A Cross Communication From Another World


Honestly you're challenging a time traveler. I already did. Seriously, if you don't believe me get high or stoned or whatever and watch it but, and this is important, just once. Pay really close attention to that back voice that you get that almost sounds like an echo - that touches on the subconscious. Really the best way to do it is meditating with the medium in a quiet room.

If you have an ear attuned to the bed of a river you can always follow it to it's source.

Obi Wan Kenobi was kind enough to hp compose that instructional except for, and he insists, the part about the drugs. He doesn't believe drugs are necessary for connection through the Force.

Edit: Sorry, got a bit out of order. What I meant to say was that in that Rick Ashley video we actually did in the past put it into the layer of the video that interacts with the subconscious mind and forms a sometimes mild but potentially strong psychic link with the object of the medium. That's why our reaction to media is so important. There is a real Universe out there where the kids from Hawkins are hearing people react in their heads to them as if they're characters and they have heard some truly awful things about themselves from the internet.

That's the thing, people sensitive to magic are those psychics like Eleven or as she is known now Jane. That's part of why we connected with the Jedi.

So, you're asking people to:

"Get High or Stoned or Whatever.."

"Pay really close attention to that back voice that you get that almost sounds like an echo - that touches on the subconscious. Really the best way to do it is meditating with the medium in a quiet room."

Dude, I did all of the above back in the day while listening to Pink Floyd.

What you are asking, is for people to just use their IMAGINATION.

This can be achieved without drugs.

Just Saying. ;)


Senior Member
I really didn't want to post the Rick Astley video, but temptation overcame me, I have shits and giggles a lot.
The truth is the OP is correct (from a certain point of view to quite Obi Wan).
It's hard to articulate properly what he's talking about, but I've seen it, felt it, and had the same thoughts. I'm not a "time traveler" per se but I have been abducted and had paranormal experiences.
The idea that fictional characters are real is not as far fetched as it sounds.
Where do "ideas" really come from? Are we really making them or are
we pulling up radio information signals from other dimensions?
What if when things are going bad in one dimension it reverses the pendulum in another?
Or what if when we complete a video game we use visualization to overcome a personal problem?

Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones once said the ideas for music are floating about in the air
and that they don't really come up with music they grab it from the ether. Food for thought.

Also how did Jules Verne and HG Wells and George Orwell accurately predict the future.

Imagination yes to an extent. Define imagination. What is it REALLY?
What is the brain? Oh, that's just the brain. Well do we really know
what that is?

You have to go VERY VERY DEEP. It takes time.


Senior Member
Every single physical material thing you can touch stemmed from an idea
in someone's "imagination"

Therefore everything imaginary is real in a sense.


Senior Member
this is a poem I wrote in my college years:

Tea and Twine:
The world is a ball of twine,
With secrets underneath,
If we continue to unravel it, the teabag of truth will steep.
How often can we drop the ball?
Will our brewing minds prove weak?
Perhaps we can't undwind it all,
Perhaps one thread will prove too steep.
Check your tea periodically,-those tea leaves may pose questions anew
But following the line,
through misty caverns, always trudging through, untangling fractal threads and entangling too,
collapses the complexities, while glorious insights stew.
A superstring of logic,
Intuition tea,do not make sense together but engage non-locally.
Someday we shall see that we have never left our minds,no matter how far out we've gone,
no matter what we is because of a simple fact:
Everything of the universe, can be found within the mind.
Is it really true, that some things can't exist?
Everything stems from an idea,hey, do you get the jist?


Senior Member
As I recall---the monster that tore up Montauk was "imagined" and then made real by Duncan Cameron.
When hooked up to the device anything he thought of "became" real.

Or was it ALREADY real? What if we're all fictional characters
created by God?

The ending of this old Zelda game really stuck with me where the
entire world is revealed to have been the mere "dream" of
a fish deity:



Senior Member
Most people don't go really "deep" when they meditate.

Focus on phosphenes in a room.
Focus long enough they take on different shapes.
There's more to this world than we think.


Junior Member
A perfect demonstration of the facts we're trying to inform you of. In the Universe of the Whills, what you know of as the Star Wars are long past. They were perpetrated in secret by this man, who many of you know of as Sheev Palpatine. However, you must know that all of these bud universes that offshot from this one began originally on May 25th 1977, a date *we* chose specifically to show you as close as we've gotten to winning and making the Mending a reality in all realities.

You see, these Universes share the same past as ours and so their future is really just a branch starting from that moment, so many of the same people were around in 1977 that were present in the Clone Wars and all throughout what you know of as the Skywalker Saga up to the present. You might be surprised to learn that in that Universe, the Emperor was indeed a Senator, but he was Senator Bernie Sanders, not Sheev Palpatine. They do edit our visual memories that they show you to suit their needs but they didn't think he would be recognizable enough in 1980 so they left his face even though they altered his voice. The Senate is completely corrupt and rotten to the core, so don't look to them for help.

