Antifa November 4, 2017 Attack Predicted


Liberals and most likely Antifa are going to attack America on November 4th, 2017

Refuse Fascism

This was predicted in Back to the Future II:

"Fascism comes from the Latin fascio, meaning “bundle, or political group.” In fascism, the people are looked at as a bundle — one body that must be controlled by the government with absolute force."

--- or controlled by one particular group..ironic, isn't it?


Senior Member
I would like those six minutes of my life back now please.



ANTIFA looks like a psy-op faux organization to me. If they attack anything, it is probably a false flag to help manipulate you into being a slave.

IF the Back To The Future things mean anything at all, it probably means something else, and likely another example of manipulation, ...although it may be one piece of evidence of time travel.

I don't trust any of it.


From Wikipedia;

The Antifa (English: /ænˈtiːfə/ or /ˈæntiˌfɑː/)[1] movement is a political movement of autonomous, self-styled anti-fascist groups.[2][3][4] The salient feature of antifa groups is their opposition to fascism by direct action.[5] They are known for their militant protest tactics, including property damage and physical violence.[6][7][8][2] They tend to be anti-government and anti-capitalist,[9] and they are predominantly far left and militant left,[10][5] including anarchists, communists and socialists.[11][12][13][14] They focus on fighting far-right and white supremacist ideologies directly, rather than on encouraging pro-left policy.

They are presented as an organization of differing factions united against a common cause. This is a contextualized lie. It is a means of social manipulation, preying on the ignorant masses, the creation and use of a faux organization to fool a target demographic in order to manipulate them into something.

The idea is to confuse everyone as to what each faction represents and paint them all as bad, for reasons that are advantageous to someone. For anyone who can discern the difference, they are a variance of political idealism with conflicting core values doing things that people with those beliefs would not do for reasons they disagree with or don't care about.

It is the equivalent of vegetarians and beef farmers and the realtors association banning together against bankers buying up all the beef farms. The vegetarians are supposedly in on it because they want cheaper beef products and are opposed to price manipulation, the realtors are in it because they don't like the mistreatment of animals, and the beef farmers are in it because they want pollution laws unrestricted. They show them on media dressed up as KKK, burning US flags and attacking children at a fun-park, citing that the park executives use too much polluting jet fuel while on vacation.

It leaves the target groups confused scared and easily controlled. Anyone who doesn't know the difference thinks they are all vicious crazy monsters and wants to side with whoever is helping to fight the threat to their grocery bill and culture with some law or sociopolitical trend.


@JimmyD - Why did you use Wikipedia, to prove a point? It's not technically a credible source, by the way.

I was wondering if you were trying to debunk what Wikipedia said.


@JimmyD - Why did you use Wikipedia, to prove a point? It's not technically a credible source, by the way.

I was wondering if you were trying to debunk what Wikipedia said.

I am saying that they are all either confused as intended, or full of crap in order to manipulate the masses, ..and it's not about time travel or any of that. The Wikipedia reference is one example of how groups like ANTIFA are portrayed or represented through media like TV and internet.


I'll put this another way to clarify; She presents the video of a hypothesis that the movie predicts ANTIFA actions through code and is an example of evidence of time travel through knowledge of a future event.

The movie stuff probably means something else, whether an example of evidence of time travel or not. If it is an example of evidence of time travel, then it is probably in reference to something else, and probably nonsense anyway, another example of manipulation, only using time travel to do so.

ANTIFA is an example of manipulating the masses irrespective of the movie or time travel. You can tell because it is an organization with several inconsistencies in it's ideas and actions and the way it is portrayed and defined. It is, however, consistent with psy-ops methods.


@JimmyD - Why did you use Wikipedia, to prove a point? It's not technically a credible source, by the way.

I was wondering if you were trying to debunk what Wikipedia said.

I am saying that they are all either confused as intended, or full of crap in order to manipulate the masses, ..and it's not about time travel or any of that. The Wikipedia reference is one example of how groups like ANTIFA are portrayed or represented through media like TV and internet.

All one has to do is observe Antifa's statements and behavior on social media to know that they are a terror group. They post hate constantly and it is tolerated by Twitter. But if a conservative expresses an opinion, the are often suspended for 12 hours. This has nothing to do with the news.

At any rate, back to the topic, their fascist behavior will come to fruition on November 4th as stated on their website. They want to control the speech and thoughts of conservatives. They want total government control. This, IMHO, makes them the
true fascists. And I created my video about 11/4 or 4/11 a while ago. I thought it was too much of a coincidence to disregard. After all, 9/11 was ALL OVER Back to the Future I.


They are a manufactured political tool for special interests.

They are a collection of different groups with conflicting ideas and values. If authentic, they would not be coming together for a common cause because their causes are not common, and they would not be acting or preaching in a way that is uncharacteristic, counter-intuitive or antithetical to those values and ideas. The ill-defined mixed up values confuses people as to what any of those political ideas really mean.

Their 'misbehavior' is likely intentional as to demonize and delegitimize them, causes people to foster negative feelings towards anyone remotely resembling anyone with those particular ideas and values.

They are presented as a threat, especially to the cookie-cutter conservative republican american patriot types, in order to foster romanticized feelings of nationalism and solidarity against a perceived political enemy.

It's all BS used to control you.
