Weird Stuff from the Deep South


Junior Member
This happened to me about ten years ago - actually, a little more than that maybe. I was in the Deep South visiting a friend. She lived in the middle of nowhere, and I mean that in the literal sense. Her town had about 1,200 residents and was nestled in the forest. If you wanted to get to a town that had more than 2,000 people in it, you had to drive for about an hour across a narrow road that turned and twisted up the side of the mountain. It was pretty nerve wracking to even get there, especially because the road conspicuously lacked guard rails of any kind. From what I understood, it was the only way in and out.

Anyway, she lived in a small house on top of a hill near the outskirts of the town. She believed the house to be haunted, so we did some EVP recordings one night. Some of the EVPs were interesting, some weren't, but anyone who has done EVP recordings know that it can be very subjective. You often get background sounds that maybe, kind of, sound like a person speaking. I might put this more in the "it's fun and interesting to do, but not conclusive" category. But something unmistakable did happen eventually that I really can't explain.

It's important to remember that this house was pretty isolated. There were no pedestrians outside. The nearest house would have been a walk. With that in mind, you can imagine that we were both very surprised when we turned off the recorder and heard a very LOUD garbled voice coming from the upper right corner of the room. (There was no second floor.) It sounded like something was speaking to us in a loud voice (not shouting, just loud) but it was hard to tell what it was saying. It could be best described as "babble." Just start babbling some vague word-sounds out of your mouth and that's what it sounded like. It probably lasted for about three to five seconds or so. It wasn't recorded because we had stopped recording at that point.

We both definitely heard it because we started freaking out the moment that it started. Anyway, when we eventually went to bed, for some inexplicable reason her laptop started to play back the EVPs we recorded earlier that night. This was odd because we hadn't listened to them for hours at that point, but I guess it's less weird than the voice.


I had a similar event some 14-15 years ago now.
I had events happening daily in my home and it was fairly well known about with my closest friends.

I was talking to one of my friends over the phone one particular night and just as he told me
he never had anything such as a paranormal event ever in his life and that he was trying to keep an open mind
when out of nowhere came a loud, low voice which screamed out something exactly as you described.

It was over the phone and it was not your typical lost cell signal static....This was a voice.

I will never forget what my friend immediately said to me, "THAT........Wasn't...Human!!"

I have learned through the years that spirit beings in general are much more accelerated than us,
and at times when they speak, it's so fast that it seems garbled.

Makes me wonder what was said.


Senior Member
Back in my old house we would always hear our names being called, even if the person wasn't home. My mom would tell me all the time she'd hear me or my brother call for her from random rooms.

I would hear it as well, i would be in the basement and i would hear JAKE JAKE JAKE, and i would finally go upstairs and be like what do you want!! and everyone would be sitting there watching TV like uh we didn't say anything.

That old house was easily the most haunted place i have ever been, everyone that went there had something happen to them.


I never knew this, BT.

Back in my old house we would always hear our names being called, even if the person wasn't home. My mom would tell me all the time she'd hear me or my brother call for her from random rooms.

I would hear it as well, i would be in the basement and i would hear JAKE JAKE JAKE, and i would finally go upstairs and be like what do you want!! and everyone would be sitting there watching TV like uh we didn't say anything.

That old house was easily the most haunted place i have ever been, everyone that went there had something happen to them.

Reading this, ^^^ I wonder if our homes were in the exact same dimensional aspect,
yet at very different timelines. đź‘€

If you had also mentioned hearing the footsteps of something very weighty creaking the floorboards overhead
while you were in the basement....But, you lived alone!


Hearing old 30's music and voices echoing like an old-style party
coming from somewhere close, whenever you took a shower.

If you had mentioned those...Our homes would've been a real Yin/Yang.


Senior Member
I never knew this, BT.

Reading this, ^^^ I wonder if our homes were in the exact same dimensional aspect,
yet at very different timelines. đź‘€

If you had also mentioned hearing the footsteps of something very weighty creaking the floorboards overhead
while you were in the basement....But, you lived alone!


Hearing old 30's music and voices echoing like an old-style party
coming from somewhere close, whenever you took a shower.

If you had mentioned those...Our homes would've been a real Yin/Yang.

I promise to not Hi-jack this thread lol

It was common to hear something run down the stairs to the attic and basement, i use to keep my door shut because i was always afraid i would actually see it, but all my friends and everyone who lived there heard the running down stairs.

The one time i remember the best i was sitting down stairs late at night playing League of Legends and i heard something just come steam rolling down the stairs i freaked out and turned around just to see my door handle start moving and jiggling and then just stop, i called my mom and her boyfriend freaking out and they came down and there was nothing around.

Dude i got tons of stories from that place, seeing full body apparitions, glowing red eyes in the closet, no music though that i can recall.
That house terrified a lot of people.
