The John Titor Mystery is Solved

said the man that knows I'm his current and last wife.

Things will turn out well. John will have the last word.

And, hopefully more to come...

Larry did a national conference yesterday of women in film. Went very well. Things are great here!


Have a great day.
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Junior Member
All of you true believers are right to keep searching for time travelers.

Notice that I gave you the details about The John Titor Foundation.

We still don't know who Oliver Williams really is. The guy who is the voice of "Oliver" is the actual "John Titor" and he has been very accurately prophetic about nearly everything.

The dates are entirely wrong. But the events have unfolded and are unfolding as he said.


All of you true believers are right to keep searching for time travelers.

Notice that I gave you the details about The John Titor Foundation.

We still don't know who Oliver Williams really is. The guy who is the voice of "Oliver" is the actual "John Titor" and he has been very accurately prophetic about nearly everything.

The dates are entirely wrong. But the events have unfolded and are unfolding as he said.

His common name makes it very difficult to figure out who he is. I have an idea, though. Will talk privately.
Larry has helped me to see the humor in it all.

Can't you wait a little longer?

Paula Abdul was pretty cool. Taught at the dance class school I was in.

God's my everything... But, that's me.

At least I gave all of you something...

Small giggle.
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I've been asked to write a 10 episode series.

None of you've been. Correct?

I'm sorry you don't possess the writing prowess that I do.

I'm not sure you want to delete me...

Jadex, Nightvision, husky tiny big (whatever you are), I understand.

Ghost towns really are not my thing though...

Bye. All done here.
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Still a favorite song.

Unfortunately, I believe the world has much to go through to understand real love and change. It doesn't come from anger. It does come from a place of compassion.

Some of us choose another path. One of peace. Harmony. Joy inside. Faith that one day all will be made right. Internalizing others hatred is no longer an option. Even with a life long traumatic brain injury. One must choose for themselves if they let the dark or the light in. I choose light. Sorry.

Our world has been in global chaos for much longer than this pandemic. Neither is it the first pandemic.

Until then, when others get it, I still love this song.

Few have had the opportunity to know the real me. That is my fault. Kind people are usually taken too much advantage of. Something I need to change. No longer being afraid of others intentions... Good or bad. Their intentions are a reflection of their own soul. Not a reflection of me.

Today will be another good day for me. Because, I choose it to be. You?
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Anyways Jadex,

I do hope you find peace. As I know your anger is simply hurt and pain underneath that needs healing. However, I won't play anymore. It's really just not who I am.

Hope this week is productive for you.

Take care.

If I can heal with a permanent lifelong injury, you surely can overcome your own pain. It's beautiful when you finally let go and stop blaming others (even if what they did and continue to do is and was wrong).

I'm thankful for a God that loves me. That can see the best in me. And, always will. Maybe just a little faith would help you? My own has gotten me through everything.

Change begins with each of us. In our own souls. And,that's beautiful.

Growing up, Ghandhi was my favorite modern day spiritual teacher. He won battles not by fighting back. But, laying his life before others without resistance to the pain he would endure by the hands of his accusers. Until, those hurting him realized their own wrong doing.

Life is beautiful when you choose love.

Right now, trying to figure out how to help the next homeless man I've seen.

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Love you Jadex. Lol. Fortunately,I would totally share. Lol.

Have you seen squirrels in nature? They are mean actually. Lol. Seriously. My grandfather was so good with them, he could feed them by hand every morning. I suppose food satisfies more than men. Smiling (emojis not working).

Three hours after my only daughter was confirmed as life within me, we had a six foot diamond back snake show up on our back porch. Her father was screaming for me to run to the neighbors for a gun. I did. Caring it gingerly to him (really not my thing) it took him two shots. He was proud.

A good moment. Memory. Because, he was really proud of himself. Like when we were little.

I'm none of those things. The snake. Honey badger or anything other.

I had a bird land on my foot recently, and lately a goose come to visit everyday.

They know my love.

Love goes a long ways...

Anyways. Off to chores and a ten mile walk tomorrow. You?
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