Barack Hussein Obama Is the Last American President

I didn't do it when they said all these same things about Bush, but this time around, I'm gonna have plenty of quotes in this thread to comment on come January 2017.

The biggest problem with America today is that minorities are allowed to rule the majority. We were promised a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, but what we have is a government of the minorities, by the minorities, and for the minorities. These aren't just racial minorities, but they are certainly included. Jews are 2% of the population but have almost all the wealth, write most of the laws, control the media, corrupt the educational system, and degrade our culture. Our president is black and surrounds himself with other blacks (advisors, politicians, nominees, etc), actively race-baits the nation ("if I had a son..."), tries to rule like an African despot, aggressively imports illegal Mexican immigrants to further a political cause (in the old days this would be called terrorism), and adopts various Soviet tactics in his war against ordinary Americans. In many parts of the country, muslims are gaining a significant foothold in communities, bringing the violence and filth that characterize their culture.

The US was and always will be a white Christian nation. This country was formed in war, and war will save it. But the minorities have to go. You can't satisfy the majority by subjecting them to rule by minorities.
The biggest problem with America today is that minorities are allowed to rule the majority. We were promised a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, but what we have is a government of the minorities, by the minorities, and for the minorities. These aren't just racial minorities, but they are certainly included. Jews are 2% of the population but have almost all the wealth, write most of the laws, control the media, corrupt the educational system, and degrade our culture. Our president is black and surrounds himself with other blacks (advisors, politicians, nominees, etc), actively race-baits the nation ("if I had a son..."), tries to rule like an African despot, aggressively imports illegal Mexican immigrants to further a political cause (in the old days this would be called terrorism), and adopts various Soviet tactics in his war against ordinary Americans. In many parts of the country, muslims are gaining a significant foothold in communities, bringing the violence and filth that characterize their culture.

The US was and always will be a white Christian nation. This country was formed in war, and war will save it. But the minorities have to go. You can't satisfy the majority by subjecting them to rule by minorities.

America was founded as an extension of Great Britain and we still pay takes to UK till this day. It was intended as a corporation and regardless of race anyone was and is an asset owned by the corporation and has the sole purpose to slave for the Elite. Ever heard the name Rothschild before? They are the most powerful family of the past millenia and they infiltrated the US by financing both sides of the American Revolution and both sides of the War of 1812. Of course the fabulously wealthy&well connected Jewish Oligarchs make the laws and do whatever the Hell they please,because really if they truly take it upon themselves, the US could be finished tomorrow. You speak of White Christian majority, but let's be honest except for Televangelists maybe none of the Billionaires fit that ideal and it is well known that "Money Talks". The US you speak of died its final death in 1913 when the Federal Reserve highjacked the currency. After that every single politician has been a mere patsy puppet that only take orders from the 1%. As far as Obama goes he is NOT Black since a White woman is to blame for his existence her White parents raised him. He is just a token show pony that currently serves a purpose to the Oligarchy and quite frankly if I was paid 6 figures just to carry out orders and take the fall publicly I can't say I wouldn't take the job either.

The United States is still a British Colony: Index
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The biggest problem with America today is that minorities are allowed to rule the majority. We were promised a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, but what we have is a government of the minorities, by the minorities, and for the minorities. These aren't just racial minorities, but they are certainly included. Jews are 2% of the population but have almost all the wealth, write most of the laws, control the media, corrupt the educational system, and degrade our culture. Our president is black and surrounds himself with other blacks (advisors, politicians, nominees, etc), actively race-baits the nation ("if I had a son..."), tries to rule like an African despot, aggressively imports illegal Mexican immigrants to further a political cause (in the old days this would be called terrorism), and adopts various Soviet tactics in his war against ordinary Americans. In many parts of the country, muslims are gaining a significant foothold in communities, bringing the violence and filth that characterize their culture.

The US was and always will be a white Christian nation. This country was formed in war, and war will save it. But the minorities have to go. You can't satisfy the majority by subjecting them to rule by minorities.

America was founded as an extension of Great Britain and we still pay takes to UK till this day. It was intended as a corporation and regardless of race anyone was and is an asset owned by the corporation and has the sole purpose to slave for the Elite. Ever heard the name Rothschild before? They are the most powerful family of the past millenia and they infiltrated the US by financing both sides of the American Revolution and both sides of the War of 1812. Of course the fabulously wealthy&well connected Jewish Oligarchs make the laws and do whatever the Hell they please,because really if they truly take it upon themselves, the US could be finished tomorrow. You speak of White Christian majority, but let's be honest except for Televangelists maybe none of the Billionaires fit that ideal and it is well known that "Money Talks". The US you speak of died its final death in 1913 when the Federal Reserve highjacked the currency. After that every single politician has been a mere patsy puppet that only take orders from the 1%. As far as Obama goes he is NOT Black since a White woman is to blame for his existence her White parents raised him. He is just a token show pony that currently serves a purpose to the Oligarchy and quite frankly if I was paid 6 figures just to carry out orders and take the fall publicly I can't say I wouldn't take the job either.

The United States is still a British Colony: Index

Yes! I agree with what you say, but it isn't over till the fat bitch sings...

Once martial law is declared there will be hell to pay and I know of many patriots that are inching for a fight.

Some of them are deep within the bowels of the beast and have told me their plans...NOT good!

Targets have been identified and plans have been made to do what must be done.

This will not be a short civil war as many on the left believe.
Please remember that it always looks the darkest just before it goes black...

From this day in history we may have but two years or even less before it could get extremely ugly.

If you can't hear the drums of war you must be deaf...
Obama: Last President of America Prophecy

Book of Prophesies 2012: Baba Vanga prophesied: 44th US president would be black and bring crises

America's fate was written long ago. Let's be honest for a moment. America as invisioned by the founding fathers began to disappear at the time of the Civil War. When the Federal Reserve hijacked the country in 1913 we had at best another century before everything came crashing down. It is 2014 now. We have had our hey day. Now history and fate are taking their course.
The fate of the United States was written in the beginning by the so-called founding fathers. Established as a Republic but with a convenient and cleverly disguised "escape clause." My research demonstrates from a legal standpoint that the Republic only lasted about 88 years. People then, as today, have no understanding of the type of government rule they live under.

people always get heated up when I tell them that I do not "support our troops" as there is no political ground to stand on. When they dutifully proclaim that they are "fighting for freedom" as government sponsored propaganda dictates, I have to explain that there is no freedom to fight for. The Republic no longer exists. You are no longer a sovereign entity. You have only one right and that is the right to contract with the Federal Democracy of the District of Columbia for LIBERTY.

Why is it that your "elected" leaders do not represent the will of the people? The legal answer is that they are not employed by the people. They are employed by the Federal Democracy of the District of Columbia which effectively is a foreign country to your sovereign state. They therefore represent THEIR EMPLOYER. Your elections can be likened to prisoners "electing" their guards and warden. Yes they can "elect" them but they are still employed by the prison not the inmates who "elected" them therefore they represent the will and policy of their employer.

I hate "Obama" with a passion but he doesn't work for me. He is not the worst president ever, he is performing his job according to the will of his employer.

Before we, as a nation can change things, we need to thoroughly understand the problem.
well said Sam well said indeed... and sadly I have to agree to that few know what has been done , and even less understand what it was that was taken from them :(
well said Sam well said indeed... and sadly I have to agree to that few know what has been done , and even less understand what it was that was taken from them :(
Think about this. 1864 The District of Columbia was incorporated within the boundaries of the United States. The United States effectively became a corporation and the Republic was dissolved and replaced with a Democracy. People back then had no movies, video games, Hollywood demigods, the internet, smart phones, etc. with which to distract themselves and they still did not know what was happening!

They went from being free, that is, they were individual sovereign entities, to being subsidieries of a corporation. Always look to Black's Law Dictionary for definitions. This is the reason that prior to 1864, people could declare war on one another and have a shootout at high noon on the streets and be perfectly within their rights to do so.

They didn't appreciate what they had then, and we are paying the price. It takes dedication to govern oneself. I can't stand talking to most people about this because they still don't understand their reality. I understand why, but it frustrates me nonetheless.

People by and large see the symptoms of the facts that I present but they have yet to put the pieces together or fully understand. Even those who are trying to wake up still have a long way to go. They run around, writing books and posting videos about how we (in the United States) actually live in a one party state even though the evidence doesn't bear out that assumption. We live in a two party state, the problem they are missing is that BOTH parties are employed by the same employer. The Federal Democracy of the Distric of Columbia, NOT the people. As of this writing, I don't believe that the people have any representation in government at all. If people want to make a change, they MUST start there. Having representation is crucial. Without it, they will accomplish nothing. That having been said, I don't believe that the people are prepared or even capable of governing themselves. After more than 150 years, they are hopelessly dependent on the Federal Democracy. They are ignorant and they are lazy.
