Are Beings From Inside The Earth Aliens too?


Would you consider creatures or beings coming from inside the Earth (inside pretty much meaning the hollow Earth, here) aliens?

They're obviously not from outer space... but they're not "from here" either, right? How would you classify them?

Are they still aliens, so to speak? Do they count as such?

What do you think?


Senior Member
No, but if the molepeople exist, they should pay their taxes like everyone else instead off leeching from free water, electricity and internet in their underground mancaves.


Active Member
Would you consider creatures or beings coming from inside the Earth (inside pretty much meaning the hollow Earth, here) aliens?

They're obviously not from outer space... but they're not "from here" either, right? How would you classify them?

Are they still aliens, so to speak? Do they count as such?

What do you think?
The earth is not hallow. This legend come from the amirald bird and the South pole area.
South pole are just a electromagnetic gate to space travel to another planet. Nasa hidding the output electromagnetic activity in the south pole, that make fabulous aurora borealis in the north pole and a big Void in the south pole. Every electrons of the earth leave the earth herself in the south pole, the current is so hight, that you can travel and be ejected

So there is not hollow earth, but electromagnetism earth. Science do nit understand electrogrowing, they are blinded by God, he dosn't want that scientific know his Univers. Because scientific are responsible for wars, genetic manipulations and horrors projects that kill peoples.

Search in you hearth, if earth was hollow, everythink where floating, no magnetism to make object attached in. No, there is not a sun at the center of the earth, the sun is on the sky. The magma come from the magnetic ring of the sun that hit the earth , friction of the electrons make the earth ferronickel hot , and electrons enter the earth by the nord pole that make aurora borealis, and leave the earth by the south pole, that make an empty space...
