ball shaped condensed electrons harvested from sun equal to earths mass taking up .01% of space earth takes up


Active Member
A hydrogen atom is about 99.9999999999996% empty", "In a Hydrogen atom there is 1 electron , 1 proton". mass equal, Therefor .0000000000004 / 2 == 0.0000000000002 is equal to the space 1 electron takes up. 99.9999999999996 / 0.0000000000002= 1.8e+14 or 180,000,000,000,000.

generalizing: an atom is "99.99" no space. google.
earths space / 1000 == space electron mass takes up .01% of space to equal mass of one atom? amount of mass to equal earths gravity. Every electron is as close to every other as possible.

The question is how do I gather the electrons. The sun. Solar panels.

calculations may be wrong, lack of sleep.
  1. slow down time
  2. create black hole to reverse time, then destroy black hole.
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Active Member
A hydrogen atom is about 99.9999999999996% empty", "In a Hydrogen atom there is 1 electron , 1 proton". mass equal, Therefor .0000000000004 / 2 == 0.0000000000002 is equal to the space 1 electron takes up. 99.9999999999996 / 0.0000000000002= 1.8e+14 or 180,000,000,000,000.

generalizing: an atom is "99.99" no space. google.
earths space / 1000 == space electron mass takes up .01% of space to equal mass of one atom? amount of mass to equal earths gravity. Every electron is as close to every other as possible.

The question is how do I gather the electrons. The sun. Solar panels.

calculations may be wrong, lack of sleep.
  1. slow down time
  2. create black hole to reverse time, then destroy black hole.
compression needed to create black hole 2 x 1019 kg == close to ///////// 592 kg * 29,307,600 == 2 X 1017 2 x 1019 kg wait for rest


Temporal Engineer
Yes, but do you realize that theory is just another word for fiction? Not all science is theoretical. Most of our medical science is based in fact. If all science was based in fact then we might have star drives, and time machines by now.


Active Member
Yes, but do you realize that theory is just another word for fiction? Not all science is theoretical. Most of our medical science is based in fact. If all science was based in fact then we might have star drives, and time machines by now.
But what proves the facts are based off observations created by our senses. Science is x amount of observations and is a branch of philosophy. If you don't understand the mechanism causing your senses to work and exist. Your senses could depict an infinite amount of inaccurate versions of the external world. All as likely to be true as any other 1/infinite


Temporal Engineer
The proof is that you can invent stuff that works with facts. You can't do that with theory.
