There is a presence outside my new home


I've had time to sit down and meditate a bit on this whole scenario

Ya i keep your stones you gave me next to my bed, unless i am recharging them.
Good! See, you already have the stones you need, right there.
Brilliant protection and grounding when combined.
I have several Master grids set up here @ home that are still connected to those stones.

I can feel things out much better this way.
So yes, my town is rural, so i live fairly close to open BLM land, if you go just a block away from my house it is wide open desert for hundreds of miles.
Thanks for the validation....Wide open and ancient spaces have always given me a feeling of 'Home'
and that's what this spirit is, like you're sharing it's home, not vice versa.
But don't worry....This might just be a good thing!
How should i approach this spirit? And do you have any idea what it is? Human? Native?
You don't. Don't even address it or let it know you feel it. I feel this is not a lower level....But very Native and wise.
Maybe was once human....Has long forgotten what even time is. It's probably trying to figure you all out
because you're not who was once there before and before.

I really would just step back and see what happens for now.
It's just a bit of trepidation or fear of the unknown, I think, on both ends here.
Meaning...It's every bit as cautious with you as you are with it.

It's not Chindi. Chindi - Wikipedia

ooooooooooooooooooo i almost forgot one thing i did notice and a good reason i bought the property was when i was out looking around the second time i had noticed a small little whirlwind moving around the property, i was the only one who noticed them when we were looking around, every time i tried to point them out they'd stop, and this was a completely clear day.
I want to say i heard them called Desert Spirits and i thought they were considered good luck, but i haven't been able to find much info on them, i want to say they were fays or something along those lines.

There are nearly as many types of Spirit in that particular Desert as there are grains of, it seems at times.
I've been intrigued by the desert most my life just because of that aspect of it.

Could be exactly what you felt it to be and chances are, you just answered your own question. :)

I want to venture a guess in saying, you're going to have a wildly different but, also a relaxed life there.
The overwhelming feel of strength I get is coming from the open land around you,
it's an attractant for the spiritual....Time to start brushing up, Blast. (y)

You might have a friend there, a rather powerful one.


Does it mater if the stones are raw or polished?
No...Not really although I prefer polished, it Depends on the state of the polished stone afterwards...You nearly 99% of the time have to thoroughly cleanse a polished stone of all vibration caused by those whom polished it.
A nice, 12-24 hour bath in natural sourced water and moonlight (or sun depending on what works for you)
will solve this nicely.
Does raw minerals have more of a effect?
Depends on their use.
Raw contains hints of the foundation they were removed from....That can actually be worse for some as,
they can hold memories of whatever used to be around them. They can hold attachments. Nuff said.
I may head into Sedona and get a few things when i can get some extra time and money.



Senior Member
I've had time to sit down and meditate a bit on this whole scenario

Good! See, you already have the stones you need, right there.
Brilliant protection and grounding when combined.
I have several Master grids set up here @ home that are still connected to those stones.

I can feel things out much better this way.

Thanks for the validation....Wide open and ancient spaces have always given me a feeling of 'Home'
and that's what this spirit is, like you're sharing it's home, not vice versa.
But don't worry....This might just be a good thing!

You don't. Don't even address it or let it know you feel it. I feel this is not a lower level....But very Native and wise.
Maybe was once human....Has long forgotten what even time is. It's probably trying to figure you all out
because you're not who was once there before and before.

I really would just step back and see what happens for now.
It's just a bit of trepidation or fear of the unknown, I think, on both ends here.
Meaning...It's every bit as cautious with you as you are with it.

It's not Chindi. Chindi - Wikipedia

There are nearly as many types of Spirit in that particular Desert as there are grains of, it seems at times.
I've been intrigued by the desert most my life just because of that aspect of it.

Could be exactly what you felt it to be and chances are, you just answered your own question. :)

I want to venture a guess in saying, you're going to have a wildly different but, also a relaxed life there.
The overwhelming feel of strength I get is coming from the open land around you,
it's an attractant for the spiritual....Time to start brushing up, Blast. (y)

You might have a friend there, a rather powerful one.

you are always a fountain of wisdom Wind! Thank you for all the insight! I had a distinct feeling to leave it alone, i felt like so long as i didn't push or do anything neither would it.

Could you elaborate on -
"I want to venture a guess in saying, you're going to have a wildly different but, also a relaxed life there.
The overwhelming feel of strength I get is coming from the open land around you,
it's an attractant for the spiritual....Time to start brushing up, Blast. (y)

You might have a friend there, a rather powerful one."
^ This tickles my brain and i want to learn more lol


Senior Member
Would you recommend sage and salt still then? Do you think i could possibly appease with maybe tobaccos?

I need to recharge the stones you gave me, so once i get them fully charged would you be willing to do a session again?

This entity has me intrigued albeit a bit uneasy, as i could feel it wasn't normal but also nothing that i have encountered before, not to my knowledge at least.

I am trying to stay away from too much spirituality, bright auras means they come back, and i have enjoyed some peace without them, so i do not know if i am ready for them to come back.


you are always a fountain of wisdom Wind! Thank you for all the insight! I had a distinct feeling to leave it alone, i felt like so long as i didn't push or do anything neither would it.

Could you elaborate on -
"I want to venture a guess in saying, you're going to have a wildly different but, also a relaxed life there.
This, I was referring to the many, varied spiritual encounters you might be living with
leading to a more relaxed life than you might anticipate.
The overwhelming feel of strength I get is coming from the open land around you,

it's an attractant for the spiritual....Time to start brushing up, Blast. (y)
You have far more than just A spirit there.....Dude, there's literally many so, you're going to need to probably
keep in touch with that reality.
It's all good.

I know loads of people who would run away from that sort of thing
but, you're much more experienced than most,....I think it's going to be good. :)
You might have a friend there, a rather powerful one."
^ This tickles my brain and i want to learn more lol
Buy yourself a Tiger-Iron orb and take your own, sweet time sitting in a well protected home. ;)


Jasper, Hematite and Tiger Eye, mostly.
I have 2, one is baseball sized the other, pocket sized which I can comfortably hold when out and about.
These are highly volatile, awakening and meditative for the holder. Cleanse these well before utilizing.
I would recommend clear water and a time when there will be at least 24 hours of clear night/day so
it will get the 'Treatment' of both moon/sun/moon you'll need to put it near a window...Not outside.

Opening yourself while behind a barrier, (Your New House after blessings, sage and salting),
will come with having curiosities alone.
I think you might be in for a bit of a ride if you're not used to it, Imho.

At first you might feel something dark then, something nice could come along.
It's all in the patience you use to not jump at everything you feel as something bad
after having that sort of experience.
But, I feel you already know that. (y)

I think I would like to move there when/if I ever retire.
What you have described of your rural environment sounds intriguing to me.


(Australia is calling too.) ;)


Would you recommend sage and salt still then? Do you think i could possibly appease with maybe tobaccos?
Yes!! By all means cover your back and protect house and home 1st.
Then...Afterwards, do what your heart tells you to do....Never rush into this, they are much more patient than you think.
I need to recharge the stones you gave me, so once i get them fully charged would you be willing to do a session again?
In time. Absorb what's been said....It's just educated opinion on my part, after all.
This entity has me intrigued albeit a bit uneasy, as i could feel it wasn't normal but also nothing that i have encountered before, not to my knowledge at least.
Don't obsess on it. I have encountered these before. PM me on this. We could even talk over the phone.
It really isn't anything to worry about.
I am trying to stay away from too much spirituality, bright auras means they come back,
Not necessarily. You control the self....Control the domain by keeping the peace.

And after a salting...The lower level will not be able to even see you, period,
much less hear you. Discipline, while outside is the key. Control fear by knowing the trigger.
and i have enjoyed some peace without them, so i do not know if i am ready for them to come back.

There's nothing from the past coming back.
This is all new for you, man.

Maybe you should offer the Strong One a plate of food and a bit of tobacco after all.
Hmmmm......Imo, you might have a really good friend that doesn't tolerate bullies.

It's your call.


Active Member
Yes!! By all means cover your back and protect house and home 1st.
Then...Afterwards, do what your heart tells you to do....Never rush into this, they are much more patient than you think.

In time. Absorb what's been said....It's just educated opinion on my part, after all.

Don't obsess on it. I have encountered these before. PM me on this. We could even talk over the phone.
It really isn't anything to worry about.

Not necessarily. You control the self....Control the domain by keeping the peace.

And after a salting...The lower level will not be able to even see you, period,
much less hear you. Discipline, while outside is the key. Control fear by knowing the trigger.

There's nothing from the past coming back.
This is all new for you, man.

Maybe you should offer the Strong One a plate of food and a bit of tobacco after all.
Hmmmm......Imo, you might have a really good friend that doesn't tolerate bullies.

It's your call.
Sorry wind7 I just blow the dust it that I need so wind7 to blow it away I need wind like I need one......just kidding


Senior Member
I think I would like to move there when/if I ever retire.
What you have described of your rural environment sounds intriguing to me.

The area is beautiful it is roughly 50 mins from Las Vegas but it is in a valley, so it is very fertile compared to the surrounding area, for example we are actually getting grass lol but the area is full of fruit tree's and farms, when you drive in the first thing you see is the backdrop of Virgin Mountains and the Virgin mountain range, followed by the large water reservoir, to your right is the Valley of Fire state park where you have the Indian pictographs, if you go towards the Virgin Mountains you first have to go over the Mormon Mesa which is a very tall large long flattened hill.

I love the area, it reminds me of a oasis in the desert.

Plus ya know, no more snow lol and no more bugs.

I was definitely drawn to the area.


Senior Member
One last question, as i didn't really feel the entity saturday but last night it made all of us really uneasy.

I have never saged before nor am i familiar with any blessings, are you suppose to do a blessing while you sage? Or can you just sage in quiet lol


Active Member
One last question, as i didn't really feel the entity saturday but last night it made all of us really uneasy.

I have never saged before nor am i familiar with any blessings, are you suppose to do a blessing while you sage? Or can you just sage in quiet lol
Look up some basic entity removing and purification videos, different people do things differently, voodoo priests don't do it the same way witches do. You don't need to speak, thinking the thoughts are enough, but thinking or saying something is usually recommended over just doing it without any intention or effort behind it. Find something that sounds good to you and do it your way.
