Media Black Panthers offer $10,000 bounty for Zimmerman


Senior Member
George Zimmerman describes himself as Latino, so why are people targeting whites in the Zimmerman case? It's to cause RACIAL division and strife, spun by the MEDIA!

A house divided against itself will not stand! (Jesus said it: Matthew 12:25) Americans would be so powerful if they united, but the Media keeps spinning the race card.

Black Panthers offer $10,000 bounty for Zimmerman

Is George Zimmerman White or Latino?

The overarching storyline of the Trayvon Martin case -- white man kills black teen -- is neat and tidy in terms of American history and racial injustice. But there are shades of gray here because shooter George Zimmerman describes himself as Latino.

Zimmerman's father is white but his mother is from Peru. On his voter registration form, for example, Zimmerman checked off the "Hispanic" box. While police described him as "white" Zimmerman's own father calls his son a "Spanish-speaking minority."

But just because Zimmerman's mother is from Peru, does that make him Latino? The New York Daily News writes of the country:

Ethnicities in Peru run the gamut. Descendants of the original people or Amerindians of Peru, those who were under rule of the Inca empire, are the largest ethnic group, followed by those who are a mix of Spanish and Amerindian ancestry, also known as mestizos. Whites are about 15 percent of the population, followed by blacks, Asians and other groups. Class distinctions based on race and language persist in Peru, with whites at the top of the societal hierarchy and indigenous people often at the bottom, a vestige of Spanish colonialism.

Zimmerman's family has not commented on this issue, but their former neighbors back in Virginia say race was never an issue with the family.

“I saw Hispanics, blacks, all kinds of people visiting over there,” Kay Hall said. “I don’t think they had any kind of racial problems."

Even if Zimmerman considers himself Latino, he likely cannot look to that community for support.

“The Latino community joins the African-American community and other communities in condemning George Zimmerman as what he is – a murderer and a racist,” Roberto Lovato, co-founder of the online Latino advocacy organization told The Daily Caller.
Lovato said it doesn't matter what Zimmerman's ethnicity is.

“His background is not clear,” Lovato explained. “Is he Latino? Is he white? Is he both? Who knows? It’s irrelevant. What’s relevant are his actions, his racist comments, and his cold-blooded killing of an innocent young man.”


Senior Member
See and they openly get away with it, why? because if you say anything about it you are a Racist.

if the KKK put a hit on OJ Simpson it would be a outrage of outrages, a atrocity to man kind Celebrity's would be funding anti KKK marches and bans, community's would unite to stop the KKK, it would be World news.

Black panthers do it and it is Okay.

The word "Racist" needs to be bottled up in a ship and shot into the Sun and erased from peoples memory, it is only used as a crutch now and a way for Those of another color to get their way.


Senior Member
I agree with what Blast is saying...The Black Panthers are acting like vigilantes and/or childish playground bullies. The $10,000 bounty for Zimmerman should be used for anti-drug, anti-gangs, and anti-murder within their own ethnic group. Most murders in my area are drug related, which was brought on by gang activity...mostly minorities under the age of 25. The Black Panthers claim they are still third class citizens but I guess they haven't noticed who is the president, members of government, sport teams, doctors, lawyers, etc. This whole story is sad, they are just making it sadder.


Senior Member
it really is, they are abusing the holy hell out of the Racism claim and the Minority claims. It is very out of Control.

black's WERE a 3rd class back in the 1890's and i will even go as far as to say through 1980's then they grabbed a Foot hold and now are the majority and are some of the Richest people in the US, at this point any and all discrimination and Racism are done by their own kind.

The African American WILL NOT let it go, they will not let go of the past or the ability to move on, No one has been a Slave for over a hundred Years! My Family and my friends family's all never owned Slaves, so why on earth are we forced to cater to them?
I know i am sounding like a hate monger but it is so infuriating they are in the position they are because of there own doing, they have EVERY opportunity as much as we do to make solid lives from them self's, to go to school to have a good paying job but they choose not to and some how that is our fault.

But why make something of your self when you can just claim racism? The Obama voters proved that during his 1st election the videos are wide spread of the African american community saying they don't have to do anything if they vote for Obama cause he will take care of them, THAT mentality is why they are where they are, they don't want to move forward they rather ride the Coat tales of their past.


Senior Member
Reactions like this are exactly what the media and others want us to be distracted by. Why does anyone honestly care?

Let's worry about real problems.
