Step-by-step guide to use the HDR

I don’t believe this as a way to time travel everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I don’t believe shifting or astral projection stuff that you can just shift somewhere or to your desired reality just by closing your eyes,

With time travel you’d need a real machine,

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
I don’t believe this as a way to time travel everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I don’t believe shifting or astral projection stuff that you can just shift somewhere or to your desired reality just by closing your eyes,

With time travel you’d need a real machine,
Astral Projection does not need a machine. It's just one of the mechanisms that supposedly HDR helps with.

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
what dose everybody have that others dont have and thats a different dna sequence or frenquency so no wonder steven gibbs says it wont work for everyone you have to have the right dna frequency to get anywhere so vortex or no vortex it may not work on that as it could be a cover for the fact that he dosent know himself what makes it really work
What do you mean by DNA Sequence in context of HDR working/not working for everyone. Can you elaborate more please?

Briggits Norseff

Junior Member
Here is my procedure to use the HDR, it's a step-by-step guide I used at first to get familiar with using the device. Now I no longer need it, but I still use the HDR as follows:

1. Plug in the unit.

2. Turn ON the bottom switch and wait for 2 minutes with the witness well empty to clear it.

3. Put the double terminated quartz crystal or some other item related to the desired time period/events in the witness well.

4. Put head coils on.

5. Turn the first dial to the right, asking for the right frequency, and play with it until you feel the stick reaction while making 2 inches wide circles to the right with your fingers on the rubbing plate. If you don't get a stick a reaction, turn the dial to the left while asking again for the frequency. Keep moving your fingers in circles to the right on the rubbing plate.

6. Repeat for the second dial.

7. Then, ask to clear all fear, resistance, and disbelief and use the rubbing plate again until you get the stick reaction one last time.

8. Turn ON the middle and top switches.

9. Place the electromagnet over your solar plexus in a 90 degrees fashion for at least 3 minutes but no more than 10 minutes.

10. Turn OFF all switches and set down the electromagnet and head coils.

11. Unplug the device.

12. Sit and meditate, or sleep.

View attachment 14959

To all HDR enthusiasts, and users, let me know what you think of this step-by-step guide, which things you'd change, remove, add, etc. I wanted to post this a pretty long time ago to discuss it but I somehow forgot about it.

I look forward to reading your feedback and ideas. :)
I think the witness well is just the Cadeceus Coil. Am I right?


I didn't open mine, so I can't say for sure.

Here's an inside view, found on HDRKID's website.

It says: "The HDR caduceus coil is that round doughnut shaped object at the bottom of the left hand corner in the picture below. This is I believe what makes the HDR work and provides the missing factor for Steven Gibbs HDR."

So in theory, the caduceus coil would be underneath the rubbing plate. I think. @Einstein can probably be way more precise than I'll be. But from what I can see in the picture below, the wires from the rubbing plate seem go to and around the witness well and probably form some sort of coil around it too.



thank you. I am looking for the list parts? where can i find it?

You can look at the HDR photos that are available on this forum (in various threads) and make your own list of the parts you can see.

The 3 groups are


Search the forum for the specs of specific parts, or ask about them if you can't find what they are.
