Ask about the future.


From what I have seen of the future the climate change stopped when they stopped spraying the atmosphere with aluminum. And this is within 50 years from now. As far as 500 years the climate seemed to be exactly the same as today. But there were no humans on earth. Looking at it it seemed as if humans almost never existed with the way everything decayed and the vegetation grew over what used to be civilizations. This timeline is of course the result of the choices our civilization makes regarding its governing practices. When Europeans are overthrown by mass immigration it starts a domino effect that eventually leads to a very different kind of war.


Yes there is much of the supernatural that is real however Hollywood has distorted the truth. A vampire is actually a spirit of a dead person which feeds of your life energy often causing you to become ill and can kill children or the elderly by feeding too much.
But if you are looking for a physical Dracula Bela Lugosi, forget about it.
But there are people who are psychic vampires and they can feed off your life energy same as a spirit vampire.


Years of study into these matters and I refer to the paranormal occult as the meta divine realm which is the scientific term for the spirit world.


Active Member
ok will there be a New world order in the future? will there be a Aliens be discloses...also will there be a Evil New world order or peace? write back thank you.


There's two ways it can go based on our current timeline.
The first is yes there will be a horrible evil new world order that kills most everyone and rules the world for a few years then collapses in on itself due to the very actions of the people implementing it and they die and their genetic lineages wiped out.
The other is that immigration takes a break and the world has enough time to cope with it. The melting pot needs time to melt or the recipe will be one of disaster. People need time to get used to each other if they don't then they end up fighting and it all goes south rather quickly. We are already seeing it happening now, the fighting and violent destructive behavior of both government and citizen. Diversity can be good if done properly if done improperly by people attempting to speed up the process it will fail horribly.
