Temporal Quarantine Zones


I think I may have mentioned this idea in another thread at some point…

Is our era part of a quarantined zone? Is that why we don't see time travelers or why we don't notice the effects of time travel?

And if that's the case: How do we know? Besides the lack of evidence of time travel, what would be indications that our era is within some sort of time travel quarantine zone?


Temporal Engineer
I think subliminal messaging from our smart phones keep us anesthetized from being more observant. It probably goes on all the time.

One time I was parked in my car outside a grocery store. Looked up and saw a guy come out of the grocery store. Nothing that I would normally remember. But a couple minutes later the same guy walked out of the grocery store. Still don't have an explanation.


I think I may have mentioned this idea in another thread at some point…

Is our era part of a quarantined zone? Is that why we don't see time travelers or why we don't notice the effects of time travel?

And if that's the case: How do we know? Besides the lack of evidence of time travel, what would be indications that our era is within some sort of time travel quarantine zone?

Hints are in movies like Back to the Future I and II and in The Simpsons.

Time Travelers most likely aren't allowed to make themselves known so that can't change the timeline.

Why would they pick this particular era as a quarantine?


Why would they pick this particular era as a quarantine?
No idea.

Is it because it's a dangerous era? Maybe we're still in an era, where we're at risk of destroying ourselves...

Or maybe something happens in the future that gives these hypothetical time travel regulating entities good reasons to put our era in a quarantine zone.

Think of how we see some past eras as wild and dangerous. Maybe they think the same of us...


No idea.

Is it because it's a dangerous era? Maybe we're still in an era, where we're at risk of destroying ourselves...

Or maybe something happens in the future that gives these hypothetical time travel regulating entities good reasons to put our era in a quarantine zone.

Think of how we see some past eras as wild and dangerous. Maybe they think the same of us...

Bird Flu.



Active Member
I wonder if, hypothetically, our timeline is known for its COVID pandemic. Is it something that happened universally? Or is it unique to us?
It is known.
The technology in the so called vax ines are the most advanced tech on earth, 100% illegal in most star systems.
Nano and atomic engineering isn't always a bad thing, it's usually used for building things like ships and super conductors but when it comes to using it as a weapon, it's basically outlawed almost everywhere.
The lies around covid are more common here, they've been trying to tell that great lie for decades now, this is just the first one that really stuck because people were finally dumb enough to fall for it. It is also a known strategy but not one that any other planetary system is going to fall for.
