A Future With Nowhere to Hide?


Re: A Future With Nowhere to Hide?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Hemoman\")</div>
Yeah i think the verse goes omething like like the mark will be in the right hand and/or th eforehead.

the companies making these chips are verichip and mondex. check it out. kinda creepy.[/b]

For those who want to check out the chip, here's a great PDF download I found. It's everything you ever wanted to know about the chip, but were afraid to ask..............



New Member
Re: A Future With Nowhere to Hide?

Have you seen Epic 2015 on www.albinoblacksheep.com. I know it's not a good source but it's a really cool description of how companies like Google could use satellites and such to track people and conversations all over the world. It is a shame that the world wont last long enough for us to see this.


Senior Member
Re: A Future With Nowhere to Hide?

Yes, the 'world' as we know it has been ending for the last 10,000 years or so according to the doom sayers. It seems that they perish along the way and this world has the knack of surving.


Junior Member
Re: A Future With Nowhere to Hide?

The mark of the beast will control to trade of money. Like a microchip in the hand with your bank accounts. When they first invented this chip, they thought of useing it for medical records and electronic keys.

If you had these microchips governing money, you'd see forced control. People wouldn't be able to buy their dope without being traced. You'd inevidable draw border lines in society and oust everyone that doesn't think government friendly.

the best thing to do is reason with people. The only way to get everyone on the same page about illegal things, is moral control. The law is a set of moral values against stealing, rape, and all things unfair. People don't believe in it, so they use word games to distort the meaning of the law.

Hitler tried to get world peace through force. He wanted everyone united under one idea.

Liberalists say what ever makes you happy is good as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else(remarkably simular to the satanic churches beliefs). Christians believe that God told them the best way of life (minus a perfect government).


Junior Member
Re: A Future With Nowhere to Hide?

The mark of the beast will control to trade of money. Like a microchip in the hand with your bank accounts.

It's a good thing I'm a penniless layabout.

"The [slackers] shall inheret the earth."

Liberalists say what ever makes you happy is good as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else(remarkably simular to the satanic churches beliefs).

Really? Sign me up!

Sure, government is the beast. It always has been, always will be. Will it destroy the world? That depends on how fragile your world is. Always remember, slavery does not lie in the whip but in the fear you feel that it may move against you; the strength of law does not lie in the use of overwhelming force but in the people's acceptance thereof. If you live in fear of the beast, then it has already consumed you.


Junior Member
Re: A Future With Nowhere to Hide?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"shane\")</div>
Sure, government is the beast. It always has been, always will be. Will it destroy the world? That depends on how fragile your world is. Always remember, slavery does not lie in the whip but in the fear you feel that it may move against you; the strength of law does not lie in the use of overwhelming force but in the people's acceptance thereof. If you live in fear of the beast, then it has already consumed you.[/b]

So the fate of the earth lies in the will of the people to stand up to the law? So if you pacify the people with sin, you achieved world peace? People do drugs because they are unhappy with a life without drugs. Yet if you do drugs in order to find happiness, you have set up the foundation for addiction. The same with sex. Sex is a drug in that people get a release of endorphins. There is a physical reward for doing nothing. When the men that sleep around are more likely to abandon their child to the care of the mother,.. you?ll see that the law is attempting to create morals for the moral less. Yet, the people that sleep around are enabled to run from relationship problems. Their souls aren?t satisfied with love, and replace it with meaningless sex (a reward for being able to turn another person on). People have reduced what they need from other people to a head game.

The only way to bring understanding to the issue is to teach the issue in a way that allows people to self examine it. If it is a real issue, most people will catch on. Most people have caught on, but recently they have learned that sleeping around teaches them to be good in bed, because they were too prudent to talk to each other about technique. This sexual revolution only drives people away from focusing on what drives the soul. They use sex and drugs to keep the body distracted. They use drugs to feel a rush a real life cannot provide. It?s teaching delusion.
