Alien spirits?

Of course we are all familiar with the traditional spirits/entities that can be traced back to humanity in some fashion like shadow people, ghosts, demons, etc. However one thing that is rarely heard about is the spirit of an extraterrestrial that died on Earth (Im sure there are a few) Or a spirit of an alien being trapped in a UFO it died in (hey if it can happen to humans if they die in a house it can happen to them right?)

So, has anyone ever possibly ran into anything like this, or is there any record of a similar account?


Senior Member
From my understanding ET's control their spirits so when one shell is done they know to move to another or stay in etheral form till a need arises. From what i have read they can choose when to exit and enter new bodys that they control there spirits not the body the body is only a shell for work

Thats interesting, now I read an account long ago about an alien spirit haunting a military hospital in NM where its body supposedly died. I wonder how a human spirit wandering around can interact with an ET or etheral ET that has decided not to move into another body yet.

Now the other question is, do the ETs have their own mythological version of demons/possessions?


Senior Member
I do not know where to categorize demons, i use to be one of the people who would say a demon is from hell, but after much reaearch into Aliens and Different dimensions, who is to say that Demons and Possessions arent from rogue souls trying to get back into a body or dimensional beings doing the same, The concept of heaven/Hell i believe is more for those who need something to believe in and arent actual places but different dimensions. And i am sure the ET's know this as well.
Thats the one I read, thanks :) I have always thought myself that demons were just another totally different branch of ET. I do know that some shadow people are a different lifeform that registers as dark matter here.


Senior Member
i do believe in ghosts i have seen them for my self, i have also had the displeassure of meeting someone who was possessed, yes there is most defenatly a evil being without a doubt, is it a demon from hell? Who is to say but i find it far easier to believe that it is a Dimensional Being trying to get into our dimension anyway it can rather than a demon spawn from hell trying to break into the living world to cause havoc and by doing so taking over someones body. To me hell is just a way to scare church kids into not screwing off for the first 16 years of there life, i mean in all reality 95% of us are going to hell if thats the case, i sure know i am.


Let's assume aliens are just like you and I blood and flesh. Let's also assume they were created or evolved in the same manner as humans. If there is a universal power driving life then of course we would share commonalities like the existance of a soul.

If however aliens are not like us then they could be masters of the etheral plane (demon, ghost, dimensional shifter..) Hard to say without knowing the types of aliens out there and where they come from.
Yes and the aliens technologically were probably like us at one point and had their own version of ghost hunting and such. They probably had their own versions of demons and mythological creatures that probably are very scary; even more so than ours.
