Actual time travel.

However, I did look over the articles with interest. One thing I noted was that the grading scale indicated that 1's and 2's were given to students with high academic achievement status. 6's were given to students with failing status. A report card listing Einstein's grades was posted.

These grades do tend to support the historical record that Einstein was not an academic achiever.

Actually, that certificate is for an entrance exam to the Swiss Federal Polytechnic in Zurich, where the grade system is reversed. (Confusing, I know)
However, I did look over the articles with interest. One thing I noted was that the grading scale indicated that 1's and 2's were given to students with high academic achievement status. 6's were given to students with failing status. A report card listing Einstein's grades was posted.

These grades do tend to support the historical record that Einstein was not an academic achiever.

Actually, that certificate is for an entrance exam to the Swiss Federal Polytechnic in Zurich, where the grade system is reversed. (Confusing, I know)

I did look into this as well. In present day I found that the school mentioned on the certificate has a reversed grading system compared to the way German schools are. However I was unsuccessful in finding out how the grading system was at the time the date on the certificate suggests.

From my viewpoint it appears there seems to be an effort to rewrite the historical facts I was taught in school.
I did look into this as well. In present day I found that the school mentioned on the certificate has a reversed grading system compared to the way German schools are. However I was unsuccessful in finding out how the grading system was at the time the date on the certificate suggests.

From my viewpoint it appears there seems to be an effort to rewrite the historical facts I was taught in school.

According to this post, the grades switched during his last year of school. I see that particular date repeated a lot across the internet. I can't seem to find an official record of the claim either though, but I guess that's to be expected with such an old document.

I'm not sure why you would interpret this as some kind of conspiracy though. It seems infinitely more likely that someone knew of the old system and simply got the dates slightly confused, and started the rumour. The rumour spread because people like the idea that they don't need to work hard to be successful. It refuses to be squashed because of confirmation bias. (Simply put, we value positive evidence more than we value negative evidence)
I find it completely comical the Einstein was made out to be a genius. This recent idea that he had good grades appears to me to be a complete fabrication. No credible references on where this info came from is usually the case.

When I was in school, it was no myth back then that he did poorly in school. It was historical fact. I'm pretty sure you could find and verify this by visiting a local library and looking up Einstein in an old encyclopedia.

Here are a couple of links that I also found amusing:

Albert Einstein - Plagiarist of The Century

Was Albert Einstein a hoax?
I find it completely comical the Einstein was made out to be a genius. This recent idea that he had good grades appears to me to be a complete fabrication. No credible references on where this info came from is usually the case.

When I was in school, it was no myth back then that he did poorly in school. It was historical fact. I'm pretty sure you could find and verify this by visiting a local library and looking up Einstein in an old encyclopedia.

Here are a couple of links that I also found amusing:

Albert Einstein - Plagiarist of The Century

Was Albert Einstein a hoax?

So one of your teachers actually taught you that Einstein had bad grades? I find that to be equally comical, given that there is zero evidence for that fact, compared to the existing evidence that he had good grades. (And we all know just because you were taught something in school, doesn't automatically protect it from being proven wrong. Again, theory of miasma causing disease) I also find it comical that people assume that you're not allowed to incorporate existing ideas into a new theory. As if you have to ignore everyone else's work and do everything from scratch, like science is some kind of competition, instead of the pursuit of knowledge for the benefit of everyone.

I also want to point out that that hoax article fabricated a quote, so it's hardly trustworthy. The Encyclopedia Britannica article on Einstein specifically states that Einstein had good grades, and nowhere does it state that he "showed little scholastic ability."

It really saddens me that people try so hard to tarnish the reputation of a great man. If they put that effort into doing good instead, think how much better the world would be.
@ Einstein - Not sure if you have looked into Bosons and gravitons, but this might help you on your quest if you didn't know about it already.

Graviton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Creation and control of gravitons might be a path.

Yes, I have seen all of the theories. No one has any idea where to look for gravitons. It may be that it is another one step forward and two steps back type of game with gravitons.

Of course using negative weight to make an object weightless is exactly what mother nature does for objects in orbit about the earth. So that idea has some factual basis.

But no one has ever found a quantum of mass either.
Ok, want to start a thread about realistic methods of possible time travel, and maybe we can arrive at a conclusion of what would need to happen to actually accomplish time travel.

As far as I know, the current methods of time travel are -

wormholes (if you can find one, create one)
bending space-time fabric (heavy mass and gravity needed)
traveling faster than light (not easy)
Controlling a black hole (good luck)

I am curious what you all think is the most possible out of which is listed. If you know of any other (realistic and logical) methods, I'd love to hear them.

The problem with the metaphysical method of time traveling is that (if it indeed works), you'd have to leave the body behind, or find another one. I am speaking of using the space-time continuum to allow absolute transfer from one time to another.

@ Einstein - Not sure if you have looked into Bosons and gravitons, but this might help you on your quest if you didn't know about it already.

Graviton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Creation and control of gravitons might be a path.

Yes, I have seen all of the theories. No one has any idea where to look for gravitons. It may be that it is another one step forward and two steps back type of game with gravitons.

Of course using negative weight to make an object weightless is exactly what mother nature does for objects in orbit about the earth. So that idea has some factual basis.

But no one has ever found a quantum of mass either.
