Big Brother alert: Cameras in the cable box to monitor TV viewers


Senior Member
I heard about this many years ago. The friend of a family member worked for a big Cable Company in California. She accidentally saw a Memo about cameras being in Cable Boxes to spy on people. It scared the **** out of her, and she quit her job. Now here's the proof.

Big Brother alert: Cameras in the cable box to monitor TV viewers

It hardly gets more Orwellian than this. New technology would allow cable companies to peer directly into television watchers’ homes and monitor viewing habits and reactions to product advertisements.

The technology would come via the cable box, and at least one lawmaker on Capitol Hill is standing in opposition.

Mass. Democratic Rep. Michael Capuano has introduced a bill, the We Are Watching You Act, to prohibit the technology on boxes and collection of information absent consumer permission. The bill would also require companies that do use the data to show “we are watching you” messages on the screen and to explain just what kinds of information is being captured and for what reasons, AdWeek reported.

The technology includes cameras and microphones that are installed on DVRs or cable boxes and analyzes viewers’ responses, behaviors and statements to various ads — and then provides advertisements that are targeted to the particular household.

Specifically, the technology can monitor sleeping, eating, exercising, reading and more, AdWeek reported.

“This may sound preposterous, but it’s neither a joke nor an exaggeration,” said Mr. Capuano in a statement, AdWeek reported. “These DVRs would essentially observe consumers as they watch television as a way to super-target ads. It is an incredible invasion of privacy.”


Senior Member
You don't need to only worry about your cable box as your television, itself, can spy on you. I always unplug my set when not in use as anything connected via the air waves can be hacked...

NaturalNews) It sounds like some wild conspiracy theory or like something out of a science fiction movie, but it's true: it's possible that while you're watching your television, it could be watching you.

A security firm has discovered a glitch in Samsung's Smart TV that "can give hackers access to the device's built-in camera and microphones, allowing them to watch everything you do," reported recently.

The Malta-based security company, ReVuln, posted a video demonstrating how a team of researchers were able to hack into the Smart TV and access its setting, widgets, channel lists, USB drives and configurations for its remote control. The flaw permits hackers to gain access to any and all personal data stored on the TV as well, said the firm.

Link to full article...
Is your television watching YOU? Smart TVs can spy on their ...

Is your television watching YOU? Smart TVs can spy on their owners
