Debate Angels


I was just wondering peoples opinions of them. I'm not too familiar on Angel lore, but I believe they are real. However not in the typical sense.

They are not loveable happy smiling balls of Light with wings as they ate depicted in so many places.

In my opinion they are a lot like people. Some are totally heartless and its all about the system (angels in Heaven are like that) while some are power hungry and greedy while others give their all to work for Creation and protect life.

The most important thing to note is following God does not mean following Heaven (realm of angels.) There are few Fallen which still are of light and God but politics in Heaven are worse than politics on earth.

And what about angels such as the Grigori. Made to live with humans and blend in. You think they are still around. How common? What about ancestors. Lore claims Dominic had all children of Grigori killed while leaving Grigori on punishment alone so long as they only continued watching.

Tons more but y'all go now.


Junior Member
My gaurdian angel has made herself known to me
I'm use to seeing spirits, mostly the dead. Shortly after Jesus had found me I saw a spirit's profile with praying hands before my eyes. At the time, I thought that it was the dead and that they had the right idea by praying. A few days later I saw the same vision and thought the same thing. Again, a few days go by and I saw it, her whole spirit form, wings and all with praying hands and she began being dressed in a cloud of white, starting with her wings, before she flew away. She has a beautiful slim figure - god had created her spirit form perfect for flight.​
When I had seen her hands closely the first two times, I had seen them so clearly that I could honestly say that she probably has fingerprints just like ours.​
Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness"
About a week goes by and I heard her beautiful voice calling out my name. Her voice is much more beautiful than any human voice.


Senior Member
According to Scripture, when Lucifer fell from Heaven, one-third of the angels followed him. Those are the Fallen Angels. Those are the only angels that would be "power hungry and greedy". Fallen Angels have lost all of their Angelic qualities after they fell from Heaven. I think they might also fit into the category of being Demons.

Angelic Angels, which are in Heaven, are completely loyal Servants of God and do not have the desires for 'power' and 'greed'. They have no selfish thoughts. Their every thought is for the glory of God.


I have seen 2 Angels...both in dreams. The first Angel was very tall, he was Male and about 12-14 feet high, he had shoulder length hair, and he wore an overcoat. I asked him who he was, and he said he was my Guardian Angel. He showed me some of my Treasures in Heaven.

The second time I dreamed of an Angel...he came and gave me a message. He said he was an Angel Messenger. This Angel was very different from the other one that I saw. The Angel Messenger was sexless, not male, not female. He was about 6 feet tall and had short hair. He said he was sent to tell me...People on earth can visit with their loved ones in the Afterlife in the Dream State...and when they do, they meet just outside the Gates of Heaven. I told the Angel Messenger that I had just visited with someone who was deceased. He said, we had met just outside the Gates of Heaven.

Those are the only two experiences that I had where I actually saw and spoke with Angels.


I have had dreams of Visitations with the Afterlife since I was about 16 years old. I have visited with departed loved and other deceased persons many times this way. My mother showed me the future in the first dream that she visited me after her death. What she showed me came true...that's one reason why I know my dreams are real visits.

Dreams of Visitations with the Afterlife are very vivid and real. They are different from normal dreams that people have. We remember them much easier...the details of Afterlife Dreams stay with us. :)


Senior Member
Angels...fallen angels (demons)...visitations brought to mind the friction between good and evil, spiritual warefare! I believe in angels, but I haven't seen any just as I believe in God but haven't seen him. (Another thread on that debate). People may ask why do you believe in angels that you haven't seen?...I just do, so for me it isn't debatable as it is a belief I was raised with. I wanted to mention some good reading on Angels...good and bad. A former GF recommended the book, The Oath, by Frank Peretti. I thought fiction...why waist my time reading it. Once I started I couldn't stop. The battle of angels (good or evil)...behind the scenes. Oh well I just wanted to mention this.


Senior Member
Angels...fallen angels (demons)...visitations brought to mind the friction between good and evil, spiritual warefare! I believe in angels, but I haven't seen any just as I believe in God but haven't seen him. (Another thread on that debate). People may ask why do you believe in angels that you haven't seen?...I just do, so for me it isn't debatable as it is a belief I was raised with. I wanted to mention some good reading on Angels...good and bad. A former GF recommended the book, The Oath, by Frank Peretti. I thought fiction...why waist my time reading it. Once I started I couldn't stop. The battle of angels (good or evil)...behind the scenes. Oh well I just wanted to mention this.

I have read many books on visitations from Angels. It's a fascinating subject. It is amazing how many first-hand accounts there are of Angels helping people...countless miracles! The library is a good place to start if one wants to read up on the subject. There are Angels Among Us. :)


I always have been interested in the idea of nephilim. and you known the story of Lot and the two strangers.
Angels among us.


Junior Member
Why is the chance that those dreams were just dreams 0% ? Why isn't it just coincidence that you saw something that turned out to be true, many people, including me, see things in dreams that happen later on in real life. But i never come to the conclusion that these are revelations of any sort, i just know that they are dreams. Science clearly reveals that dreams are completely fabricated by the brain, so saying that the characters in your dreams were angels is.. kinda going against science. So again, what makes you think science is wrong and you're right ?


I'm sorry bomberman I do value all opinions even those whom I disagree with. However, This is not a thread about science. You are in the wrong thread/part of the forum.

If you desire to speak about science finish my chemical engineering senior design class for me. If ya can do that, speak all you want of how science disproves the spiritual. PS... quantum physics completely supports it even if it is Jungian in nature and created by our minds.


Junior Member
I know that quantum physics supports it, i'm not saying im against spirituality and i never said so. But i am against organized religion, angels, gods, etc. And how dare you tell me that i cannot speak about science, while you're the ones coming with claims of gods, angels, and other stuff that has no foundation or proof whatsoever.

And just remember that the eventual "conclusion" that quantum-physicists came up with, is that we are all one, eternal, all knowing, consciousness. Now you may call that god/allah/brahman or whatever you want to call it, but it does not support religion, and it never will. Religion claims that a personified god-figure exists, that jesus is his son, that heaven and hell are places people go to based on wether they believe in this god-figure or not.


Junior Member
I would just like to say that I've seen Jesus in spirit. I've heard the father's voice. I've heard and seen an angel. I've seen demons and was possessed by one twice. And all this occured when I was awake and was not a dream. Although, I do subscribe to the validity of dreams. I bear witness to all this and there are millions of other people throughout history that have done the same.

Millions of people giving testimony and bearing witness would stand up in any court of law and would hold as being, "beyond a reasonable doubt".
