Recent content by TuesdayMcBob

  1. TuesdayMcBob

    So Bill O’Reilly and Brian Williams Fabricated Elaborate Stories to Advance Themselves — The...

    Fellow said he was in special forces too. One reason the media is over this like ants at a picnic is because they have to. Or they would face serious scrutiny from the trusting public. It's like when you trip your friend... So you have time to get away from the bear.
  2. TuesdayMcBob

    How to Contact Aliens

    I deliver construction materials to aliens on a near daily basis. They are mostly unwilling to interpret basic hand gestures. They just say "No speak english". And to be fair, I'm just as unwilling to learn their language as they are mine. If you want to see them yourself, just go to any...
  3. TuesdayMcBob

    Scar found on body

    I noticed a large birthmark over my heart on a day' before school when I was 15. It wasn't there before. I would have noticed right? Apparently not. Because Everyone swears it was always there.
  4. TuesdayMcBob

    A Blade So Sharp...

    For some reason this reminds me of Doughnut by Tom Holt. No reality door knives though. But there are bottles and escape doughnuts
  5. TuesdayMcBob

    To anyone, if time traveling to the past is possible or not, I need help to accomplish this.

    Confront the evil boy with a high quality sound recorder hidden on your person and get him to admit it
  6. TuesdayMcBob

    Debate Does infinity really exist?

    I believe its possible to infinitely argue on the existence of infinity. Also... Whose to say our universe had a beginning.
  7. TuesdayMcBob

    Point of Divergence

    I prefer to just think of every possibility of everything existing simultaneously within different Multiverses. (Including differing/lack of laws of physics,timelines, poultry being the dominating universal species, where you can beat it with your feet or paws,where skylor white is a woman...
  8. TuesdayMcBob

    ISIS threaten to kill two Japanese

    I thought for a moment... That bankers should have funds enough to make a skillfully made video. I suppose they wouldn't want to make a video like that. Who profits from the war the videos might help start?
  9. TuesdayMcBob

    ISIS threaten to kill two Japanese

    The second video is more relevant while the first makes a good point on why. I feel you may have seen these or others like it Einstein. Both of these videos are on the isis beheadings. Faked videos, real murders.. which take place off screen I think. Something is very different with the...
  10. TuesdayMcBob

    A Theory I came up with after reading robot visions by Isac Asimov

    If the past is unchangeable then the man could not return from the future could he? This also means that we're history!... because you know, we sent someone to the future. On a side note, the john titor bandwagon is what introduced me to more serious discussions of time travel. (Yes I know...
  11. TuesdayMcBob

    Debunking Where is time?

    Pics please. I want to see your hot alien 1 particle body. I still think advances is just a troll. Feed him at your own risk. It funny though.
  12. TuesdayMcBob

    Debate Is time travel worth the risk?

    It doesn't, I was just being ridiculous.
  13. TuesdayMcBob

    Debate Is time travel worth the risk?

    100% - 99% = +- 1%
  14. TuesdayMcBob

    Debate Is time travel worth the risk?

    It could be worthwhile. It depends on what you are looking for in life. You could make everything as perfect as you could possible make it. Remember lottery numbers, or birthdays you forgot in your past timeline! I think... that if everything was going in the right direction... then... uhh...
  15. TuesdayMcBob

    Why aliens would come down instantly & save all!

    Ahoy! It finally hit me after several hours o' thinkin'... He be playin' one big joke on us all. t' joke be on us mateys.
