Air Force guy says tall white aliens dressed in human suits visited Vegas casinos


Senior Member


Senior Member
So a little side story on the same subject as i lived in Vegas for 4 years.

I had went to Albertsons to get some groceries as i didn't really need a lot, i had went into the pasta aisle to get some spaghetti sauce and at the end of the aisle there was this family of 3, a male a female and a child and they were just kind of standing there looking at the shelfs not doing anything. As i got closer to get my sauce i notice the male wont look at me, he wont make eye contact but his wife and child were just sitting there staring at me, unblinking, all of a sudden my sauce rolls out of my cart some how and crashes on the floor, these people didn't even budge, not a blink nothing, i said excuse me and walked past them.

I went and got a worker to help with the mess, so she walks over and they do the same to her, she comes back to me looking visibly freaked out and thanked me for letting her know, as we both looked back the family was gone.

I joked i ran into a family of ET checking out the ghetto grocery store lol


Senior Member
So a little side story on the same subject as i lived in Vegas for 4 years.

I had went to Albertsons to get some groceries as i didn't really need a lot, i had went into the pasta aisle to get some spaghetti sauce and at the end of the aisle there was this family of 3, a male a female and a child and they were just kind of standing there looking at the shelfs not doing anything. As i got closer to get my sauce i notice the male wont look at me, he wont make eye contact but his wife and child were just sitting there staring at me, unblinking, all of a sudden my sauce rolls out of my cart some how and crashes on the floor, these people didn't even budge, not a blink nothing, i said excuse me and walked past them.

I went and got a worker to help with the mess, so she walks over and they do the same to her, she comes back to me looking visibly freaked out and thanked me for letting her know, as we both looked back the family was gone.

I joked i ran into a family of ET checking out the ghetto grocery store lol

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
