Schematic Zeirbah's Hyper Dimensional Resonator


Senior Member
I forgot to list the 120vac lamp for the HDR schematic, which is the witness light. It now includes all of the parts needed (except for the project box).

View attachment 16235
The expanded use Bajak is, One slightly used, or out of date cell phone. Next find someone who can reprogram the cell so it will only take the apps as your controls. Change the crystals from the cell towards, but do not at this time add a crystal.

Then, through this block of spacetime antenna should be no bigger than a common credit card, or other plastic card. Since your'e going through time space, you will need both feedback and a predictor to what your'e zeroing out to.

This might be either one card with your antenna printed layout on it, or two put together, like the plus sign. Again, a Bajak will send you or the intended load, but the send relay does not remember as the HRD does.

I feel that either ETs or a hidden part of government gave Steven Gibbs the plans for the HRD.

*The concept of super loading this time space correspondence with energy, is that the energy will overcome the scalier spacetime holding quotient. The jump itself demands energy.

In ET encounters, many ETs glow before disappearing, so they must be super loading to go somewhere else?


Active Member
In summer go to a large field. You will observe midges above the vortexes in a swarm. If you also know how to handle a dowsing rod and a pendulum, you can locate them this way also.
I also heard that there a vortex in home and I saw a you tube video about dowsing a spirit vortex so hmmm
