Mathematics The Universal Time Equation


Time Enforcement Commission
The formula which I am about to reveal has unlimited possibilities. So much in fact, that anyone who possesses full knowledge of it, will be able to build a unique device that can be used for physical time travel. So without further ado, the equation is hereby given:


If the formula were to be viewed on a more analytical level, it would probably look something like this:


Note: The phi value, in this case, is 161800.0 or if the decimal point is moved, we could get the figure 1.618. If you will note, this is the same figure which was used, when the Pyramid of Giza in Egypt was built.

Therefore the phi value of 161800.0 equals the tuning principle inside a radionics machine. And the E.L.F. frequency which is 7.8028549Hz c.p.s., is the brain wave frequency that is generated, when the stick reaction is felt on the rubbing plate.
It shall be found, that once the formula has been fully understood, it can be used to evaluate almost anything. For example, this formula states, that practically all your double-terminated crystals vibrate at a rate of 7.8028549Hz c.p.s. However, if we wish to determine the oscillation frequency for a single terminated quartz crystal, then the harmonic of time and the phi value, must then be divided by 2, which in this case will yield 10.368 and 80.900. This is to allow for the lack of one point. But anyhow, when both of these figures are placed in a formula, then the frequency of the crystal can easily be determined.


If converted into numbers we would get:


So as we can see, both your single and double-terminated crystals, vibrate at the same frequency, and henceforth, there is no difference, except where the amplification is concerned. In other words, since a single terminated crystal has for itself, only 10.368 dimensions, then this makes your double-terminated crystal, much more adaptable for physical time travel. However, there are bound to be skeptics.

So basically, since most quartz crystals vibrate at 7.8Hz c.p.s., then whoever decides to touch a crystal, his brain waves will also vibrate at the same frequency. And as I have stated before, this is what makes time travel possible. For if the mind oscillates at the pre-determined frequency, then time travel, teleportation, invisibility, antigravity, and size reduction, can all be achieved.

To make a long story short, there are many dangers involved in the use of crystals. So much in fact, that most people don't even realize it. However, if your actions are following the creator's will, then you have nothing to worry about. But even then it is better to be safe than sorry. Therefore I strongly suggest that a person should say a prayer each time before he uses a crystal because according to the scriptures, satan can take on the angel of light, so much in fact, that you cannot tell the difference between him and the creator. So remember! quartz crystals are not a plaything! And if you abuse them once, you may regret it!

Warning: never buy quartz crystals that are mined in the southern part of the hemisphere. The reason for this is due to the fact, that these crystals are exposed to south polarized energies. To explain, all evil things, work through the south pole region of the earth, and all good things, operate through the north pole. Therefore only buy crystals that are mined in the northern part of the hemisphere.
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Active Member
Warning: never buy quartz crystals that are mined in the southern part of the hemisphere. The reason for this is due to the fact, that these crystals are exposed to south polarized energies. To explain, all things which are evil, work through the south pole region of the earth, and all things which are good, operate through the north pole. Therefore only buy crystals that are mined in the northern part of the hemisphere.
Technically speaking, Earth's magnetic poles are labeled backwards. The North Pole is magnetic south, and the South Pole is magnetic north.


Temporal Engineer
Technically speaking, Earth's magnetic poles are labeled backwards. The North Pole is magnetic south, and the South Pole is magnetic north.

That took me a while to figure out myself. I had to conclude that it was the compass needle that was causing the confusion. The compass needle points towards the north pole of the earth. Same as a bar magnet. But when labelled, the needle or magnet are north seeking. Not themselves north poles. Which implies it is the magnet or needle poles that are reversed. Since opposite poles attract. I could not find any actual knowledge base to clarify this though.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
pyramids was said to have an angle of 92 degrees whys that dose that figure fit into the equation to and if you time travel into the future it be a good idea to know or calculation the rotation and position of the earth in that time period you want to go to or youll end up in outer space, i think this is the video this information ive learnt come from


Active Member
That took me a while to figure out myself. I had to conclude that it was the compass needle that was causing the confusion. The compass needle points towards the north pole of the earth. Same as a bar magnet. But when labelled, the needle or magnet are north seeking. Not themselves north poles. Which implies it is the magnet or needle poles that are reversed. Since opposite poles attract. I could not find any actual knowledge base to clarify this though.
I still find it confusing, but I saw a picture years ago that helped.
Link: North magnetic pole - Wikipedia
And a picture (shown below): File:Geomagnetisme.svg - Wikipedia

So actual magnetic field lines come out of the planet at the south and enter back at the north.



Senior Member
Technically speaking, Earth's magnetic poles are labeled backwards. The North Pole is magnetic south, and the South Pole is magnetic north.
Obviously, if you have to get a Compass fix as to where Magnetic North is, the Compass Needle "must" be a magnetically orientated South needle..,Opposite Poles Attract each other for example, North and South Poles facing each other...The Same Poles Retract each other, for example North and North facing each other.
