Anyone seen him?


Active Member
Not really
So if it can be solid ie I can touch it that would also mean you could poke holes in it with projectiles correct. Not saying it would kill or even harm it but is it possible
Not really how it works. They appear solid because both consciousnesses are existing in density levels close to each other but that doesn't make them third dimensional. They are still 4th dimensional which is a density where the third dimensional states start breaking down, time becomes non linear and non rhythmic, spaces and objects are not necassarily solid anymore.
Earth no longer exists for us in 3d. It has been 5d for a few years now for everyone it's just that our consciousnesses are held trapped in the false matrix which is a 3d based illusion, we carry the belief that matter is solid and therefore we create that in our experience.
The only thing stopping most of us from exposure to this 4d/5d vergence is the terrifyingly high levels of toxins in our foods, our air, the water, our clothes, and the sheer overwhelm of fears and horrors pushed on us.
Literally all you need to be psychic these days is three things, detox more shit out of your body than you intake which will eventually and naturally decalcify the pineal, keep your pathways flowing and moving both meridians and glands, ie, sweat and move daily, and third a clean and clear mind, an open mind, one thats seeks to learn and explore not be told everything by others and giving away our powers of creation.
In other words, drink clean water, eat clean foods, exercise and study you own reality. The rest will come but of course it's simple, not easy. Prices, emf, foods,the news...etc, it all adds up and getting 100% out of that is not so simple afterall.
Another catch is the more you leave 3d, the more crazy 4d shit you will start to see which is where most evil plays. Ppls gonna start seeing it more and more, the stuff that has always been there just on the other side of the veil.


Active Member
Alien Abduction Aliens GIF by PBS Digital Studios
even if I had I would not talk about it as the NSA is always watching


That photo in the original post looks photoshopped based on the appearance of pixel artifacts around the head, shoulders & the area where the hands would be.
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