Announcing New Post Format for Creative Writing

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Note that this thread is an announcement of what our Creative Writing Formats can do. If you're looking for details on how it works and how to use it, check out the article below:

Hey everyone, I hope you're doing good!

I've been working quite a bit on the site behind the scenes, and I'm ready to unveil this new forum feature.

I created a series of BBCodes, that now make it possible to publish your content in styles that are greatly different from regular forum posts. This opens many possibilities, one of which is the focus of this announcement.

Posting creative writing on the forum is fun. But it looks like crap. The text you are reading right now looks fine for a forum discussion, for an announcement. But it's not a format that's suitable for publishing your writing. The font is too small, the text area is way too wide, etc. It breaks the immersion and doesn't feel like you're reading a novel, a fiction story, or a book at all. Let's fix this!

Here is the BOOK FORMAT. It allows you to post your content as a book/novel page, within your posts. Effectively allowing you to "publish" so to speak, your writing here, on the forum, in a format that looks and feels like you're reading a book. Alegreya Medium 500, first-line indents, black-on-white, centered images, etc. It's mostly standard and imitates a novel's typography pretty well. As you'll see below, it attempts at recreating the same look and feel, as reading an actual book. 🤓

First, here's a title page, followed by the formatting BBCode syntax I used to create it. I decided to take The Two Towers as an example. The image is optional.

The Lord of the Rings
The Two Towers


J.R.R. Tolkien

[H1]The Lord of the Rings
The Two Towers[/H1]
[ATTACH type="full"]18023[/ATTACH]
[C]J.R.R. Tolkien[/C]

We have a couple of tags between brackets, here.

- BOOK: It's the primary bracket that contains what you want to be published as such.

- H1/2/3: Heading tag for titles. 1 is for the book's title. 2 for chapters. 3 For sub-sections inside a chapter.

- C: It's a capitalized, centered italics tag used for chapter numbers, highlighted quotes, or the author's name above.

Now, a short excerpt from chapter 3 of TTT. I modified it for convenience and included a paragraph divider and a centered quote.

Chapter III

The Riders of Rohan

‘You are our guide,’ said Gimli, ‘and you are skilled in the chase. You shall choose.’

‘My heart bids me go on,’ said Legolas. ‘But we must hold together. I will follow your counsel.’

‘You give the choice to an ill chooser,’ said Aragorn. ‘Since we passed through the Argonath my choices have gone amiss.’ He fell silent, gazing north and west into the gating night for a long while.

- - -

‘Where sight fails the earth may bring us rumour,’ said Aragorn. ‘The land must groan under their hated feet.’ He stretched himself upon the ground with his ear pressed against the turf. He lay there motionless, for so long a time that Gimli wondered if he had swooned or fallen asleep again. Dawn came glimmering, and slowly a grey light grew about them. At last he rose, and now his friends could see his face: it was pale and drawn, and his look was troubled.


They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!


‘The rumour of the earth is dim and confused,’ he said. ‘Nothing walks upon it for many miles about us. Faint and far are the feet of our enemies. But loud are the hoofs of the horses. It comes to my mind that I heard them, even as I lay on the ground in sleep, and they troubled my dreams: horses galloping, passing in the West. But now they are drawing ever further from us, riding northward. I wonder what is happening in this land!’

‘Let us go!’ said Legolas.

Here's the syntax I used to create it:

[H]Chapter III[/H]
[H2]The Riders of Rohan[/H2]
[P]‘You are our guide,’ said Gimli, ‘and you are skilled in the chase. You shall choose.’ [/P]
[P]‘My heart bids me go on,’ said Legolas. ‘But we must hold together. I will follow your counsel.’ [/P]
[P]‘You give the choice to an ill chooser,’ said Aragorn. ‘Since we passed through the Argonath my choices have gone amiss.’ He fell silent, gazing north and west into the gating night for a long while. [/P]
[D]- - -[/D]
[P]‘Where sight fails the earth may bring us rumour,’ said Aragorn. ‘The land must groan under their hated feet.’ He stretched himself upon the ground with his ear pressed against the turf. He lay there motionless, for so long a time that Gimli wondered if he had swooned or fallen asleep again. Dawn came glimmering, and slowly a grey light grew about them. At last he rose, and now his friends could see his face: it was pale and drawn, and his look was troubled. [/P]
[C]They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard![/C]
[P]‘The rumour of the earth is dim and confused,’ he said. ‘Nothing walks upon it for many miles about us. Faint and far are the feet of our enemies. But loud are the hoofs of the horses. It comes to my mind that I heard them, even as I lay on the ground in sleep, and they troubled my dreams: horses galloping, passing in the West. But now they are drawing ever further from us, riding northward. I wonder what is happening in this land!’[/P]
[P]‘Let us go!’ said Legolas. [/P]

Let's look at more brackets:

- P: The P bracket is very important. Here, every line equals a paragraph. So each line has to be within its own P bracket. That way, it ensures each paragraph has the proper indent.

- D: Similar to C, it's a bracket used to create a paragraph divider (- - -). I also used it in the example above (-), before and after the quote, to make it pop out more. The font size and style are a little larger than for regular text so that the divider is easy to spot and looks good. So you might not want to use this tag for actual text. Just for a divider.

Now, here's one last example, with images.

Chapter III

The Riders of Rohan


‘Where sight fails the earth may bring us rumour,’ said Aragorn. ‘The land must groan under their hated feet.’ He stretched himself upon the ground with his ear pressed against the turf. He lay there motionless, for so long a time that Gimli wondered if he had swooned or fallen asleep again. Dawn came glimmering, and slowly a grey light grew about them. At last he rose, and now his friends could see his face: it was pale and drawn, and his look was troubled.


‘The rumour of the earth is dim and confused,’ he said. ‘Nothing walks upon it for many miles about us. Faint and far are the feet of our enemies. But loud are the hoofs of the horses. It comes to my mind that I heard them, even as I lay on the ground in sleep, and they troubled my dreams: horses galloping, passing in the West. But now they are drawing ever further from us, riding northward. I wonder what is happening in this land!’

‘Let us go!’ said Legolas.

Take note that images always have their width set to 100%. They'll always be as wide as the book's page. Therefore, they have to be inserted using the "Full image" mode. Not a thumbnail. It's to make sure everything is as standard as possible.

So, here's a short wrap-up:
BOOK bracket: Main container for your novel
H1 bracket: Your book title
H2 bracket: Chapter titles
P bracket: Each line of your novel
C bracket: Centered italics quotes, all caps
D bracket: Paragraph separator

All these tags will allow you to use this display style, in the BBCode mode.

I updated my John Titor 2K Fanfiction to this new format, it looks way better than before:

I'm aware that this is a little more technical than usual, so feel free to ask any questions you may have. If you want to host your writing project here, I'll be more than happy to help you post it here, in this format. :)

I also have a POEM FORMAT that's not entirely done yet. To be continued.

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Is there a format for poetry?
I have one that's a work in progress. It's about 80% done. I'll try to release it sometime over the next week. I still have to define its BBCODE adequately with CSS, so that everything fits well together once assembled into a poem. As for the novel format above, I need to find a sweet spot between simplicity and versatility.


Will there be a separate place to post this creative writing? How do we add the format?


Will there be a separate place to post this creative writing? How do we add the format?
We'll use the same setup we're using for the "Why Files" videos.

Our poetry and novels will be posted in their related forum section in order to keep topics together. Then, all these novels and poetry threads will be aggregated together into a search forum that will be visible on the home forum page: The Library of Chronicles.

I've created new thread prefixes to identify our creative writings as such. More will come, if needed.


For example, my John Titor 2K fanfiction is in the "John Titor's Legacy" forum section, with a "Novel" prefix.

And it can be found here, in the Library of Chronicles section on the home page:


I'll probably link it from the vault too at some point.

That way, our books remain organized by topic within the forum. And you can browse all of the books in the Library of Chronicles.

Here's a short example of a novel page. If you would like to test it out, feel free to copy and paste the code below in a reply. Such a format can be used in any forum post, anywhere on the forum.

I detailed the entire process in the first post and provided several examples, so that should also be helpful. This entire setup is fairly new, and I expect to improve it slightly over time, so I will write a definitive guide eventually.

[C]Chapter III[/C]
[H2]The Riders of Rohan [H2]
[P]‘You are our guide,’ said Gimli, ‘and you are skilled in the chase. You shall choose.’ [/P]
[P]‘My heart bids me go on,’ said Legolas. ‘But we must hold together. I will follow your counsel.’ [/P]
[D]- - -[/D]

Chapter III

The Riders of Rohan

‘You are our guide,’ said Gimli, ‘and you are skilled in the chase. You shall choose.’

‘My heart bids me go on,’ said Legolas. ‘But we must hold together. I will follow your counsel.’

- - -

When you have pasted it, click the "Preview" button in the top-right corner of the editor to see what it will look like.

I hope this clarifies your questions.
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Ok, so we will need to copy/paste the code to use it? It won't be automatic? Also, I missed the Why Files thing. Where/What is that?


Exactly. There are no buttons for these BBCodes, so the easiest way is to copy and paste from a template such as above.
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