
Junior Member
The big conspiracy is that democrats will commit election fraud just like when they were caught in 2016 and previous elections since the 1800's in the USA. As you already may be aware the USA is a republic and people who follow their country's republic are called republicans. Humans that do not support their country's republic are called other things. Will these other things commit fraud in these elections of the near future? Does a whale swim in the ocean?


I don't know how we're going to stop it. Florida has passed some laws regarding voting, but not all states have. I don't understand why people want to live in a dictatorship where the leader is decided for them. What if it wasn't "their guy"? They'd be upset about it, too. Many don't understand what this leads to.


Active Member
They did steal it in 2020. FOIA requests show that voting machines that weren't supposed to be connected to Internet actually were, and that they had several unauthorized accesses across the day and were in modes they shouldn't have been in. That's highly illegal. Some republicans challenged it but were silenced. If it happened to democrats, they would be hollering and screaming 24/7. There were also some "harvested" ballots that were 100% Biden in some areas, which is a statistical impossibility. Some areas also had more than 100% of their population vote, which is another impossibility. Elections cannot be "certified" under those conditions. I'm not sure that voting matters anymore. It's always going to be an LWO candidate who will screw us over.


The big conspiracy is that democrats will commit election fraud just like when they were caught in 2016 and previous elections since the 1800's in the USA. As you already may be aware the USA is a republic and people who follow their country's republic are called republicans. Humans that do not support their country's republic are called other things. Will these other things commit fraud in these elections of the near future? Does a whale swim in the ocean?

I didn't watch the elections but...I don't remember any Democratic election fraud happening in 2016,
just a lot of caterwauling over the election winner. ;)

I'm probably wrong....Politics bore me to the core. :fp:

"I'm-a tellin' y'all....It's all a bloody conspiracy!"


I didn't watch the elections but...I don't remember any Democratic election fraud happening in 2016,
just a lot of caterwauling over the election winner. ;)

I'm probably wrong....Politics bore me to the core. :fp:

"I'm-a tellin' y'all....It's all a bloody conspiracy!"

I can refer you to a documentary with proof if you'd like. But you said politics bore you, so I won't unless you ask. :)


They did steal it in 2020. FOIA requests show that voting machines that weren't supposed to be connected to Internet actually were, and that they had several unauthorized accesses across the day and were in modes they shouldn't have been in. That's highly illegal. Some republicans challenged it but were silenced. If it happened to democrats, they would be hollering and screaming 24/7. There were also some "harvested" ballots that were 100% Biden in some areas, which is a statistical impossibility. Some areas also had more than 100% of their population vote, which is another impossibility. Elections cannot be "certified" under those conditions. I'm not sure that voting matters anymore. It's always going to be an LWO candidate who will screw us over.

Dinesh D'Souza (sp?) tracked down the ballot harvesters and has them on camera and some type of tracking system that shows them picking up thousands of ballots and dumping them into ballot boxes all over the place. We all t hought it was weird that when we went to bed that night, Trump was FAR in the lead, then guess who the winner was when we woke up......................


Neither party should accept cheating. It means we live in a dictatorship. Even if it's "your guy", you shouldn't want someone else choosing. We're supposed to be free to choose. Why do Democrat supporters support and encourage cheating? I don't want anyone cheating for the person I want in office. I want it to be legit.


Temporal Engineer
So? Does everyone just want to lay down and surrender to becoming an impoverished slave?

Just remember, Liberty and prosperity was won with bullets and lots of bloodshed!

Will you be ready to take back what has been stolen from you?

I'm hoping Trump will have all those participating in treason to be executed for treason publicly. If he doesn't survive to do it? Well? We surviving Americans will DEFINITELY have to do it!


Junior Member
I didn't watch the elections but...I don't remember any Democratic election fraud happening in 2016,
just a lot of caterwauling over the election winner. ;)

I'm probably wrong....Politics bore me to the core. :fp:

"I'm-a tellin' y'all....It's all a bloody conspiracy!"
Come on goldfish, remember Clinton getting all the super delegates and taking power over the Sanders campaign, and democrat millionaire and billionaire donors giving money to Rubio and Romney campaigns trying to desperately take votes away from Trump. It was literally on every news media platform at the time. Names of dogs and hedgehogs, and other various names of random animals found in the electoral count, not to mention people voting crossing counties and states.
