The Past and Future existing at the same time?


A while ago I concluded that time exist as a measurement nothing more.

So what happened?

I figured it is impossible to travel back in time but is it possible to see into the future?

This bugged me a lot because I do believe it is 100% possible and not only is it possible I am 100% sure it is already in use.

See computers are an interesting concept. If you know coding you will know that they work basically the same way. Everything or rather mostly everything has a pattern that is recognizable. That is why we can code websites and add text and sounds. Most of it is rather generic and follow a particular order.

So what of this? Well Consider a algorithm that analyze every news story that is published on the net. It can read any language that is programmed into it and because most languages are actually heavily documented it can do so with fair accuracy.

Now lets say this algorithm is charged to search for key words it can recognize them it will be able to do so. Now a ton of data can be collected. So theoretically you now have a database with a TON of info. an AI can then be used to sort trough everything much like YouTube AI does. It can flag, drop and promote stuff using the algorithms.

So what now?

Consider this, If someone is to build an AI that now take all that info and is asked to predict a story two days from now, how accurate will that prediction be? Honestly it will be wrong most of the time but it only needs to be right once. That is the scary thing...

See Even if this AI gets it wrong 99.99999 of the time it only needs to work once. See quantum computing is spectacularly good at "reading" copious amounts of data and it does so faster then anything on earth. So that ONE TIME the computer gets it 100% right, the info it will spit out, will be literally infallible.

So somewhere someone is surly working on something like this and that person probably has a TON of funding.

Imagine for a moment that there is a digital manuscript that documents our entire future with 100% accuracy, and someone has access to it...

What would be possible?

Well the idea here is if it is asked to write a entire book on "future history" and it gets it right "just once" Someone will know everything about everything. That is as close to "future travel" as what we will get and it is more possible then capturing black-holes and figure out how to use them

Now this is going to keep me up at night...


Temporal Engineer
Most of what we are told and taught is pure bullshit. Is your A.I. going to predict bullshit stories? Will it have the ability to distinguish between fact and bullshit? I can tell you that if you can program it to be smarter than man, it will come right out and tell you that black holes are bullshit. No scientific basis for their existence exists.


Senior Member
A while ago I concluded that time exist as a measurement nothing more.

So what happened?

I figured it is impossible to travel back in time but is it possible to see into the future?

This bugged me a lot because I do believe it is 100% possible and not only is it possible I am 100% sure it is already in use.

See computers are an interesting concept. If you know coding you will know that they work basically the same way. Everything or rather mostly everything has a pattern that is recognizable. That is why we can code websites and add text and sounds. Most of it is rather generic and follow a particular order.

So what of this? Well Consider a algorithm that analyze every news story that is published on the net. It can read any language that is programmed into it and because most languages are actually heavily documented it can do so with fair accuracy.

Now lets say this algorithm is charged to search for key words it can recognize them it will be able to do so. Now a ton of data can be collected. So theoretically you now have a database with a TON of info. an AI can then be used to sort trough everything much like YouTube AI does. It can flag, drop and promote stuff using the algorithms.

So what now?

Consider this, If someone is to build an AI that now take all that info and is asked to predict a story two days from now, how accurate will that prediction be? Honestly it will be wrong most of the time but it only needs to be right once. That is the scary thing...

See Even if this AI gets it wrong 99.99999 of the time it only needs to work once. See quantum computing is spectacularly good at "reading" copious amounts of data and it does so faster then anything on earth. So that ONE TIME the computer gets it 100% right, the info it will spit out, will be literally infallible.

So somewhere someone is surly working on something like this and that person probably has a TON of funding.

Imagine for a moment that there is a digital manuscript that documents our entire future with 100% accuracy, and someone has access to it...

What would be possible?

Well the idea here is if it is asked to write a entire book on "future history" and it gets it right "just once" Someone will know everything about everything. That is as close to "future travel" as what we will get and it is more possible then capturing black-holes and figure out how to use them

Now this is going to keep me up at night...
Quantum computers can compute the inverse solutions of NP hard problems by letting the uncertain quantum state do all guesses at the same time for an inverse function, but physical simulation is a forward problem unsuitable for quantum computers. Optonics is not ready yet and would still need a lot of information that is not available on the internet. The easiest way to see the future is to just reverse the direction of causality.

Daytraders spend all their careers trying to predict the future, but the only thing that happens is a volatile stock market from everyone trying to reverse engineer the other's tools and predict their predictions on pure speculation over nothing of value.


Most of what we are told and taught is pure bullshit. Is your A.I. going to predict bullshit stories? Will it have the ability to distinguish between fact and bullshit? I can tell you that if you can program it to be smarter than man, it will come right out and tell you that black holes are bullshit. No scientific basis for their existence exists.
I can imagine that those that have power will use it. What does that mean? It means that those that have power will know what sources to ignore and what sources to use. So the information should be darn near perfect. I would never assume that those who have power will consider sources that is less then what they need it to be.

It is true that we don't get the full picture and the noise we get isn't nearly the truth. If you think about it, it actually clicks and click hard. Why? Because programming isn't as cryptic as it once was, more people have access to powerful hardware and can create very powerful software. So flooding our info with bad info is a good way to mess with the results.

But at this point I digress.


Quantum computers can compute the inverse solutions of NP hard problems by letting the uncertain quantum state do all guesses at the same time for an inverse function, but physical simulation is a forward problem unsuitable for quantum computers. Optonics is not ready yet and would still need a lot of information that is not available on the internet. The easiest way to see the future is to just reverse the direction of causality.

Daytraders spend all their careers trying to predict the future, but the only thing that happens is a volatile stock market from everyone trying to reverse engineer the other's tools and predict their predictions on pure speculation over nothing of value.
Cause and effect is statistical in nature. I cannot predict what you will do from moment to moment but we are darn good at predicting what a "person" will do all the time. This is how insurance companies dedicate resources. They know how long a "statistical person" will drive their car, drive well and drive badly. On that info they are able to predict how many times you will claim and what you will be willing to pay. It is a imperfect system in our eyes and yet it works really well for them.

Statistically we can even figure out the life of "a person" and calculate how they will use their phones and use that data to create mobile phone insurance, life insurance credit predictions, investment predictions and the list goes on. This is already possible and is being done. It is not a big thing to imagine these companies "some of them with massive funding" to just create systems and start using them to "predict". This is not a new concept at all. What I am suggesting is a more extreme version of this.


Junior Member
correct most of what the deep state school teach you is bs... not all... application of insulin and the insulin hormone provided amazing help for all species but there is this and then there is the abuse... the misuse... the stealing of your money for their projects.. their projects involve control and domination... it is social engineering... it is what possess them... one of the major obsessions is time travel because it is EVERYTHING... they think of it as eternal life... in a way they are right... but they forgot to mark down is that you lose your sanity on the way... but this is why they try to create this human machine hybrid... they want you with NO emotions ... and they succeeded quite well with the young generation... much less emotions involved more of a robotic approach and very much quick pace that is aimed at achieving result without asking questions

horrible future


There was a member who created a computer program to 'see' into the future, I had alook at his code, but I wasn't able to run on my pc, moslty becasue it was written for a linux computer. He claimed that he could see into any timeline, and in any timeframe.
Now I mostly believe in him becasue, data in computer is stored in tiny silicon devices acting as a charged capacitor, now if i fix an electron in this timeline, in all the other the elctron must be or spin in an opposite way. What he did , in my opinion is to look for every possibile combinations of electron in his pc. He searched for files not yet written using checksums and from that cheksum he was able to reconstruct any file.


Active Member
CRC's don't work like that. They are a complex mathematical algorithm that is one way only. If you have a CRC and want to "reverse" it to get the file back, you have to do a brute force attack. That means starting from 0, feeding each byte through the algorithm, and counting up until the CRC matches. A small text file of 1000 characters could be a mathematical number of 256^1000. Limiting the characters to text related only would shrink that quite a bit, but it would still be a huge number. If trying to retrieve a small image, it would take more computational time (dozens of years) than the lifespan of your computer would last.

If the guy really did something time related with his computer, it was something else... maybe connected to external hardware to help out.


Active Member
I don't speak Italian, but I looked the title up elsewhere. There isn't anything magical about a CRC that would indicate it's from the past or future. It's just an excessively long number used as a verification fingerprint.

There was a project to "brute force generate" the first page of every book ever printed or will be printed. In theory, that would give all the pages to every book ever created, just not in order and mixed up with a lot of other randomly generated trash. I've sometimes wondered about how to data mine something like that since anything would be said about anyone and any situation. Maybe if you had each page cryptographically signed by a personal private key that would weed out the trash, but then again, there could still be plenty of trash that passed the signature test since EVERYTHING is generated... so it would still be useless. Also trying to cryptographically verify trillions of pages in the search would take forever. As a little mind bender, this text in my response would also show up in it multiple times, but who knows with what other trash along side it.
