Time Witness

Junior Member
I haven't seen very many prediction postings about the new year so I thought I'd put mine up.

I have seen massive rainfall in the southern states, probably Texas. There will be flooding and mudslides.

Ron DeSantis will announce he is running for President in the spring, probably last part of March or early April. Next
year he will win the nomination and the general election.

US/China relations will escalate towards a military confrontation

Ukraine war will end with a compromise

The US Economy will very slowly improve


Senior Member
California will still find a way to waste all of the water they get and keep mass stealing from Nevada : /

I seen a report that California uses far above and beyond everyone else in water for JUST irrigation, yet they got more than enough rain this winter to fill large reservoirs but instead they let it all go back into the ocean instead of having any system of preservation in place, and they wont put any in place for the monsoon season this year which is supposed to be really good.

They'll just keep taking and complaining and do nothing about it, ugh.


I haven’t made any predictions in a while, so here’s a few.

Republicans will continue to tear their own party apart from the inside, turning most moderates away from them and into the arms of mostly Independents and Democrats.

DeSantis will begin to lose even more support as he attacks Florida’s education system, particularly his baffling idea to remove AP classes. While I don’t expect it to cause a blue wave in Florida, I think in a few years, as the people who had to deal with his war on schools become older and able to vote while the retirees begin to die off, Florida will at the very least return to being a swing state. If anyone is wondering why I make this prediction, it’s because he is obviously trying to censor like a communist, probably taking plays from North Korea’s playbook, and removing the truth of US history and other subjects because he knows educated people tend toward the left. He is trying to eliminate his opponents by taking away their education, and if he truly keeps pushing these things, will very quickly learn that he probably killed any chance at furthering his career as a politician. How long it takes to realize is probably up for debate.

China and the US will not have any direct confrontations in the near future, unless the situation in Ukraine ends in the favor of the invaders. If that happens, I expect to see a similar situation in Taiwan.

As for the Ukraine Conflict, I foresee Russia being handily humiliated and eventually expelled from Ukraine. There will be no compromise. Either Ukraine will succeed in defending their territory and push the Russians out, or the Russians will overcome the better equipped and well trained Ukrainian troops with sheer numbers, breaking through a weak point in their front lines and spreading out deep into their lands while swiftly marching upon the highest priority targets, preventing organized resistance for at least a short time until Ukrainian forces can regroup. But if that happens, it becomes likely that Russia is able to secure a stronger foothold in the region, likely leading to a similar situation to Crimea if not losing the entirety of Ukraine.

Now, as far as the United States goes, predictions become a bit messier and harder. It’s a shit show, just about all over the country. Republicans are tearing themselves apart, Democrats are searching for a strong leader to replace Biden (who was by no means strong, though he did better than many expected), and everyone in between is watching and waiting to see who emerges as the new leaders of each party. However, I think due to the total disunity of the Republican Party, no matter what they try to show to the public, will result in voters losing faith in the Republicans enough to ensure a Democratic victory unless a truly awful candidate gets chosen, which only swings the balance to go either way. I see no path for an assured Republican victory.

Some less potentially stressful predictions: All these UFOs getting shot down will turn out to be nothing more than humans from various countries being spies and potentially saboteurs. An extraterrestrial object would not be anywhere near so easy to shoot down. And on the off chance any of them is alien, well, I don’t think we have much to worry about honestly. I’m assuming they would know Chinese object(s) entered the airspace of multiple countries, and know of their relationships with them, and understand why we are shooting things down. I seriously doubt they would be so petty as to attack humans because of that, when they’ve been here long enough most likely to have a thousand better reasons to attack.

I have a few other predictions, but I think these will do for now.

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You cannot predict the future, because it is not yet written and your given timeline can change based on decisions made by others and your perceptive reality of the situation. You can literally travel to the future, then come back to your present time and the future could still turn out different than from what you have seen or experienced. Each one of us is responsible for curating the future and each of our decisions however minuscule derives that outcome. Everyone thinks "if I can go back in time" or "if I could see the future" their lives would drastically change, but no one seems to think, they could create the change right now that they want to see in the world and their own future.

Time Witness

Junior Member
I haven't seen very many prediction postings about the new year so I thought I'd put mine up.

I have seen massive rainfall in the southern states, probably Texas. There will be flooding and mudslides.

Ron DeSantis will announce he is running for President in the spring, probably last part of March or early April. Next
year he will win the nomination and the general election.

US/China relations will escalate towards a military confrontation

Ukraine war will end with a compromise

The US Economy will very slowly improve
Well, I was off on DeSantis' announcement by a few weeks. No one is 100% accurate.

Time Witness

Junior Member
Despite what the current polls say during this summer of 2023, I don't see Trump or Biden as the candidates on the 2024 ticket. I see DeSantis Vs Newsome and DeSantis wins.


Despite what the current polls say during this summer of 2023, I don't see Trump or Biden as the candidates on the 2024 ticket. I see DeSantis Vs Newsome and DeSantis wins.
I find the US much weaker now. Some emerging countries like Communist China under the rule of the CCP are gradually catching up. it would be good if Mr. DeSantis is elected as the future President of the United States. Maybe he will revitalize America. America needs a capable and experienced person to be elected as the President of the United States to revitalize the strength of the country. But in the future, with the outbreak of World War III, the world landscape will change. The future will be very different from the present.
