Debate Area 51: Aliens or no aliens?


Time Travel Professor
I would like to share with you a pic that I took off of You tube on my screen capture, Maybe some one can compare the Kansas Convoy to this Saucer from 1947 Roswell, NM Sorry when I Find it in my files I'll get back to you sorry for the inconvenience
please watch and pause at Saucer scene. I don't know how to take the images and put them side by side. feel free anyone?

I personally do not believe that the pictures are of the Roswell crash. Because of the following reasons:

1. Pictures are colored and not black and white: very little colored photographs were available in 1947.

2. The aliens have three toes: The Roswell aliens had five toes.

3. The aliens in the picture are too tall, probably about 5 ½ feet. The Roswell aliens were about 3 ½ feet tall.

4. The aliens in the picture appeared to be Gray’s: The Roswell aliens were more human looking and could be taken for a child in any of the major cities of the United States.

5. Please note: There was two crashes near Roswell and the second crash was near Hard Canyon about 20 miles apart, within a few days of each other.

I had a friend that lived near the Roswell crash site in 1947, he said the information stated #4 and #5 above was true.
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