Bigfoot Encounter in South Carolina


🤖 Think outside the mind
ANDERSON, S.C. — A man on Monday reported a Bigfoot encounter in the woods of Anderson County.

63-year-old Steve Blume, a retired electrical contractor, told Cryptozoology News he was fishing alone at Lake Hartwell when he spotted the creature.

“It was just starting to get dark,” he said. “I decided I had better leave cause I had no lights and I knew my wife would be getting worried about me.”

Blume explains that as he was getting ready to pack his gear, he noticed unusual movement behind a bush located 75 yards away.

“The bush was approximately 5 feet high and then this thing stands up from behind the bush and looks right at me,” he adds about the summer of 2012 purported encounter.

The man and the claimed beast reportedly stared at each other for about 15 seconds. Then, says Blume, the animal retreated back to the woods.

“It turns away from me, taking three steps, covering approximately 25 feet… in just three steps.”

The South Carolina resident said the primate-like animal was almost 8 feet tall and had a “brownish black” hair with wide muscular shoulders.

“His face looked like a worn brown leather couch look,” he recalls.

Blume, who waited 3 years to tell his story, told Cryptozoology News that he was afraid of losing his job at the time, so he decided not to report the sighting to anyone, including his wife.

“I was still in business at the time,” he tells Cryptozoology News . “I knew if I had said anything, people would have thought I was a nut and not given me any work.”

Blume has now joined a Bigfoot research team and believes he has heard the cryptid repeatedly.

Back in March, a group of people released an audio file of what they called “Bigfoot yells” in South Carolina.

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