
  1. U

    This is the threat of searching space internet parallel universe internet

    Hello my name is Umut and im searching parallel internet if you have parallel internet im 26 years old and can you help me get parallel universe internet=space internet i have read government hiding the space internet i have also read you can do it find parallel web whit You can do this with a...
  2. U

    this is the threat of searching space internet parallel universe internet

    Hello my name is Umut and im searching parallel internet if you have parallel internet i pay cash for it i pay good cash. Im 26 years old and can you help me get parallel universe internet i pay good cash for it.. i would like to have help finding a parallel internet that i can use searching...
  3. Antinventor2020

    If You Had An Omni-Ship, What Would You Do With It?

    An omni-ship is a vessel or vehicle capable of transporting one across space, time, dimensions, reality, universes, and beyond instantly. What would you do if you had such a thing? Personally, I would like to be similar to Doctor Who, where I'd travel far and wide through the cosmos helping...
  4. Antinventor2020

    Opening physical Portals to different pouts of space and time

    This thread is dedicated to ideas and discussion on opening portals that transport one physically to other places and times
  5. OakFieldAlienz444

    NASA veteran saw a space alien get on the shuttle

    ‘I saw an alien hitch a ride on the Space Shuttle,’ says NASA veteran
