modern folkloric legends pop up, and you can actually trace, document and witness their creation, it begins to make you doubt all the legends you were previously taking for granted.

For instance: the rake. The rake is a being created in the last twenty years thanks to so-called “creepy pasta” takes on the internet. It bears similarities to more ancient Native American entities, such as skinwalkers and Wendigo, but came into being in 2005 on the website 4chan. Rakes are described as being tall, thin, pale creatures, with vague humanoid shapes, but who creep around on all fours and slash at your with their eerily long fingers and shape claws. They are found.........

....In rural Appalachia.

