A way to identify John Titor


New Member
Let's not bury the lead here.

I'm creating a method and possibly maybe independent software (later on) that can potentially assist in doing what the FBI did to uncover the Unabomber.

I think this kind of analysis can be improved in a different way using current technology. Relatively low tech stuff like Excell and chat gpt. But it's the method and the way I carry it out that's interesting.

I want to test my theories on mysteries I'm personally interested in. The main one being JT. I'm a big fan and researcher of the story so I'm in a position to feed a LOT of data into this and analyze it and I know the whole story inside and out so I'm one of few people who would be able to unmask John. Oh dang get me wrong there are many others but many of the people claiming to know whats up are way off. MY suspect has actually never even named by anyone, not even Hoax Hunter.

Think of it like this. My method and program would do what Razimus does all by itself only needing a human observer to type in prompts and ask the language model the right questions.

I will be secretive regarding my method because I think it can be commercialized and I worked too hard on this to see the police and government picking it up before I have a chance to copyright it. They have resources that can beat me to the punch.

I'm choosing the JT story because it's interesting to me, people wanna know who John is and even "if he's real" and this gives me a little room to hide. If spooks pick up on my work I can play it off like I'm just a lunatic conspiracy theorist.

Here's the thing. The JT thing is very difficult to prove 100%. If we could unmask titor we can unmask the zodiac killer, mass shooters while they're still planning, serial killers, corrupt politicians and hackers in a sea of leaked emails and such.

What if something like wikileaks had the ability to sort through the noise and leak damning accusations to HARD evidence that could actually hold up in court? How would you use this technology?

The government might use it to protect themselves. Which is why I'm here and not on kick starter

The thing is I need help. A lot of help.

Since I'm using titor as an experiment I need help from people who actually talked to titor when he posted and anyone who can contact moderators of the various site. And other titorites who just have tons of data and posts and pictures and so on.

Who wants to go down the rabbit hole? Who can contribute?

I'll answer as many questions as I can without giving up too much of my idea that can make this possible.

It's important to note the tech I'm working on is in its infancy. And it's not engineered from scratch. It just uses modified pieces of existing programs to get a limited result of what I could do if I programmed this from the bottom up.

That being said anyone who understands programming is welcome on board too. I'm not an expert but I know enough to know when I'm being had.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
its obvious you didnt see the video thats been on youtube for some time by a man who claims he faked the john titor stuff and that his time machine was just a prop he put together


Temporal Engineer
Let's not bury the lead here.

I'm creating a method and possibly maybe independent software (later on) that can potentially assist in doing what the FBI did to uncover the Unabomber.

I think this kind of analysis can be improved in a different way using current technology. Relatively low tech stuff like Excell and chat gpt. But it's the method and the way I carry it out that's interesting.

I want to test my theories on mysteries I'm personally interested in. The main one being JT. I'm a big fan and researcher of the story so I'm in a position to feed a LOT of data into this and analyze it and I know the whole story inside and out so I'm one of few people who would be able to unmask John. Oh dang get me wrong there are many others but many of the people claiming to know whats up are way off. MY suspect has actually never even named by anyone, not even Hoax Hunter.

Think of it like this. My method and program would do what Razimus does all by itself only needing a human observer to type in prompts and ask the language model the right questions.

I will be secretive regarding my method because I think it can be commercialized and I worked too hard on this to see the police and government picking it up before I have a chance to copyright it. They have resources that can beat me to the punch.

I'm choosing the JT story because it's interesting to me, people wanna know who John is and even "if he's real" and this gives me a little room to hide. If spooks pick up on my work I can play it off like I'm just a lunatic conspiracy theorist.

Here's the thing. The JT thing is very difficult to prove 100%. If we could unmask titor we can unmask the zodiac killer, mass shooters while they're still planning, serial killers, corrupt politicians and hackers in a sea of leaked emails and such.

What if something like wikileaks had the ability to sort through the noise and leak damning accusations to HARD evidence that could actually hold up in court? How would you use this technology?

The government might use it to protect themselves. Which is why I'm here and not on kick starter

The thing is I need help. A lot of help.

Since I'm using titor as an experiment I need help from people who actually talked to titor when he posted and anyone who can contact moderators of the various site. And other titorites who just have tons of data and posts and pictures and so on.

Who wants to go down the rabbit hole? Who can contribute?

I'll answer as many questions as I can without giving up too much of my idea that can make this possible.

It's important to note the tech I'm working on is in its infancy. And it's not engineered from scratch. It just uses modified pieces of existing programs to get a limited result of what I could do if I programmed this from the bottom up.

That being said anyone who understands programming is welcome on board too. I'm not an expert but I know enough to know when I'm being had.

Are you more tenacious than Razimus? He worked for years on exposing Titor. He revealed to the public what he found too. Morey Haber was exposed to be John Titor. Also nothing factual ever became of the science behind Titor's time machine. CERN never produced a micro-singularity. Of course you could have verified right from the beginning that black hole math shows that a micro-singularity would be too small to interact with anything in our universe. But if you throw out all those factual hurdles and declare a special type of Leprechaun magic was the true source of power for a time machine, you might have something. Or better yet beat the John Titor story with something better!


Senior Member
Interesting form a few aspects, what language would the programming be in ?

Could it be run on any platform or need a high end machine?


New Member

Are you more tenacious than Razimus? He worked for years on exposing Titor. He revealed to the public what he found too. Morey Haber was exposed to be John Titor. Also nothing factual ever became of the science behind Titor's time machine. CERN never produced a micro-singularity. Of course you could have verified right from the beginning that black hole math shows that a micro-singularity would be too small to interact with anything in our universe. But if you throw out all those factual hurdles and declare a special type of Leprechaun magic was the true source of power for a time machine, you might have something. Or better yet beat the John Titor story with something better!
Right so let me stress I'm not trying to prove that jt was real. And yeah I'm familiar with all of Razimus work that's what inspired me to do this actually.

Let me simplify this. I'm trying to write a program that would unmask hoaxers, serial killers, etc. I want to use the JT mystery as a sort of study for a prototype. The goal would be to unmask john titor from a list of "suspects". Morey Haber is indeed on that list and I have more data to compare with the JT posts on Haber than possibly anyone else. Denny Unger is another one, but not much data. I am however very suspicious of the Ongs hat authors. Whoever they are it's clear there was overlap in involvement. Idk if Haber is involved but it would be interesting if I eventually came to the same conclusions using my method because in my case it would actually imply that Haber worked with the people behind Ongs hat. That would be a trip because logically that doesent even make sense. It's just one possibility.

So again, this isn't to prove that JT is real or not a hoax. This is all based off the assumption it IS a hoax and the goal is to unmask the individual. But I'm running into some problems. I'd really like to speak to someone like Razimus, who understands comparing writing styles (who isn't a spook) I also need help in the data collection department.

I posted roughly the same thing about another project about the zodiac killer and was met with more responses. I found that interesting. But I found that there's more to be collected on the zodiac killer "suspects" just to the sheer amount of data available online. However little to compare it to without running into another problem which I won't even go into detail about (at least now)

Let's just say this. I need data to compare. In this case I need a proposed identity (suspect) samples of the suspects writing styles, then I need as much original posts or letters or transcriptions as I can from the *alias (in this case JT or the Zodiac)

It's a fucking nightmare. But it's keeping me busy. I may have been a little too optimistic in my first post. I need help. Just the data collection is a fucking nightmare.

Take JT for example. There's tons of copies of copies and pdfs of such of the original post. All with the original questions removed (these are important because the suspect could be hidden in a different poster)

I'm trying to use the wayback machine now but its...limited. I went through different time travel schematics (this site has a bunch) but there's so many copies of copies of copies. I need hard original postings completed with typos and usernames, as if I was physically there and took a screen shot.

Anyone that has a Screenshot or pdf of original JT posts would be of great value to me.

I tried a less daunting task. I tried casting myself as a fictional suspect amongst random tweets from celebrities and found that I was able to unmask myself 80% of the time, even when I renamed the files and shuffled them. That's the easy part. Finding hard original data is the hard part.

I kinda wish I could ask people for potential JT email addresses and Ip Adresses but feel that may be too much. Idk... goes into some weird territory there. I was able to find an alleged john titor email associated with the original JT postings (allegedly) but the info I got wasn't anything that couldn't be found on the web already. (I got an IP address from a place in Florida that I won't name here but is widely associated with the JT story and the habers) so that was fun but not helpful....


New Member
Interesting form a few aspects, what language would the programming be in ?

Could it be run on any platform or need a high end machine?
Right now I'm largely using python. Only because of the limits of my own programming language.

Should I ever finish a polished prototype of what I'm trying to achieve, you wouldn't need anything more advanced than a desktop or laptop. Memory would be the main issue. So a few tb hard drives for data storage.

Right now I'm using programs that you likely have on your computer now. Like Excell, note pad, a basic internet browser, and a program I wrote in python to shuffle and rename files so I know what they are without opening them. (Think of Like putting your music player on shuffle but all your tracks are named the same thing and you don't know what they are until you play them) I then use chat gpt (this is the part I'm not trying to divulge too too much about) to match those files. I then unmask the files and see if chat gpt is right. When it is right, then in theory that should name my suspect.

It's basically removing my personal bias from the data and matching personal writing styles to eachother without knowing who the authors are then revealing it to me after.

As I said in another reply my first post may have been overly optimistic. This idea is brand new and I just started. I'm less than a day into the technical work. One of the most important reasons I chose the JT story rather than another well known hoax is because I have a lot of files on my computer relating to it, just from being a huge geek. My main problem as I explained to Einstein is that the data collection is a bitch. Especially when you realize many of the posts you have aren't originals but copies of copies of copies.

I got the idea to use the wayback machine from a user in a Facebook group, but I discovered the wayback machine doesent go way deep. It shows u like 3 pages tops. Sometimes not even that. That's where forums like this are valuable. There are people here who might have a screen shot or at least a copy and paste of an original john titor post, complete with typos and spelling errors and original usernames from people asking him questions.

I'm also looking for more Denny Unger posts not related to Ongs hat. Tweets don't really cut it because they're so compact and tend to use a lot of acronyms and modern language that wasn't around in 2000/01.


Junior Member
its obvious you didnt see the video thats been on youtube for some time by a man who claims he faked the john titor stuff and that his time machine was just a prop he put together
I'd like to see this video? I am not saying it doesn't exist but I would like to see it. Tried to look it up on youtube but nothing shows up. So please if you have a link, post it so I and others can see it. One the biggest speculations was it was a hoax and a possible movie script. So please send it.
BTW if the whole thing was faked why wouldn't this individual claim the rights. I was in touch with the attorney who represents the Titor family and I asked the question, so if i want to write a book on this matter or fund a kick starter short movie could i and could i collect profits from doing so. His answer was, no one owns the rights! So, that said! Why hasn't some one come forth to claim the rights? Even if its faked and a hoax it is considered to be a really good fake and hoax then and money could be made from it. Movie buffs would want into it the list goes on. So, yeah. Where the person who faked it and the rights? That's my question and I would love to see that video. Is it this Matheny who had IT background and claimed he did it as part of an experiment? I mean so many have come forward but none have filed for rights! Is it hoax hunter? He made his entire youtube channel for a while on John Titor being a fake! Let's see the holder of the legal rights to the titor story! Even that $1,200 book on ebay, the money trickles into a fund somewhere and its claimed the titor foundation holds rights to that book, thus the story. The attorney differs on that! It's all fine to speculate, but if they don't hold legal rights to stop anyone from writting anything about the story or making a movie or merchandise then it's free game for all. You would think all of this would be protected. You would think who ever did it as a hoax would want credit for it. Like all the other supposed fakes and hoaxes. The Alien Autopsy clip, Or the alien held captive and the video released by Victor, Victor was on Art Bell show a couple of times and seen in the UFO community on Youtube and other shows, he asked for money for his video being released and some thought that was sketchy but he reasoned it out as to why he needed compensation. So my reasoning on this isn't to dismiss that it all was a fake but to point out if it were a fake why hasn't someone come forward with proof and a claim to the rights. I am very much interested in your video. Another interesting point, the attorney! If he was involved in this as being a fake, that's grounds for disbarment in most states. That's conspiracy to defraud the public and then conceal. No attorney in his or her right mind would risk such a thing. Larry continued statements to everyone was that he was hired by the family to help keep there privacy in the matter. No claims of commercial interest outside of the book. Claim to the story by the family but nothing else outside of that. Look how many have written books since then. These are my points to crush the theory it was a hoax because if one uses common sense in this, none of it makes any sense at all. The cost involved to do such a thing and then no compensation afterwards, no collection of credit in doing so. Doesn't make sense! Now if one were to tell me it was a government psyop to see how the public would react to such an event. I would believe that in a heart beat! It would make perfect sense! Would explain a great deal of things. But no one has put that forth in a professional setting in investigating this story!

I just toss it all out there to see what others thoughts are on it. But again please post the video. I keep an open mind maybe I haven't seen this video you mentioned.
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steven chiverton

Senior Member
its been a while since ive seen that video dont remember how i found it i may of uploaded link in the paranormalise ages ago so i dont know where it is now


I'd like to see this video? I am not saying it doesn't exist but I would like to see it. Tried to look it up on youtube but nothing shows up. So please if you have a link, post it so I and others can see it. One the biggest speculations was it was a hoax and a possible movie script. So please send it.
BTW if the whole thing was faked why wouldn't this individual claim the rights. I was in touch with the attorney who represents the Titor family and I asked the question, so if i want to write a book on this matter or fund a kick starter short movie could i and could i collect profits from doing so. His answer was, no one owns the rights! So, that said! Why hasn't some one come forth to claim the rights? Even if its faked and a hoax it is considered to be a really good fake and hoax then and money could be made from it. Movie buffs would want into it the list goes on. So, yeah. Where the person who faked it and the rights? That's my question and I would love to see that video. Is it this Matheny who had IT background and claimed he did it as part of an experiment? I mean so many have come forward but none have filed for rights! Is it hoax hunter? He made his entire youtube channel for a while on John Titor being a fake! Let's see the holder of the legal rights to the titor story! Even that $1,200 book on ebay, the money trickles into a fund somewhere and its claimed the titor foundation holds rights to that book, thus the story. The attorney differs on that! It's all fine to speculate, but if they don't hold legal rights to stop anyone from writting anything about the story or making a movie or merchandise then it's free game for all. You would think all of this would be protected. You would think who ever did it as a hoax would want credit for it. Like all the other supposed fakes and hoaxes. The Alien Autopsy clip, Or the alien held captive and the video released by Victor, Victor was on Art Bell show a couple of times and seen in the UFO community on Youtube and other shows, he asked for money for his video being released and some thought that was sketchy but he reasoned it out as to why he needed compensation. So my reasoning on this isn't to dismiss that it all was a fake but to point out if it were a fake why hasn't someone come forward with proof and a claim to the rights. I am very much interested in your video. Another interesting point, the attorney! If he was involved in this as being a fake, that's grounds for disbarment in most states. That's conspiracy to defraud the public and then conceal. No attorney in his or her right mind would risk such a thing. Larry continued statements to everyone was that he was hired by the family to help keep there privacy in the matter. No claims of commercial interest outside of the book. Claim to the story by the family but nothing else outside of that. Look how many have written books since then. These are my points to crush the theory it was a hoax because if one uses common sense in this, none of it makes any sense at all. The cost involved to do such a thing and then no compensation afterwards, no collection of credit in doing so. Doesn't make sense! Now if one were to tell me it was a government psyop to see how the public would react to such an event. I would believe that in a heart beat! It would make perfect sense! Would explain a great deal of things. But no one has put that forth in a professional setting in investigating this story!

I just toss it all out there to see what others thoughts are on it. But again please post the video. I keep an open mind maybe I haven't seen this video you mentioned.

