Better Call Saul


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Any Breaking Bad fans around here watching Better Call Saul? The third episode is tonight.

I already watched the premiere and the second episode and it rocks, big time. This series feels a lot like Breaking Bad, as expected.

Better Call Saul – AMC

Better call Saul! ;)
Spin-offs usually aren't that great, but I love Saul! :) I can't wait for the next episode!

I am enjoying this one already! You can tell that Saul (Jimmy) is going to get deeper and deeper into problems. I like that his character hasn't changed a bit form breaking bad. Also, did you recognize the cafe that they used in Breaking Bad? Stuff like that is going to make this an amazing show. I'm officially impressed. :) And yes, it has that "must see what happens next" quality that Breaking Bad had.

Maybe Saul will bump into Walt or other characters from Breaking Bad at the grocery store or that chicken fast food place. A road rage incident could be interesting. It will be fun to watch for but I wouldn't wear it out...just a brief encounter.
The best line of episode 3 has to be this one, as Jimmy is angry at Mike because he won't let him through the parking's gate, again:

'Oh yeah? What you gonna do?' Saul taunts. 'Got a poop filled diaper in there? You gonna throw it at me? You gonna gum me to death, huh geezer?'

The best line of episode 3 has to be this one, as Jimmy is angry at Mike because he won't let him through the parking's gate, again:

'Oh yeah? What you gonna do?' Saul taunts. 'Got a poop filled diaper in there? You gonna throw it at me? You gonna gum me to death, huh geezer?'


If he only knew what we know about Mike.
