Panic Attacks and Halucinogenics


New Member
I find myself drawn to the mind altering experiences of hallucinogenics. It's like I crave the experience of exploring my mind in the altered state. Yet at the same time, I suffer from severe panic attacks. I fear that attempting such an experience might result in irreparable psychological damage from the drugs interacting badly with my mental disorder. Hell, even my friends who dabble in them have advised me to stay way away from the stuff. What are all of your thoughts? Am I being over paranoid? Or is there a legitimate concern to be had here?


Senior Member
You probably should not be taking such things if you have such a mental illness.


The fact you're asking these questions pretty much answers them. You should be very careful.


Temporal Engineer
Drugs, alcohol, PTSD all are linked to panic attacks. Why not try meditation. It is a sure tried and true path towards altered mental states of mind.


Senior Member
I had my flirtation with hallucinogenics in the 70's. Well, into the 80's as well.
LSD is a 12 hour panic attack for people that don't get panic attacks.
It's not really worth it anyway because you spend the next six hours coming down and then you crash for a day.
Meh. Rather go fishing.



Senior Member
Learn mathematics. Learn coding. Get into something deep. Don't waste your time and life on that stuff. You can spend like sixty bucks on a python course and then something in deep learning and spend the next few years building systems to find information in complex data in the public domain. You can spend your time learning to play the cello or in men's gymnastics.

Drugs are a waste of time.

alpha centauri

Active Member
Drugs, alcohol, PTSD all are linked to panic attacks. Why not try meditation. It is a sure tried and true path towards altered mental states of mind.

I also want to add caffeine. This energy drinks should not be drunken too much, too. I also had panic attacks from
that (If you take too much). You can balance it with meditation e.g. compassionate or compassion meditation but the more you take the more difficult it is.

I find myself drawn to the mind altering experiences of hallucinogenics. It's like I crave the experience of exploring my mind in the altered state. Yet at the same time, I suffer from severe panic attacks. I fear that attempting such an experience might result in irreparable psychological damage from the drugs interacting badly with my mental disorder. Hell, even my friends who dabble in them have advised me to stay way away from the stuff. What are all of your thoughts? Am I being over paranoid? Or is there a legitimate concern to be had here?
From my experiences I can say: You are probably not paranoid. This drugs make you paranoid. I had no problems and suddenly these drugs made up problems that were none. You can easily distinguish it if you look at the problems logically.

But that does not mean that you are not haunted. Than the paranoia is correct.

You can balance this paranoia with mind techniques (magic).
The balancing of all elements is important.

A lot of those addicts have a low willpower ( positive fire element) and are captive in their desires (negative fire element) . You have to transform this negative side into the positive.


New Member
Drugs, alcohol, PTSD all are linked to panic attacks. Why not try meditation. It is a sure tried and true path towards altered mental states of mind.
I actually had to cut out all alcohol and stimulants as they became triggers for my panic attacks. I do actually meditate frequently, at least sort of. I use meditation to reach a state of (WILD) Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming.
I had my flirtation with hallucinogenics in the 70's. Well, into the 80's as well.
LSD is a 12 hour panic attack for people that don't get panic attacks.
It's not really worth it anyway because you spend the next six hours coming down and then you crash for a day.
Meh. Rather go fishing.

I probably should have been a bit more specific. I actually was thing of trying more natural less intense, or short lasting substances. Like psilocybin or DMT.
Learn mathematics. Learn coding. Get into something deep. Don't waste your time and life on that stuff. You can spend like sixty bucks on a python course and then something in deep learning and spend the next few years building systems to find information in complex data in the public domain. You can spend your time learning to play the cello or in men's gymnastics.

Drugs are a waste of time.
I love coding! I need to get more in depth in my knowledge though. Seeing a wall of text of colorful code that I wrote that can conduct a computer to do clever things is a beautiful thing. I would also like to get into mnemonics, mental math, and calisthenics. I play the piano, but haven't played in years. :(

I guess to add to my responses. I have a fear of not existing. I also have a medical condition that can cause anxiety. My panic attacks are very much all triggered by a fear of medical condition that will result in my ceasing to be. I've heard that in particular mushrooms have helped some people improve their anxiety. But the anxiety isn't what I'm after to alleviate. It's merely a symptom of my state of mind, and physical condition. I want to alleviate the fear of death. I have a strong obsession with existing. I understand how fragile I am, and that terrifies me. I guess my hope was that a psychedelic experience might have the potential to help me have some sort of mental paradigm shift to a more healthy relationship with my own mortality. For right now, the only thing that seems to have the potential to give me peace of mind is immortality.


Senior Member
I actually had to cut out all alcohol and stimulants as they became triggers for my panic attacks. I do actually meditate frequently, at least sort of. I use meditation to reach a state of (WILD) Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming.

I probably should have been a bit more specific. I actually was thing of trying more natural less intense, or short lasting substances. Like psilocybin or DMT.

I love coding! I need to get more in depth in my knowledge though. Seeing a wall of text of colorful code that I wrote that can conduct a computer to do clever things is a beautiful thing. I would also like to get into mnemonics, mental math, and calisthenics. I play the piano, but haven't played in years. :(

I guess to add to my responses. I have a fear of not existing. I also have a medical condition that can cause anxiety. My panic attacks are very much all triggered by a fear of medical condition that will result in my ceasing to be. I've heard that in particular mushrooms have helped some people improve their anxiety. But the anxiety isn't what I'm after to alleviate. It's merely a symptom of my state of mind, and physical condition. I want to alleviate the fear of death. I have a strong obsession with existing. I understand how fragile I am, and that terrifies me. I guess my hope was that a psychedelic experience might have the potential to help me have some sort of mental paradigm shift to a more healthy relationship with my own mortality. For right now, the only thing that seems to have the potential to give me peace of mind is immortality.

I have a masters degree in software engineering and am intermediate-to-advanced at calisthenics. Those are my main interests I just threw out there as activities to pursue. But you can do really anything you want.

There are so many things too. I recently delved into the world of bees. Something so mundane is incredibly complex and interesting. Beekeeping is fun and there is a lot of strategy involved, especially in capturing colonies and swarms.

Doing drugs cuts you off from possibilities. It's just not worth it.
