Agit-prop and Magick


Junior Member
Hi all!

To sparkly begin this new year, I propose to you starting a thread about one of my regular points of interest i.e. involvement of magi into (geo)politics.

I know for sure that this kind of practices exist, such interferences have been documented by historians and I have been confronted myself to current cases.
Plus, I am convinced that they are not only fools without serious impact on the rule of our world; some past sorcelers critically manipulated the course of history e.g. Rasputin about the fate of the Czar, or at least biaised the evolution of events like the role of the Theosophical Society during the Indias independance.
This is not only related to their agit-prop activities; according to my own experience(s), some of them are serious business and have effective powers to manipulate minds or events.

So, I try since to better understand who is who in this milieu, what are the balances of powers inside, and moreover what are the motivations of the major actors at least.
If you are interested to attempt such a mapping of this underground, I would be glad in order to beware people against all the related abuses.

To introduce this subjects, I wanted your opinions on a specific group of this kind.
I did not succeed in forging an idea about them: are they serious or only pranksters? are they benevolent or malicious?
You can find all the links that I have found about them in the attached PDF.

All the best!


  • D-M-.pdf
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Magick wars still exist. Light workers and those on the right hand paths are still battling against the dark magick of the Illuminati and their conspiring minions. However, those on the dark side have government control over the world. I am a reluctant light worker to say the least.

I’m afraid magick wars are easier to create than end in peace.


Junior Member
Dear Parazite1986,
I agree with you that there is a moral stake into this topics and my motive with this thread is indeed preventing misdoings from radical or cynical magi.
But, I actually try to scientifically map this milieu as much as possible since I hope to warn as much people as possible including outside our forum, even skeptical dudes.
Even if they oust the paranormal aspect, I think that they deserve alarms about the PSYOPS from such sorcelers.
And so, I try to perform due argumentations with documented clues about existence of those organizations and their actions.
For example, without putting you in danger with too many details and as you precise being a light worker: what is your tradition of belonging or network of initiation?
All the best


Junior Member
To feed up this thread, I mention two other networks whose I suspect existence but about which documents lack:

* true witches:
I talk about somekind of matriarchal webs of witches who are not Wiccan covens but better a survival of initiation groups like in Ancient Greece - I do not know their precised agenda, they are clearly somekind of Feminist and Chamanic, maybe into Deep Ecology (actually, they recall me somewhat of the Bene Gesserit in the Dune saga);

* supporters of New Dark Ages (I do not know how to better call them):
they would be crypto-reactionnaries, quasi-Fascists with a main core into the European high society and the Catholic Church who looked for collapsing the Modern world that disgusted them as decadent - they would want a coming back to religiously-monitored, feudal or monarchical societies like during early Middle-Age (plus, their true leaders would be obsessed by their allegued bloodline as being Atlantean/Hyperborean heirs or even from divine/alien hereditary).


Junior Member
About both the other mentionned networks, you can find sources in the attached PDF.
The very major part of them is dedicated to the NDA supporters but it is normal since those ladies are pretty discrete.
Plus, I am sure that a part of my references is dubious. We swim into a world of propaganda and disinformation, and so there are certainly bulls*** from either the main concerned or their opponents.
Nonetheless, I think that I have succeeded into drawing a few serious patterns about them.


  • Clues.pdf
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Junior Member
Here we have a few other cases.
They do not seem as powerful or efficient as the previous networks I have mentionned.
Nonetheless, they have become influential lobbies for sure and they are interested by the same kind of Hoodoo than the other; I am only not sure that they handle this stuff with the same mastery.


  • Other dudes.pdf
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Junior Member
I share here a last example to fully trigger our brainstorming.
Then, I will wait that some among you either discuss my sources and analysises or give other cases.


  • A little last.pdf
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Junior Member
I wanted to share thoughts about the already mentionned networks.
The three first groups actually seem not enemies but preferably competitors i.e. they do not try to spoil each others' projects for their interests can converge especially against the Modern world.
Nonetheless, their projects for the aftermath are quite different and so they plan to obtain ascendance against the other for the future. In such a prespective, they have all a game trying to infiltrate and manipulate each other according to their respective blueprints.
For all the other networks, I think that they are too little to challenge the first described. As a result, the latter are either neutral before the former or they engineer them as puppets.


Junior Member
About the Anarchist part of this spectrum, I found the below PDF on the Net. It is quite interesting.
I do not mean that anybody must considerate the author as a serious magus but he opportunely points out numerous aspects of our topic here.
Moreover, this text is emblematic of all this 2000s generation of revolted youth that has invested into Magick as a way to revolution.

