Recent content by donguru

  1. donguru

    Debate Russia/John Titor - coming true?

    one must keep in mind that the properties of light,has never been held back due to gravity. Else it would never escape the suns gravity or any body or planet it comes in contact with. light can be manipulated,but not by gravity. the only time gravity can play a role in controling light is in the...
  2. donguru

    Was there ever really such a thing as magic?

    thank you for your response lordalmighty1. we would always wonder about the famed historical,in as much, those of the time,are not here to verify those accounts.keep in mind that,on the positive side,with Jesus or Moses.there is the negative side with the devil and demons. To walk down...
  3. donguru

    Was there ever really such a thing as magic?

    There has always been Psychosomatic; in as much some people can think themselves sick. On the positive side of that, some people can focus enough positive energy,that they can heal themselves.
