🧲 Schematic The Biotronic Oscillator


🤖 Time Enforcement Commission
Its sole purpose is to amplify white light on all 20.736 different dimensions, thus making it adaptable for all things. It uses what I call an (eternal circuit), or a circuit that can amplify belief on an infinite scale. The only way in which to describe as to how this machine can work is by the use of this equation:

Thought x Tunning = Resonance
Resonance x Resonance = Time

Now if this were to be viewed analytically, it would probably look something like this:

400 x 360 = 144.000
144.000 x 144.000 = 20.736

Thus, (time equals white light energy) and (white light energy equals belief). Therefore time is not an aspect of the 4th dimension, but instead is an aspect of all 20.736 different dimensions. So basically time is something that you least expect and something which you always use.


In reference to the formula, the word "Thought" when broken down numerologically, has the number equivalent of 400, (i.e. when the Hebrew alphabet set is used). Therefore, TH = 400 and 400 = Thought. As for the number 360, this was derived from the fact that there are approximately 360 degrees in the circumference of a dial, thus making the tuning principle extremely necessary.

Now you are probably wondering how the 20.736 harmonics can be related to the fabric of time. Well in order to determine this, one must first make the word such as "time", and convert it into numbers by using a variation of the Hebrew alphabet set. The letters are changed into numbers in the following manner:

4 1 4 5

Thus, Time = 4145, and 4145 multiplied by 5 which stands for science and knowledge, gives us the number 20.725 which is razor close to the 20.736 harmonic. Therefore this proves beyond a shadow of a doubt, that time is directly related to the 20.736 harmonic, which constitutes the fact that time is multi-dimensional.

This is a picture of the assembled unit




A variation of the Hebrew alphabet set

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@Einstein Have you heard of this one before? I'm looking at missing TEC articles on Archive.org and found it. That's an old one, it dates from 2001 as you'll see above.

I recall building this one. It didn't work for me. But I did acquire building skills in putting this one together.
