Alien lizards are ruling the planet, according to thousands of millennials


Active Member
hey i saw Grey alien and Reptilian and other race of alien but i think they all demons like i just said before from hell realms and by the way why do they smell so bad like sufur water smell so i just stay away from aliens.


Senior Member
I think technically they're not exactly "demons" they're fallen angels. They were driven out of the upper layer of heaven,
AKA the THIRD version of outer space by "God" or possibly the fake god Chief Archon Demiurge and then they came down to various planets with varying groups, some of which disagree with each other on what to do with us humans, but yes, they all pretty much view us as inferior.

Ironically though, we're also arguably fallen angels.


Fallen angels can be redeemed by Jesus, because we ourselves are fallen.
They were cast down for "rebelling" and both God and Lucifer kind of lost
track of all the shit they're doing currently. This explains perfectly how it can fit into a biblical context contrary
to what many Christians think.


Senior Member
If you hear many insiders they basically say a condensed version of what sunshades dude said,
the real difference between "good" and "bad" aliens is that the good ones do not want us killed
but still don't really give a shit about us and view us as cattle. The "bad" ones want us all dead.

IMO there are some within each of these groups who are not totally evil. There's people
who have had beautiful encounters with aliens. They are all "evil" in the sense
that most of them are fallen, ie flawed like we are. Most are to be avoided.


Senior Member
Going back to the Alien Lizards what candidate's in the world arena do yas think we have for the high ranking positions?


Senior Member
note: this is in jest but yeah.

John Kerry is a confirmed lizard alien.
Self-proclaimed Darth Vader Dick Cheney is probly some type of alien as well,
but we have clear proof John Kerry is an alien:



Senior Member
Other potential space aliens:

Klaus Shwabb

George Soros

George Bush and his late father both

Donald Trump

Boris Johnson

Mitt Romney

Alex Jones (yes, really listen to how often he uses the word 'humans' and acts like he's the ultimate gift to Earth)

Marco Rubio (though more likely a robot)

Joe Biden (C3PO's cousin 33330)

Queen Elizerdbeth
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Senior Member
Side note: That statistic actually doesn't surprise me, millenials were raised
on a lot of stuff that had alien lizards in it---tv shows and video games both.


Side note: That statistic actually doesn't surprise me, millenials were raised on a lot of stuff that had alien lizards in it---tv shows and video games both.
I met a shape-shifter. Ugly spud. Started stretching its arm skin up and down like it was going to morph. I didn't know what to do so I left. Jesus Christ. The things I've seen. Try getting kidnapped by an alien spaceship hospital. Meet all kinds in. No lie. People without legs. Only feet attached to their torso. No probes in the assignment though. Ha. How did that rumor get started? I guess I could have asked for one.
Wouldn't it be nice if there was a radio section on here to listen to commentary on these subjects while we fall asleep? Like spooky stories we could do the audio for? Finders fee please. Ha

EXCLUSIVE - A poll found that 12% of people between the ages of 24 and 35 believed that the world is being ruled by lizards in human form - including the royal family and presidents
