who has seen the shadow people ?.


I have astral projection alot before but my brain is chemical imbalance so I guess I don't have a cure for it but it was awesome and that I saw a one eye creature It hover it so that was my experience
I will explain this for you. Right the mind has the ability to fill in the blanks. It is why some times a stick looks like a bug or something in that nature. What your brain is doing in this projected state is, it is seeing something. Now it is trying to figure out, is it an eye, is it a hole, it arm or leg or something like that. It will first draw on what it knows. Insects are the most common because they are by far the more "stranger" living things so we as humans tend miss identify but this can be corrected instantly by taking a second look.

Problem with projection is, everything happens within the mind. So there is no secondary source of information, only what the brain has stored. So you will see a creature that may look like something you saw in a movie for example. It is not exactly the same but it is almost the same. So your brain use that info to start constructing a picture. Why the distortion? Well your brain knows what light is knows where it is suppose to be "give or take" and is why artists can create such beautiful illusions. However while we project lights work on an altered wave length because your brain is in an altered state. It cannot process like it normally would. So what you are getting is an altered projection.

You did saw something and when you see it again it will become more clear. Each time details that you didn't notice the previous time will be highlighted.

This is where the danger comes in. Remember you are pushing your brain into an altered state. Anything done enough times will leave behind something. This is what I now see as "Brain damage". Why damage? because it is not functioning like it use to function before. I know this is an unfair way of putting it but I lack the vocabulary to put it in different words. The point is, you will smell things you never noticed, see things you never noticed and slowly as your brain is trying to figure stuff out, path ways will change the way you think will change kind of like someone that did drugs. They will tell you how easily their thinking changed.

This makes this type of thing very dangerous and even addictive. It is why people will spend countless hours doing this to get to the same stage they got to the first time. It is why they spend hours and hours at it.

But truthfully, I am no scientist, I have not studied the brain, I am no doctor. I am just someone that did stupid stuff, got burned and is now trying to warn other people to not play with this type of fire. Take my warning for what it is worth, or just dismiss me outright. The truth has a way to make itself known regardless. It is just prevention is better then regret.


Active Member
I will explain this for you. Right the mind has the ability to fill in the blanks. It is why some times a stick looks like a bug or something in that nature. What your brain is doing in this projected state is, it is seeing something. Now it is trying to figure out, is it an eye, is it a hole, it arm or leg or something like that. It will first draw on what it knows. Insects are the most common because they are by far the more "stranger" living things so we as humans tend miss identify but this can be corrected instantly by taking a second look.

Problem with projection is, everything happens within the mind. So there is no secondary source of information, only what the brain has stored. So you will see a creature that may look like something you saw in a movie for example. It is not exactly the same but it is almost the same. So your brain use that info to start constructing a picture. Why the distortion? Well your brain knows what light is knows where it is suppose to be "give or take" and is why artists can create such beautiful illusions. However while we project lights work on an altered wave length because your brain is in an altered state. It cannot process like it normally would. So what you are getting is an altered projection.

You did saw something and when you see it again it will become more clear. Each time details that you didn't notice the previous time will be highlighted.

This is where the danger comes in. Remember you are pushing your brain into an altered state. Anything done enough times will leave behind something. This is what I now see as "Brain damage". Why damage? because it is not functioning like it use to function before. I know this is an unfair way of putting it but I lack the vocabulary to put it in different words. The point is, you will smell things you never noticed, see things you never noticed and slowly as your brain is trying to figure stuff out, path ways will change the way you think will change kind of like someone that did drugs. They will tell you how easily their thinking changed.

This makes this type of thing very dangerous and even addictive. It is why people will spend countless hours doing this to get to the same stage they got to the first time. It is why they spend hours and hours at it.

But truthfully, I am no scientist, I have not studied the brain, I am no doctor. I am just someone that did stupid stuff, got burned and is now trying to warn other people to not play with this type of fire. Take my warning for what it is worth, or just dismiss me outright. The truth has a way to make itself known regardless. It is just prevention is better then regret.
What about mediation and the light and sound machine?


New Member
Hi label I just wonder if this is connect to astral projection or seeing spirit so write back
I accidentally hit the reply to you and I'm sorry but I want to share my experience with the shadow people. It was a couple months after I left i came home and I moved back in with my mother and i was sleeping and this nightmare felt so real. I was grabbed by a dark figure and dragged out of my room and out the back door passed my mother who was sleeping in the living room while she was watching TV, the last thing I remember is being dragged down the stairs that led to the parking lot (it was a condo where the back door in the living room led out to the parking lot) and then I awoke in a cold sweat and it was an awful experience.
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Pardon my bad memory. I hope I didn't post this somewhere already. When I was a teenager, my boyfriend and his friend were freaked out because they saw a shadow of a man with a hat and they blamed me. LOL. Sure, they could have been full of crap, but you know when teenage boys are lying. They were serious. I'm not sure why they related it to me, though. Maybe they were trying to scare me, but it didn't work. I just remember getting the impression that they truly saw it.



I have only ever spoken to one person whom has seen the spirit known as The Hat Man.

All I can really say is that,
they were truly terrified to recount the sighting for me at the time.

There has to be something to this, something beyond just mere imagination, dreams or pareidolia.


Senior Member
Had a classmate with schizophrenia who saw tiny people plotting mean things against him. He eventually believed that they were not real.

Knew a lady named Alice from England who said she went inside a looking glass and found another
world unlike anything in our own on the other end.


I accidentally hit the reply to you and I'm sorry but I want to share my experience with the shadow people. It was a couple months after I left i came home and I moved back in with my mother and i was sleeping and this nightmare felt so real. I was grabbed by a dark figure and dragged out of my room and out the back door passed my mother who was sleeping in the living room while she was watching TV, the last thing I remember is being dragged down the stairs that led to the parking lot (it was a condo where the back door in the living room led out to the parking lot) and then I awoke in a cold sweat and it was an awful experience.

It sounds to me like a (something) didn't want you near your mother and
you ruined it's intent by returning.

Bad spirits will protect their 'food'.
