AI Abilities by 2036


Active Member
Regarding the development and progress of AI, by the time 2036 comes around it would seem possible that we may encounter a situation where we need a legacy system that Titor went back for. This possibility could fuel a need to travel back in time. Thus reinforcing Titors story, hoax or not.
Perhaps his conversations and interactions in our past prevented future predictions he experienced in his timeline prior to traveling.


I see. Titor has a unique concept of saving the society by traveling to our time so he barely changes the timeline to the point where what he prophesied weren’t considered “ true “ because of what changed in our past.


Senior Member
Does the John Titor story discuss the use of AI to develop time travel technology?
In this video in a later stage of AI development it is suggested that time manipulation may be achievable.

On their worldline I think they're still suffering from post atomic war.


Senior Member
Does the John Titor story discuss the use of AI to develop time travel technology?
In this video in a later stage of AI development it is suggested that time manipulation may be achievable.

AI in our timeline is more or less watched with precautions, but it's not meant as a care-all parent for most.


Senior Member
AI is now a race. Nations compete to create the most powerful artificial intelligence programs. John Titor did warn us about a civil war. Like we could get one soon.

However, he did not talk about inflation and people not being able to afford food


Senior Member
AI is now a race. Nations compete to create the most powerful artificial intelligence programs. John Titor did warn us about a civil war. Like we could get one soon.

However, he did not talk about inflation and people not being able to afford food anymore.View attachment 17607

Yeah, my understanding is all of that stuff was supposed to happen a lot sooner in his prediction,
but the scary thing is it's all coming to a head now just a little late.
Things are so chaotic in the United States I could see somethin really bad and wild
happen super easily, just two years ago if you had told me that i'd say you were nuts,
but not this time. I see it a little bit down the line but not much, my prediction would be
some time around this year's election cuz political sides have NEVER been more divided since the last civil war


Junior Member
AI is pretty impressive, but what we have now is nowhere close to having a legitimate, general artificial intelligence. ChatGPT is -- more or less - a glorified autocorrect. That's why it can have serious trouble, for example, playing chess. Try it sometime. ChatGPT often tries to make illegal moves, tries to move pieces that aren't there, tries to capture pieces that aren't there, or even creates new pieces. This is because it just doesn't understand chess. It knows that e5 is a common response to e4 because the language model picked that up from the data, but it doesn't understand what this means in any way. This is why you can never really finish a game of chess with GPT. It doesn't have the intelligence to make the right moves once the pieces are moved around a bit.

It does a great job at appearing to be having a conversation with you, but that's just large language models being large language models. I don't think we're going to have a legitimate general AI by 2036. There is still so much to go.


Senior Member
Im not sure, its come a long way quickly and 2036 is still 12 years away, there might be vast improvement. This could depend on whats allowed to happen more than what will work for everyone's ideas.
