Recent content by dnmarsh

  1. dnmarsh


    @Numenorean7 and opmmur: Thank you. Most kind of you. I look forward to being on the forum.
  2. dnmarsh


    You can see episodes here after they air on cable: Cursed TV Show -
  3. dnmarsh


    Yes, I have that same problem. Ha ha. I do believe they said they will post episodes on the Bio website at some point, but don't quote me on that. Should someone tell me where and when, I will relate that here. Again, thank you. D.N. Marsh
  4. dnmarsh


    You are quite welcome. I hope you enjoy it. D.N. Marsh
  5. dnmarsh


    Without, I HOPE, sounding stupid, I believe the show aires at 7 pm California time. Where I am at in Oregon I won't be able to see the show. However, see here: Cursed TV Show - for details. Oh, and let me know what you think, since I have seen only clips. You can...
  6. dnmarsh


    Hello, My name is David Marsh. I have posted here before asking for personal experiences concerning curses. I am host of Bio's new show 'Cursed' which begins airing on Bio on Friday the 12th of October. If anyone is inclined to do so, I hope you will shae with me your experiences with curses...
  7. dnmarsh


    Thank you for sharing this account. I appreciate your help.
  8. dnmarsh


    @Holyhellcat: Thank you. No rush.
  9. dnmarsh


    Thank you for you reply. Yes, accounts of Generational Demons/Generational Curses are welcome. If you are comfortable relating this to me, I would appreciate as much detail as you, or the individual to whom the curse applies, is willing to send. My email is [email protected] if posting on an...
  10. dnmarsh


    I am seeking personal accounts concerning curses, cursed objects and cursed places in North America. If you or someone you know has had such an experience I would like to hear your account. My email is [email protected]. Thank you
