Recent content by Servantis

  1. Servantis

    Scientists Have Figured Out Why 200,000 Antelope Dropped Dead Last Year

    Um....there were mass die offs of critters a long,long time before man was a glimmer in God's eye so this may be natural. Interesting to see such an event in my lifetime I will say.
  2. Servantis

    The Evolution of Animals

    Here's the thing I find funny:evolution is all about some things going extinct and something else replacing it (at least basically) and yet we humans are just utterly besides ourselves trying to save things that are going are we messing with a process we maybe shouldn't? I can...
  3. Servantis

    Japan Reveals Plans For An “Invisible Train”

    Um.....correct me if I'm wrong but things that can hit you at high speed,things that can kill you,in general stuff that can really hurt if you don't see it isn't the idea to make it as visible as friggin' possible? that'd be like making a almost soundless electric car blend into it's...
  4. Servantis

    Ouija Boards in Toys Stores

    I think the things aren't really dangerous unless you don't know what you're doing with one,they can be useful for dealing with spirits that you need to communicate with. That said I'm honestly skeptical about the ability of a massed produced one selling for ten bucks to have results,now an old...
  5. Servantis

    Wanna talk about orbs?

    You may want to talk to a priest about an exorcism for your house,if it's gone and found how to post on a forum..... o_0
  6. Servantis

    Craziest thing you've ever encountered.

    Honestly? does being grabbed by a ghost count? because I have....and I do believe he was related to me.
  7. Servantis

    Wanna talk about orbs?

    I've caught some odd light "orbs" on camera,one in a graveyard in Gettysburg,PA that I know was odd as the color was off (yellowish) and as I inspect my pictures right after I take them I went and poked around in the grass and nothing no metal,phosphorescent bugs or grubs,nada so no idea what it...
  8. Servantis

    Dream Déjà vu?

    Funny you mention seeing the future,I've had many times where I dream something-usually I see a place be it a section of road,a room,a section of land and then somewheres down the line I actually see it in the waking world....that always makes me stop and go "oh Lord,again?" I think the last...
  9. Servantis

    Dream Déjà vu?

    So amongst my list of unusual occurrences I can count being a lucid dreamer,in fact so much so that I have times where it gets so bad I just wish it would stop so I can get some damn sleep as I wake up more tired then when I went to bed. I swear to gawd that when I do this I have dreams so real...
  10. Servantis

    Thunderbird? Two People Witness Large Bird in Georgia

    Hrm,from what I've read there's been a lot of sightings of these down the GA,FL area so I wonder if their coming out of Central America somewheres,something that big could fly a long way I'd bet. Lot of swamps down there they could be going to to hatch young or something.
  11. Servantis

    Wanna talk about orbs?

    Honestly my other encounters with orbs haven't been that interesting,just flashes of light out of the corners of my eyes. But I've run into all kinds of things in my life and I'll share them over time and engage in conversations with you folks,I do find the unusual very worth digging into,there...
  12. Servantis

    Wanna talk about orbs?

    Interesting,makes some sense if you realize the whole universe i.e. planets and stars bare a startling resemblance to the human body,the cells that make it up (at least that's what it reminds me of) I also have that "sixth sense" that sometimes tells me to get my sweet behind out of a...
  13. Servantis

    Wanna talk about orbs?

    Okay first let me explain a bit on how my life seems to work with the paranormal or just straight out strange since it goes two ways I either just see something while I'm doing something or when ever I have something good happen I get an equal amount of (to be polite) manure heaped on me. This...
  14. Servantis

    Hello from WV

    Hello all,I'm one sort of odd cat in that all my life I've seem to attract the strange,unusual,or down right bizarre being Filipino I was never taught to think of this as childish but just the way of the world (we Flips believe God's always on one shoulder and the Devil on the other) so I just...
