Recent content by Chronocular

  1. Chronocular

    Keto/Atkins/Low Carb

    Fat is mostly what makes you fat. Just on a Keto diet you're using ketosis to use fat as a primary energy source, so you're body uses it instead of storing it.
  2. Chronocular


    It's kind of hard to worry about something when you don't have a functioning brain and nervous system.
  3. Chronocular

    Panic Attacks and Halucinogenics

    I actually had to cut out all alcohol and stimulants as they became triggers for my panic attacks. I do actually meditate frequently, at least sort of. I use meditation to reach a state of (WILD) Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming. I probably should have been a bit more specific. I actually was thing...
  4. Chronocular


    That reminds me of an awesome existential crisis inducing animation.
  5. Chronocular

    Australia will kill millions of cats

    Engineer a retrovirus that makes the cats immune to the poison! Then train them how to use rocket launchers.
  6. Chronocular

    Panic Attacks and Halucinogenics

    I find myself drawn to the mind altering experiences of hallucinogenics. It's like I crave the experience of exploring my mind in the altered state. Yet at the same time, I suffer from severe panic attacks. I fear that attempting such an experience might result in irreparable psychological...
  7. Chronocular

    Earth's atmosphere

    Wouldn't a physical barrier wreck the rocket? It just stopped moving.
  8. Chronocular

    who here has seen a ufo with their own eyes

    I've seen several. Although I do live on the 37th parallel. :P
  9. Chronocular

    What was God doing before creation?

    I had to edit my response as I had found it was violating the rules.
  10. Chronocular

    Is there any kind of technology that can assist with astral travel?

    Keep your astral body awake while simultaneously waking your physical body. Then just switch back and forth whenever you please.
  11. Chronocular

    Stilling the Mind_ POLL

    It takes me about 10 to 15 minutes. I've been practicing this for years off and on. I'll start by dislodging incoming thoughts until I can quiet my mind. I'm not successful every time though. How is everyone doing this in a matter of moments?! Y'all are masters or something.
  12. Chronocular

    The Scrutinous Time Nerd

    Thank you for the welcome! I'm excited to interact in this forum, and already have started a little.
  13. Chronocular


    I don't mind dying. I'd just like to establish a means of resurrecting myself over and over. It's the nonexistence that I wish to not participate in.
  14. Chronocular

    Keto/Atkins/Low Carb

    There isn't any long term studies on the effect of being in ketosis for long periods of time. There is however many studies that demonstrate that foods typically popular in the Keto diet are harmful in many ways. Mostly from animal products, but also oils derived from plants. Losing weight also...
  15. Chronocular

    I think I time travelled and need some help.

    I'm interested in this process, but have two concerns... If you push your consciousness back to a previous self, then you're in theory annihilating by overwriting that you in the past, and abandoning you from the present. It's potentially terminating two of you for the luxury of propelling your...
