There is a presence outside my new home


Senior Member
So i recently bought a house out here in Nevada and it seems to have some sort of entity attached to it, the presence doesn't appear to be in the house but on the property, we have heard knocking, the dogs have reacted to things and there is just a huge sense of unease around half of the property.

Now by half of the property i mean there is literally half of the house that is darker than the rest, even my dogs will hesitate at times to go on that side, and the back of the house also has a huge feeling of something watching you.

I find i typically can pin-point what these things are but i cant tell in this case, it doesn't seem to be a human style entity and it doesn't seem evil, it is just very unsettling.

I know i have had run in's with ET's in the past but i haven't felt them or seen them in a few years now.

The last incident i was in the living room and me and my mom heard clear as a bell 3 knocks one right after the other, this even alerted my dogs, i went outside and there was nothing, now my property is on 2.9 acres but has a 6 foot barb wire fence around it so it being a prank on the new guy in town is highly unlikely as you'd have to jump my fence.

Both my mom and brother can sense it as well, nothing has happened to anyone yet and i don't feel like it will, whatever this thing is just seems to want to be around...

As it is fairly passive i don't really want to antagonize it or start to interact with it as to not give it strength or give it a reason to start being anything but passive, so i haven't attempted any kind of communication with it to see who or what it is.

I am looking for more of a subtle approach to push this thing off so i am seeing if anyone has any suggestions, i know certain rocks or stones can do the trick but i am not familiar with it.

There is also the possibility it could be a attachment onto my Mother or something that has followed me for years as i have a very large history of dealing with the paranormal, maybe the house it's self is protected which is why this entity cant come in? I would like to keep it that way lol


Senior Member
So i did a little research on the property last night and apparently there has been 3 deaths on it, all natural causes due to old age, so i don't think it would be any of them.

One of them was kind of odd because there was very little information on the male who passed.


Active Member
Black tourmaline is probably one of the most power protection crystals, and it couples well with turquoise and amber. It removes the negative very well but its one that needs cleaned fast and often. On the polarised side of things you have selenite, angelite and the more ethereal looking white stones, theres a couple more I just can't remember the names of right now.
Also don't forget the classic salt and sage, theres many ways to use salt for purification purposes.

Old age doesn't necessarily negate a lost soul though. As you may know we go where our level of consciousness is when we go. This is usually easy to predict with certain types of people, religious people tend to create heavens and hells, but athiests and agnostics can easily get stuck wondering what the hell is going on, they can hang around the lower edges of the fourth density, a darker mirror of a copy of earth or they can get stuck replaying loops, also regrets from life can haunt any kind of person.

It may be this male you mention and all he needs is a guide to the light.
I doubt it's ets, if you know their energy types they tend not to be negatives hanging around in the ways you mention, it could be that its some kind of demon that was attached to someone who died there and just stuck around but they tend to attach again to another person the first chance they get so I would rule that out as a high likely hood also.
You could hold a kind of séance and ask as long as you know what you're doing and you don't go into it with fear of it. But I wouldn't recommend it unless you really really know your shit. Otherwise your best way forward is probably finding someone who is skilled in removing undesirables. Be it a medium, qhht practioner or exorcist and that kind of thing.


Senior Member
Black tourmaline is probably one of the most power protection crystals, and it couples well with turquoise and amber. It removes the negative very well but its one that needs cleaned fast and often. On the polarised side of things you have selenite, angelite and the more ethereal looking white stones, theres a couple more I just can't remember the names of right now.
Also don't forget the classic salt and sage, theres many ways to use salt for purification purposes.

Old age doesn't necessarily negate a lost soul though. As you may know we go where our level of consciousness is when we go. This is usually easy to predict with certain types of people, religious people tend to create heavens and hells, but athiests and agnostics can easily get stuck wondering what the hell is going on, they can hang around the lower edges of the fourth density, a darker mirror of a copy of earth or they can get stuck replaying loops, also regrets from life can haunt any kind of person.

It may be this male you mention and all he needs is a guide to the light.
I doubt it's ets, if you know their energy types they tend not to be negatives hanging around in the ways you mention, it could be that its some kind of demon that was attached to someone who died there and just stuck around but they tend to attach again to another person the first chance they get so I would rule that out as a high likely hood also.
You could hold a kind of séance and ask as long as you know what you're doing and you don't go into it with fear of it. But I wouldn't recommend it unless you really really know your shit. Otherwise your best way forward is probably finding someone who is skilled in removing undesirables. Be it a medium, qhht practioner or exorcist and that kind of thing.

I know via their obituaries that all of them except the male were Mormon and had Mormon ceremonies so i happen to know a Bishop of the church and plan on having him come out and do a blessing of the property, hopefully by acknowledging their religious choices it can help anyone lingering on to move on.

With the stones though i would like to place some across the corners and inside but i am not sure where to get authentic ones, i know @Wind7 knows a guy but i am fairly far away these days.

I will most likely sage after the bishop comes out because at that point it will know i know and i will find out if what ever it is wants to get more aggressive or simply just leaves.

I will be setting up my trail cam though as i do get the sensation there is something that walks around at night and i want to see if i can catch it.


I know via their obituaries that all of them except the male were Mormon and had Mormon ceremonies so i happen to know a Bishop of the church and plan on having him come out and do a blessing of the property, hopefully by acknowledging their religious choices it can help anyone lingering on to move on.

With the stones though i would like to place some across the corners and inside but i am not sure where to get authentic ones, i know @Wind7 knows a guy but i am fairly far away these days.

I will most likely sage after the bishop comes out because at that point it will know i know and i will find out if what ever it is wants to get more aggressive or simply just leaves.

I will be setting up my trail cam though as i do get the sensation there is something that walks around at night and i want to see if i can catch it.

I would recommend using the Sage throughout the home starting from the ground up.
Then, drop salt in all 4 outer-most corners of each level moving clock-wise.
(for example, starting with the furthest Northern / North-Eastern point and to each corner
dropping a bit more at your starting point to seal your home.)

Make sure you use the sage well before you start dropping salt.....Use your instincts as, they will
give you the best information. Leave this salt in place and untouched for no less than 9 days.

Do you still have the stones I gave you? (Black Tourmaline and Hematite)

I have a feeling that this spirit is just curious about these 'New people whom have moved into it's awareness'.
Is this area close to the Desert? Deserted and loneliness is the feeling I get from whatever this is.

Like a "Who are you??" kind of thing going on.


Active Member
I know via their obituaries that all of them except the male were Mormon and had Mormon ceremonies so i happen to know a Bishop of the church and plan on having him come out and do a blessing of the property, hopefully by acknowledging their religious choices it can help anyone lingering on to move on.

With the stones though i would like to place some across the corners and inside but i am not sure where to get authentic ones, i know @Wind7 knows a guy but i am fairly far away these days.

I will most likely sage after the bishop comes out because at that point it will know i know and i will find out if what ever it is wants to get more aggressive or simply just leaves.

I will be setting up my trail cam though as i do get the sensation there is something that walks around at night and i want to see if i can catch it.
Amber is the only one I am aware of thats being sold as fakes anywhere, selenite, black tourmaline, and angelite and turquoise are easy to find and identify. With amber you can usually tell by the sound of it, if not, touching a red hot piece of metal to it, if it smells like pine its real and you'll know if its plastic by how much it stinks. Turquoise is fairly valuable so it may have moved on to the fake arena. It isn't one I buy often though.


Senior Member
I would recommend using the Sage throughout the home starting from the ground up.
Then, drop salt in all 4 outer-most corners of each level moving clock-wise.
(for example, starting with the furthest Northern / North-Eastern point and to each corner
dropping a bit more at your starting point to seal your home.)

Make sure you use the sage well before you start dropping salt.....Use your instincts as, they will
give you the best information. Leave this salt in place and untouched for no less than 9 days.

Do you still have the stones I gave you? (Black Tourmaline and Hematite)

I have a feeling that this spirit is just curious about these 'New people whom have moved into it's awareness'.
Is this area close to the Desert? Deserted and loneliness is the feeling I get from whatever this is.

Like a "Who are you??" kind of thing going on.

Ya i keep your stones you gave me next to my bed, unless i am recharging them.

So yes, my town is rural, so i live fairly close to open BLM land, if you go just a block away from my house it is wide open desert for hundreds of miles.

How should i approach this spirit? And do you have any idea what it is? Human? Native?

ooooooooooooooooooo i almost forgot one thing i did notice and a good reason i bought the property was when i was out looking around the second time i had noticed a small little whirlwind moving around the property, i was the only one who noticed them when we were looking around, every time i tried to point them out they'd stop, and this was a completely clear day.
I want to say i heard them called Desert Spirits and i thought they were considered good luck, but i haven't been able to find much info on them, i want to say they were fays or something along those lines.
