41 Dancing Bunnies and Time Waves


Temporal Engineer
If the future can affect the past, then shouldn’t the past be affecting the future at same time simultaneously?

That's a great question. The way it appears thanks to quantum mechanics is that neither the future nor the past are dependent on each other. Yet both are in a quantum state of change indefinitely. Our linear perception of time doesn't exist according to quantum observations. Of course one might consider that quantum scientists might be Democrats and have been fudging the data right from the start of quantum theory.


I don't see it as a wave at all, it is only a perception of changes that we hold on to in memories.

It is now proven physics that we exist in some kind of simulated reality where your own individual reality is the only one that matters because if a bear tried to shit in the woods with no observers it couldn't. Because there would be no bear.
There must be an observer for reality to exist.
We know bears do shit in the woods when humans aren't observing, because if we come and go to the woods we see evidence of this. So either, the bear continues to exist in its own reality, or we made it all up and only see evidence because we look for it.
Or, both.
For the first to be true, then it must be a part of another entity's reality which is continuously observing one and other, you could map this as a complex web of back and forth observations from the plants, trees, ants etc.
For the second to be true, we would have to know that bears can shit in the first place, and obv at this point in history most people know this, but when you get on to talking about more complex things that we do NOT actually understand then we literally couldn't make it up because it is outside of our thinking boxes.
In order for us to be observing anything then, there must be another observer or complex system of multiple observers for a thing to exist and follow any kind of patterns for us to be able to observe and learn from as human observers and scientists.
Which is the system I believe exists because i've talked to trees and plants etc, I know there is sentience there, I also work with crystals which my customers use to talk to other beings in the universe, sometimes from their home planets, sometimes angels and other kinds of beings. I also know that if I can communicate with beings like trees then there is an underlying system that we both share which isn't based on spoken language, and splitting everything down the only thing everything has in common, is vibration. What ever it is made of, it is moving, even at the coldest temperatures so far measurable, there is some movement in oscillation.

So, if there is sentience, and sentience is creating quantum fluctuations and positions measurable then everything is alive and connected. I guess this is main point 1

When we talk about anything in time, what we are doing is actually talking about the differences between one state and another. That is all it is.
At one point in time my finger was small, NOW, it is not as small. We cannot perceive more than any one state at a time, we move from state 1, to state 2 and back again. Baby, adult, baby, adult. Leaving the logical conclusion that time is based on singular perceptions at a time.
We call it time because we remember extraordinarily quickly that more than one state existed, and we play them in our minds frame by frame by frame. Baby, teenager, adult etc

The smallest measure of time there fore the the smallest measurable difference between one state and another, using our current scientific level, this is the time distance it takes one photon to move in x y or z positions, the smallest of these measurable states is 1 with 43 zeros, times, smaller than a metre. is it 43 or 42? the planck length??? sure its 43
This therefore, is one unit of so called time.
But again, it's only a snapshot of reality.
reality 1, reality 2, reality 3 etc

Planck 1, planck 2, etc

Now, if you have more than one thing simultaneously existing, which we must assume because there must be an observer and a thing to observe then this chain of events does suggest if you follow the chain of snapshots all the way back, then at one time, there was only one thing, the chain of cause and effect must have began somewhere in order for changes to be recorded as snapshots of differences.
I admit this does give some credence to the big bang theory which I see no other reason to be real other than this change.

Interesting that is all vibration is, or can, be called sound, and almost all of the bibles about creation speak of the sound coming into reality first don't ya think, the "word" as the christian bible calls it, but the word is ohm to the indians etc etc.

If the only thing that can be perceived is the difference between one state and another, then there is no actual fluidity there, because all things are changing states at different intervils, this must mean there are multiples of different types of change.
Just because the planck is the smallest measurable doesn't mean in other ways that everything is always moving, there has to be some sort of pause where there are multiple frames where nothing appears to happen at all. Lets say thats the molecular movement differences between gold and carbon.

Where does the illusion of time consistency come from then?

It comes from our brains capacity to process information, or, some devices capacity to process information, again, it comes down to the observer effect.

lets pretend reality didn't change as quick and say its' working at 60 frames per second but our brains are only able to percieve 15 frames a second, theres a whole lot of things we can't see changing at different rates. we would in effect see things vanish and reappear in some circumstances because something that only ever moves at 49 frames per second might not be visible for another 150 cycles of our observation frames. picking completely arbitrarily I hope you know....

reality would blink in and out of existence but it doesn't because our perception is limited to a certain super slow observation level, or observation speed. And again to refer back to local reality not existing without an observer this implies that there is always an observer present, which again kinda gets on to the god thing doesn't it..

So basically we're back to, the idea of absolute time being only one possible measure, the planck length.

So back to, if it's all a cause and effect chain because we are only measuring state differences, then in order to see more than one thing at a time, like a finger and a table, which might be on different cause and effect state change periods there must be some sort of background wall that connects and reflects both the things different state changes.

So, if there are state changes, and a background that connects all things so that more than one thing can be observed at any given opportunity, what is it then that is is being observed? How would you measure the differences between states that are thousands of snapshots of reality apart.

Simplify this down super dumb again, you have ten dots of reality, in ten random locations on a bit of paper, it's a bit like a qr code right, depending on our perceptions sometimes a dot is visible sometimes it isn't because the frame rate doesn't match up, it's still there, sort of behind itself but it's flashing on and off..
What are qr codes if not for coordinates of states on a known map...right?

Lets complicate matters a little more and add the changes as differences in tone, or colour, to represent evolutions, carbon is carbon is carbon until it meets something else then technically it's not carbon anymore its carbon plus something else. you have two merged frame stacks. If these were two decks of cards and you're piling them up beside each other

then they merge them it becomes on pile, instead of two, it is only really known to be be one pile from then on. but then something else comes along like a knife and it splits the pile into two different sections again but only through so many card, it may or may not be carbon plus something, it may in fact be, carbon plus something PLUS carbon plus something else. Only. both piles are smaller along specific dimensions.

Where is the underlying foundation here that shows everything at the same time? again, it can be measured as change but it's adding another dimensionality to itself.
There is only one singular frame of reference for two half cards on top of one full card, the exact beginning point of the merge
Now if you were mapping this as a 3d qr code, then this specific arrangement will look very different to the next one.
You could perhaps argue that this is a wave effect but thats not where I am going because it's not in a state of A or B, it is a state of C, it is a new state entirely. WAVES only have a peak and a trough and the curvature between them.
A sine wave isn't going to suddenly become a square wave. if you catch my meaning.

In coded form it might look like what we now use as colour mapping hex codes or binary. 101101 suddenly becomes 101121121 on the next stack but theres the space between stacks.

The coded form of the state of being between these two states looks more like 101101121121 then if we kept following the stack upwards in code it remains 121121, but if its ten stacks high where the split is, the reference point for any coordinate becomes more like 101101101101101101101101101101101101101101101101101101101101101101121121121121121121121121121121

If we stick to the qr code form here but in 3d, then you have multiple stacks beside each other...I think you're about to see how this relates more to qbits...and quantum fluctuations.
If all these stacks beside each other are flashing on off on off but you only cut one stack somewhere in the middle, the only real noticeable shift in code is the highlighted portion where something outside of the foundation changes, lets say this cut deck is red.
If we convert everything back to sound, instead of binary like code, and because things happen as snapshots, there is only ever one of every reality. Which means there is only a never ending orchestra of changing sounds.

Speed things up a bit, add more changes, and different changes to different stacks. You suddenly have a cube where you might think you have to map each and every coordinate of each and every change or non change in order to see both the stack that changed and the background states. But you don't really, you can map it by vectors instead of steps if that makes sense.

This is actually how time travel works, in a way.
The exact state of any given reality is not the conclusion of every step and next step and next step, it is a reflection of points of vectors between various known configurations of potentials. And those changes in vector points only get noticed when they interact with something. Call it short hand if you will. And the shorthand is the frequency.

There is only one possible sound that reflects the observer, observing the state differences on coordinate, lets say x4y5z2.
You following where I am going here??

Law of resonance. And reverb..
Any material vibrating at a given rate will create the effect of resonance when it encounters another same material. Because I can hit a tuning fork on one side of the room and another tuning fork in the same tone at the other end of the room vibrates, In that moment of interaction a new reality is made because it is being observed.

When you live a memory in the now moment, you are observing the state changes between A and B,
When you relive memory from a future point, you are not observing the same state change coordinate A/B, you are observing the observer, this is a new state in itself. A//B-C
The only way to go back to be the initial observer is to vibrate at the same rate you were observing from in the first place, and if you do that, the law of resonance demands that that state will be the one you observe.

Because reality is not a simple state A to state B thing, because more than one thing exists and is not real as is proven and is in fact a myriad of billions of states all interchanging with billions of other states at the same time and is being observed. At any point in history, it only ever has one singular sound. billions and billions and billions of potentials of different sound snapshots.
But only one sound combination is possible where that snapshot is being observed by you.

Also, as Einstein just pointed out to me as a reminder, we make choices, and so does everything else, quantum states if you will, so its never a line of stacked snapshots straight up in the air but a curve or zigzag of choices. More like the leaning tower of piza, but every choice is still recorded and exists as an option, being put into effect anytime the observer chooses to observe it.


Junior Member
Yep! The Mandela Effect acts like something was altered in the past, so everything you own gets changed from that point onwards. Yet our memories somehow hold on to the "original" version, so when we see the "new" version, it comes as quite a surprise. It's unclear if this is truly a change in the past or worldlines merging as some people remember the "new" version from the beginning instead of the "original" one. This is where the controversies come in, as in "Mirror, mirror" vs. "Magic mirror".

Here's one of the better videos thats only 10min long. For the record, my FOTL underwear as a child ALWAYS had the cornucopia.

So, I hate to say this and I hope I am wrong here but this kind of supports the worldview as revealed in "Alien Interview" where Earth is a prison planet. The best prison is one in which no one knows they are in prison (less cost in terms of guards, surveillance and required resources to run the prison) because no one tries to escape. However, when the inmates (us) start on the path of any technological invention where the prison reality would be revealed to the inmates there meets a major roadblock to prevent such things from going forward (such as antigravity, the UFO mystery, some methods of time travel, etc.) In extreme cases, a new timeline is designed and implemented that would effectively erase that path. So, the Mandela effect that we have been discussing is really the collateral damage of that new enforced timeline.
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So, I hate to say this and I hope I am wrong here but this kind of supports the worldview as revealed in "Alien Interview" where Earth is a prison planet. The best prison is one in which no one knows they are in prison (less cost in terms of guards, surveillance and required resources to run the prison) because no one tries to escape. However, when the inmates (us) start on the path of any technological invention where the prison reality would be revealed to the inmates there meets a major roadblock to prevent such things from going forward (such as antigravity, the UFO mystery, some methods of time travel, etc.) In extreme cases, a new timeline is designed and implemented that would effectively erase that path. So, the Mandela effect that we have been discussing is really the collateral damage of that new enforced timeline.
If anything the mandela effect only supports the idea that people are actually escaping from this matrix.

If you were to look at timelines as arrangements of snapshots stacked on top of each other, the illusion of history is created in the minds of all the billions that have been sat down and in prison like conditions are repetitively drilled and probed for the so called facts of what makes up history. So when history is written by corrupt and lying organizations the time lines, progressions of evolution, medical history, military technology etc It all suits a narrative of potentials. Even despite that we are not observing them directly, this information gets lodged into the subconscious and things like individuality and imagination, they get lost, the mindsets of explorers and people who ask questions about reality gets lodged in the danger zones of their thinking patterns.
The very fact that history is now changing is evidence that less and less people are now asking questions, they are challenging the narrative, they are thinking for themselves, utilizing multiple resources and making up their own minds about things.
This effect is separating realities, Our own individual realities are always very personal, but bigger things like mirror mirror or magic mirror...things like this are from the collectively shared realities.
A division is forming.

The prison planet thing, it's not un real per se, but there are nuances of meaning at play within it.
Are most humans living in bondage, and fear? obviously they are. But they are breaking out of it, and that is what is important.


If there are 5 or so billion people sharing the same beliefs about how history happened you have a lot of quantum interference going on here, the linearly tracked frames of reality would be a very consistent curve of choices.
When you have people questioning these narratives, either through archeological finds, or from reading older books and diaries, or being privy to family histories, or doing your own research etc etc, then this linear curve in some places starts to fragment. and break. As the observer, you are a quantum thing. And you begin to resonate with other observers that you perhaps have never met yet but these fragments begin building in their noise level so to speak. The truth has it's own vibration, lies have their own vibration.
So, in line with the law of dominant frequencies, comparing the amplitude level of quantum potential between lies and truth, the truth is just louder, it takes less quantum observers observing truths in history to make more noise that the lies do and the quantum observers observing the fake narrative, those of which whom are still stuck in the socially accepted schooling.


Active Member
The spelling of the word "grateful" changed on me in my lifetime. It used to be "greatful", which makes more sense.
Ugh, I missed this one. A "grate" is a drain cover... so grateful is being full of drain covers? Grateful should be a derivitive of the word gratitude. This makes me wonder if it once was but now has been lost.

The advertisements were just a short example. Here's another video that's longer and more in depth than most.

If the future can affect the past, then shouldn’t the past be affecting the future at same time simultaneously?
It's more along the lines of the past affecting the present and the present leading into the future. It seems we don't all have the same pasts when we "should". So would this create a fragmented future? It would seem so.

So, I hate to say this and I hope I am wrong here but this kind of supports the worldview as revealed in "Alien Interview" where Earth is a prison planet.
I've never liked the name "Project Solar Warden" for that reason. Manipulating time to destroy advanced technological breakthroughs would be rather effective in keeping us trapped on this planet. There's also the possibility that we're not prisoners per se, but more along the lines of a trapped experiment or just a simulation to see where it ends up. Earth has also been called a training ground.

There must be an observer for reality to exist.
But does the reality observer need to be simple or complex? I've often pondered this. Does the observer need to be minimally sentient or have a full level of consciousness? Is an animal enough to be an observer? If not, I'd hate to be that constipated bear. If you can talk to vegetation, wouldn't that be enough for minimal observation? I've often wondered if simple cell life is enough to be an observer. Things happen in my private home with nobody else being around and me not observing them. They may not come into full reality until I observe them, but they are still there. Things happen on the lifeless rocks in our outer solar system. For observer theory to work, there would have to be a "God Level" observer everywhere and at all times.
As an example, this kinda reminds me of non-visible parts of a video game. Those parts are still being tracked by the computer, but they aren't drawn until viewed by a camera object. Those non-visible parts can also interact with the player from behind.

I believe that there are constant movements across the entire universe, such as the quantum foam/aether theory. I have trouble believing that the universe or things in the universe are blinking in and out of existence. If we really are in the matrix, then maybe the matrix isn't updating everything for every Planck tick. There's also a theory that the universe is created and destroyed every Planck tick. That would require a phenomonal amount of energy. I don't care for the quantum theory that for every decision we make that a new universe would be created for the counter decision. That would also require a phenomonal amount of energy. Then all those universes have 8 billion people each making decisions that split the universe again and again and again. It's beyond getting out of hand... it would take far more energy than originally formed the universe. But it does lend credence to free energy devices.

I prefer observable simplicity. When an object is moving, it will move a certain distance for each Planck tick. The minimum unit of motion is a Planck length. The movement will follow a vector like path and be influenced by the environment around it. If there are ways to split the universe and form a new timeline, it doesn't get out of hand for both size and energy. This lends credence to free energy devices again.

Years ago I found a story about aliens abducting people, partially killing them so their spirits left, and then installing a new spirit into the body. I'm not sure how true it is, but it brought up an interesting point. The new spirit didn't know everything that the person originally knew. This would seem to imply that part of our memories are stored physically and part of our memories are stored in our spirit. Maybe the spirit is able to remember some things outside of time, but the physical body is only able to remember things within the timeline.

To complicate things more, if temporal waves do exist and multiple timelines are somehow merging, it would form a complex wave pattern. By being located at certain points within the pattern, maybe that's why some people remember one way or the other. Merging timelines would also imply overwriting previously stored/remembered information.


Ugh, I missed this one. A "grate" is a drain cover... so grateful is being full of drain covers? Grateful should be a derivitive of the word gratitude. This makes me wonder if it once was but now has been lost.

The advertisements were just a short example. Here's another video that's longer and more in depth than most.

It's more along the lines of the past affecting the present and the present leading into the future. It seems we don't all have the same pasts when we "should". So would this create a fragmented future? It would seem so.

I've never liked the name "Project Solar Warden" for that reason. Manipulating time to destroy advanced technological breakthroughs would be rather effective in keeping us trapped on this planet. There's also the possibility that we're not prisoners per se, but more along the lines of a trapped experiment or just a simulation to see where it ends up. Earth has also been called a training ground.

But does the reality observer need to be simple or complex? I've often pondered this. Does the observer need to be minimally sentient or have a full level of consciousness? Is an animal enough to be an observer? If not, I'd hate to be that constipated bear. If you can talk to vegetation, wouldn't that be enough for minimal observation? I've often wondered if simple cell life is enough to be an observer. Things happen in my private home with nobody else being around and me not observing them. They may not come into full reality until I observe them, but they are still there. Things happen on the lifeless rocks in our outer solar system. For observer theory to work, there would have to be a "God Level" observer everywhere and at all times.
As an example, this kinda reminds me of non-visible parts of a video game. Those parts are still being tracked by the computer, but they aren't drawn until viewed by a camera object. Those non-visible parts can also interact with the player from behind.

I believe that there are constant movements across the entire universe, such as the quantum foam/aether theory. I have trouble believing that the universe or things in the universe are blinking in and out of existence. If we really are in the matrix, then maybe the matrix isn't updating everything for every Planck tick. There's also a theory that the universe is created and destroyed every Planck tick. That would require a phenomonal amount of energy. I don't care for the quantum theory that for every decision we make that a new universe would be created for the counter decision. That would also require a phenomonal amount of energy. Then all those universes have 8 billion people each making decisions that split the universe again and again and again. It's beyond getting out of hand... it would take far more energy than originally formed the universe. But it does lend credence to free energy devices.

I prefer observable simplicity. When an object is moving, it will move a certain distance for each Planck tick. The minimum unit of motion is a Planck length. The movement will follow a vector like path and be influenced by the environment around it. If there are ways to split the universe and form a new timeline, it doesn't get out of hand for both size and energy. This lends credence to free energy devices again.

Years ago I found a story about aliens abducting people, partially killing them so their spirits left, and then installing a new spirit into the body. I'm not sure how true it is, but it brought up an interesting point. The new spirit didn't know everything that the person originally knew. This would seem to imply that part of our memories are stored physically and part of our memories are stored in our spirit. Maybe the spirit is able to remember some things outside of time, but the physical body is only able to remember things within the timeline.

To complicate things more, if temporal waves do exist and multiple timelines are somehow merging, it would form a complex wave pattern. By being located at certain points within the pattern, maybe that's why some people remember one way or the other. Merging timelines would also imply overwriting previously stored/remembered information.
I am unaware of any science to back the idea that the vector like path is influenced by other things around it besides the observers choice points. The background is a blank canvas, left open and blank in order to allow the potential for any particular particle to be potentially anywhere within the blank canvas.

Watching through the first bit of that video I realized there is a potential weaponized system of mandela control being used against us. Generally speaking it's safe to say that kids have more energy than pensioners and adults. They have more life force. So, whilst watching one of the first few clips it came back to mind that, that snobby bitch from the hunger games has stated before that "Well I was the first female action star ya know!", or something like that. Anyone past a certain age is going to know this is absolute bull, however, what about the kids still in the prison schooling system. Celebrities like this are highly influential so what happens to the past's of the adults memories of Sarah connor, and such like. Are lines like this from celebrities being used to condition children to wipe out the history of the terminator series which I am sure played a huge role in female living and female attitudes of confidence in the 80's. Is this a way to remove the work because this work, and other work like the matrix is written to wake up the masses?
Definitely food for thought that one.

The fragmented future thing is definitely real, but I read that as a good thing coming, that in order to destroy the lies of the past, you must begin to create from anew.

The size of the observer is definitely a thing, evolution is a real thing, but it's evolution of the soul, or fractal aspect of source.
An ant by itself doesn't have the capacity to hold the full consciousness of a human, but like humans, they are incarnations. Half of them still exists outside the frameworks of reality, in the ether. So you can have a conversation with them happily enough, but how much of that conversation is with the ant, and how much is the ant's higherself is definitely up for debate. I don't know either way.
But, 10,000 or 20,000 ants have a lot of observation potent I think. Are they at this capacity able to create the way humans can, manifest food or something just from thought, and emotion and actions combined. No, I don't think so. But they are still observers, they are still quantum, they are still connected to the source, which means they are perhaps anchoring a humans observations...
I need to ask around a few specialists I know about this. Thats a good one.

The god level observer though, yes, this is the source I am talking about, the being or vortex of energy that created the background page for all the particles to exist upon. It's not some vengeful bugger with a severe ego problem as religions often puch. It is the field itself. When you leave your human avatar, you are supposed to return to this field, you are like the leaf on the tree, a part of, but having your own experience. This field when accessed through meditations and often ndes is the velvety smooth black void filled with love. It can also show up as past memories from before or after you incarnated, as a remembering. Usually as a reminder that things are not so bad, not so permanent as the governors of this planet want you to think, a reminder that things never end and you will go on. One of my two ndes I was there briefly, the memory I came back with was kinda like, ok i'm dead and i'm still here, this is interesting. I didn't stay the ignorant athiest that I was before them for too long but it did take me a long time to process it compared to some.

The god level thing kinda also crosses into the what is reality thing. You are thinking about still as if it is a physical thing. But it isn't. A photon could show up at either corner of the background paper that is the universal potential at any time, it requires no energy to do this, it is not travelling from one side to the other dependent on the observers preference, it simply is or it isn't in that place until it is or it isn't.
The projection of physical reality requires "energy" so to speak, but this really translates as, "follows known laws" Or known protocols in effect during the experience. Like ripples on a pond, small ripples have known consequences when they meet different sizes of other waves.
Like the video game, it seems like it requires a lot of energy to calculate polygons or what ever, but when you get down to it, the screen itself requires no more energy to place a 255 colour in one corner than it does another corner, it just is or it isn't until it is or it isn't, the electrical circuitry behind it simply follows rules in where it's going to be. And to be fair thats not a great analogy because on screens there is a transference of code along copper and such behind it, but forgive me the silght misnomers here. Metaphors are never perfect but it's the only language we have to describe incomprehensively complex things.
The foundation though is, that the 255 colour in one corner is the same as 255 colour in the other corner.

And sticking to the screen analagy, does this 255 coloured pixel actually move from one side of the screen to the other as the moving images appear to in gaming sequences? No, they blink in and out in order to create the impression or illusion of the whole.
We only percieve of the movement because it happens so incredibly quickly.

But to get back to the energy thing, and what is real. You only percieve that things are real because actions appear to have consequences. A dumbell drops on your foot and it hurts right but all that actually happened is that ions in your body ripple creating excitations in the electrons that are already present and just sitting there, and they create a kind of mexican wave up and along your fibres in the physical reality or the appearance of physical reality. But its only real in your head. In the consciousness, all that truly happened is that the electrical and magnetic fields of the fractal that is your soul changed shapes in this blinking way that they do. Like putting a magnet beside another magnet, the field shape changes.
The illusions of us blowing things up, or converting mechanical movement into electricity etc are just rules of potential, particles either being there or not according the their pre written rules. You could almost argue here that there must be interactions or background interference, but when all things are based on the observer and the belief systems they carry then it really nullifies this idea.

People no longer believe that the only way to make fire is from lightening hitting the dry ground leaves because we harnessed the knowledge of the rules of engagement within the illusion. We found rocks and hit them together, then found metals and hit those on crystals sharp enough to excite the electrons, etc etc. Once you learn as a physical race collective the rules of engagement, you can learn to harness them. This is the super power of evolution and the creation potential of all things, in time.
With new experiments and experiences comes new rules, with new rules comes new beliefs with new beliefs new rules emerge more complex than before. Fine tuning the knowledge to be passed on and shared with others. In time leading all things that were thought of as impossible to be entirely possible, and eventually even easy.

I would agree with you on the memory split thing sort of. In physical reality this is seen all the time with heart transplants, the new recipients can sometimes gain memories that weren't their own, this is passed on in the water, the plasma, the blood cells. And when you're in spirit form, you are effectively the blank page field of potential, so you can from that perspective, see every particle that ever could exist in every place it could be, nearly all ndes talk of this aspect too, They know everything about everything. But they are not allowed to carry that information back to the body. Some things must remain hidden in order for us to act and live and experience as if we are separate entities and not one whole and singular organism that could never be challenged in intellectual capacity or any other way.

A universe would be a totally boring thing if it couldn't create this separation of memory, and in order to do that there must be a frame work of separation, a mechanical method as I prefer to call it.

And lastly on to the stealing bodies thing, yes it can be done, but it requires a very advanced technology so squeeze a square wave into a sine wave. Each body is specifically tailored to receive a signal from the ether every planck second in order for the data transfer of consciousness to be transferred. Now it is true we do require a clean pineal gland in order to gain access to that in our waking or dream states but we are always receiving the same signal. But the pineal is not the recipient organ where consciousness flows through. It is simply a channel of brain to ether technology.
The requirements for squeezing's ets consciousnesses into humans used to be very very difficult to do from a technology point of view, there wasn't much resonance left after many of the medieval wars to wipe out the light workers and witches who still had trace dnas from many of the et races passed down the genetic line.
You can't just plonk two random people together that have only ever incarnated on earth over and over and expect to place an angel, or alien, or demon into the offspring of these two primitive genetic types. Ever wonder why we used to have tons of spontaneous human combustions but now it's almost unheard off? Its because we et's licked the problem of trying to force giant consciousness potentials into the tiny capicators of human forms.

It requires genetic alterations to enhance the traits of specific alien races, I think there are 12 main ones dating back billions of years, and this is where many of the abduction stories are coming form now a days compared to the end of the 80s hybrid program time frames. People are still being abducted nightly, but it's no longer for the butchery and harvesting of genetic material in the deals made with earlier presidents for military technology, it is for the purpose of creating human forms that can house incarnations from anywhere in the universe, potentially anyway. They are enhancing the potential of humans now. Any races caught harvesting now are supposed to be held to account, although I am 90% sure there are some still getting away with it. Theres so much ufo activiity its impossible to track it all for all 8 billion humans. No where is perfect unfortunately.


Active Member
Is this a way to remove the work because this work, and other work like the matrix is written to wake up the masses?
As someone who has a film degree, some of the older heroes are still remembered and will always be around. If someone is able to do a time jump back into the past and stop the legends from starting, that could be a way. The LWO is definitely trying to rewrite the past in any way possible.

In physical reality this is seen all the time with heart transplants, the new recipients can sometimes gain memories that weren't their own
That's a good example. I've heard about this before and find it interesting. It also lends creedence to "gut feelings".

Any races caught harvesting now are supposed to be held to account, although I am 90% sure there are some still getting away with it. Theres so much ufo activiity its impossible to track it all for all 8 billion humans. No where is perfect unfortunately.
There are some here who have had some very negative experiences, so I'd say bump that number up to 100%. If I came face to face with an ET (and I hope I don't), I would have a hard time trusting it. It seems all the ETs have their own agendas. While I agree it is hard to track down every UFO and abduction case, it also isn't that hard for them to plug into Internet with their advanced technology and see what people are saying and complaining about. The negative ETs should be tracked down and punished for their actions. It concerns me that the more "friendly" ETs don't seem to be actively pursuing this.


There are some here who have had some very negative experiences, so I'd say bump that number up to 100%. If I came face to face with an ET (and I hope I don't), I would have a hard time trusting it. It seems all the ETs have their own agendas. While I agree it is hard to track down every UFO and abduction case, it also isn't that hard for them to plug into Internet with their advanced technology and see what people are saying and complaining about. The negative ETs should be tracked down and punished for their actions. It concerns me that the more "friendly" ETs don't seem to be actively pursuing this.
Agreed, the laws of non interference are so fucked it's almost worse than earth mans laws. Actually it might even be worse.

Thing with abductions though, whether it's for positive or negative intentions if you're aware of the process, given you probably don't know what is going on or whom it is, yeah that would be pretty scary for most folks, especially the ignorant ones who only have tv and films to go by. This kind of unknown stuff is always uncomfortable as best.
