A Short Interview with Temporal Recon

I have posted a short interview I recently sat for regarding my own investigations into the Titor story and Time Travel in general. I realize my answers to the interviewers questions are quite lengthy. Purely in the interest of not cluttering up the forums, I will post the link to the interview.

I welcome discussion and further questions regarding the topic. I will monitor this thread and respond as appropriate.

If this is inappropriate, I will defer to the mods' judgment in removing this thread.

As Ever
Temporal Recon

Read the interview at: Conviction of a Time Traveler


Senior Member
I heard of JOhn Titor just before/ during the invasion of Iraq. My friend introduced it to me the night I first met him. He left I spent the rest of the night reading.

During those days I was determined to use words of influence to rouse my fellow man into resisting tyranny.

I think I have told you about it personally before in detail .

But those days..... march... 2003 I read words of weapons of mass destructino.. this new buzz word in the media... I read it in titors story too. I read of the invasion... I read that in titors words, The more I read the more I read.

I shoock me for a moment.

