American Ghost Hunter


Junior Member
Hey Blast is this documentary worth watching or is just a waste of time? Thanks in advance! :)


Senior Member
I liked the Paranormal State team, and to me it definitely is worth watching!


Junior Member

Great documentary about a extraordinary team of paranormal invesitgators
I went to A local Graveyard on Halloween it is well known to be very haunted , their are huge obelisk's and monuments there from the early 1800's , I took as many pictures of those as I could stand & focused on A newer modern looking graveyard that was very small but it was fenced in and locked up tight , I took a series of random pictures two of them in the same location a couple seconds apart showed an image that looked like an apparition , the second photo clearly showed that it had moved and it looked like it had dark hollow looking eyes facing me , someone I showed them to noticed that it looked like A soldier holding a rifle . I never thought it possible but I am one of the most credible witnesses on the face of the planet I never lie about anything . On another subject strange things began to occur I was told by A Witch that I knew that this spirit attached itself to me somehow & I needed to follow her instructions to banish it , I never did what she told me & life as I know it is pretty normal today ..
