Thoughts on what Bigfoot really is?


Senior Member
Always viewed him as an undiscovered ape. Never saw one but my family did---he was bathing in our pond.

They described him as a giant ape.

Is he? Or is he an experiment or an ancient human or an alien?


New Member
I dont think he is an experiment.
I dont know how much true in my thoughts. In olden days i tend to hear people live to long like even 300 to 400years and im still listening they're people in himalayas with age 200yrs. and even too tall like 8 r 9 too...

Probably this Bigfoot also one of a kind old stuck in himalayas from very long.


New Member
I'm reading Hunt for the Skinwalker-Kelleher & Knapp. They have very interesting thoughts on Sasquatch, basically that due to the amount of first hand witnesses of Sasquatch occurring along with other paranormal and UFO phenomena, they are probably physical beings part time and part paranormal or inter dimensional. Their interviews with several N. American tribes support this view, it's been their view for a very long time before white colonies. I think it must be true due to how little evidence people have been able to find.


Senior Member
I'm reading Hunt for the Skinwalker-Kelleher & Knapp. They have very interesting thoughts on Sasquatch, basically that due to the amount of first hand witnesses of Sasquatch occurring along with other paranormal and UFO phenomena, they are probably physical beings part time and part paranormal or inter dimensional. Their interviews with several N. American tribes support this view, it's been their view for a very long time before white colonies. I think it must be true due to how little evidence people have been able to find.

Same. I used to think he wasn't too exciting just an undiscovered kind of ape creature but no, he seems
to be spiritual or extraterrestrial.


Senior Member
I'm reading Hunt for the Skinwalker-Kelleher & Knapp. They have very interesting thoughts on Sasquatch, basically that due to the amount of first hand witnesses of Sasquatch occurring along with other paranormal and UFO phenomena, they are probably physical beings part time and part paranormal or inter dimensional. Their interviews with several N. American tribes support this view, it's been their view for a very long time before white colonies. I think it must be true due to how little evidence people have been able to find.
Skin walker Ranch is a category all of its own.


Active Member
Like some faeries he's an alien type, they can change their frequency so as to vanish from 3d back into their native 5d frequency. They are very advanced, fully telepathic, incredibly intelligent, but they don't tolerate violent mindsets lightly and if you come after them with guns as many have noted you gonna end up reincarnating sooner than you thought. Approach them with a high vibration and they can become quite friendly.
