Time Machines left by a time traveler


Time Enforcement Commission
Thanks to: FastWalker2© for the information.

Sometime in December 1998, a man left a folder of documents at the Adventures Unlimited Bookstore and Cafe at 221 Symonds Street, Aukland, New Zealand. The Folder was closed at the ends manila type with the words Time Travel Mechanical Services, LTD printed across the front.

The man, described as wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt and having his black hair tied in a ponytail, set down the folder and then walked out of the store. On leaving, he called out "with compliments from the future". He Never Returned. The New Zealand Office did its best to trace the existence of the company but could find no listing with the New Zealand government (at least in 1998). After Examining the documents, they forwarded the originals to the Kempton offices of Adventures Unlimited by special courier. The contents, a slim file of documents, described what were the plans for a "Polyphase Warp Harmonic Field Array" (a time travel device), widely used in the 23rd century, on a continent known as "Pacífica."

Morrell Chambers the 3rd turned the folder over to the nearby Stellar Research Institute where the senior physicist, Winston Whitaker, examined the documents. Whitaker took careful notes on all the diagrams and flew Via India and Nepal to Tibet; he hasn't been heard from since. However, certain documents, including the original papers left in Auckland, were still on file in Illinois. This editor was left to work with the original documents and certain notes discovered in a trash can in the Stellar Research Institute's laboratory. Whitaker's experimental geodesic dome suffered a mysterious explosion shortly after he departed for Tibet.

zerotime.jpg wdrive.jpg poly.jpg
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Senior Member
I found the the Zero Time Generator interesting, although it doesnt show any of its interior workings..
Preston Nichols in his DVD The Montauk Tour shows an actual Zero Time Generator and explains its workings, which is different to the authors ZTG..I wish there was more info on his other two pictures too..


New Member
maybe this
Taken from the T.E.C. website archive.

Thanks to: FastWalker2© for the information.

Sometime in December 1998, a man left a folder of documents at the Adventures Unlimited Bookstore and Cafe at 221 Symonds Street, Aukland, New Zealand.The Folder was the closed at the ends manila type with the words Time Travel Mechanical Services, LTD printed across the front.

The man, described as wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt and having his black hair tied in a ponytail, set down the folder and then walked out of the store. On leaving, he called out "with compliments from the future". He Never Returned. The New Zealand Office did its best to trace the existence of the company, but could find no listing with the New Zealand government (at least in 1998). After Examining the documents, they forwarded the originals to Kempton offices of Adventures Unlimited by special courier. The contents, a slim file of documents, described what were the plans for a "Polyphase Warp Harmonic Field Array" (a time travel device), widely used in the 23rd century, on a continent known as "Pacífica."

Morrell Chambers the 3rd turned the folder over to the nearby Stellar Research Institute where the senior physicist, Winston Whitaker, examined the documents. Whitaker took careful notes on all the diagrams and flew Via India and Nepal to Tibet; he hasn't been heard from since. However, certain documents, including the original papers left in AuckLand, were still on file in Illinois. This editor was left to work with the original documents and certain notes discovered in a trash can in the Stellar Research Institute's laboratory. Whitaker's experimental geodesic dome suffered a mysterious explosion shortly after his departure for Tibet.

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This photos might need a little more substantiation in order for us to try and replicate the machines. Is there anyone with IGV plans besides these hyperdymensional machines?


Senior Member
I searched a bit the other day but could find no other relating information to the incident or the company like whats been mentioned.

Was there any other sites that had this on back in 98?


Temporal Engineer
maybe this

This photos might need a little more substantiation in order for us to try and replicate the machines. Is there anyone with IGV plans besides these hyperdymensional machines?

We have a member that built the Zero Time Generator as pictured. His name is Treversal. I haven't seen him in a while though. I do know those pictures were in a book I had a while back. It might have been about building time machines. I don't remember the exact name of the book.


We have a member that built the Zero Time Generator as pictured. His name is Treversal. I haven't seen him in a while though. I do know those pictures were in a book I had a while back. It might have been about building time machines. I don't remember the exact name of the book.

It's in David Hatcher Childress time travel handbook, an interesting compilation of data.


Pictures are one thing. What is the science behind these? What are they actually doing?
Somehow, you have to have the technology to make it run smoothly. As such, we’re not there yet. I have experimented with crystalline technology and a battery blew out when I used the quartz crystal for the flux capacitor machine.

Perhaps China is interested in fusion technology. Maybe by then, fusions would be a common thing by 2040

Doc 05

Active Member
This information was not on the timeline I just left;
"Pacifica", nice entrance to another rabbit-hole.

(like I don't have enough rabbit-holes to venture down)

Doc 05

Active Member
OK, got it.

Why did Bezos make a bunker on Hawaii?

When the magnetic poles shift
the continent of Mu reemerges;
the "Pacifica" mentioned.

King Bezos of Pacifica
