Boycott the NFL


Senior Member
Many members here are from different countries. What would be your reaction if people didn't respect your flag or sacrifices?
We need to take a stand, not kneel, for what we believe in.
I think this is becoming a 'world' thing.


Senior Member
It has happened in Australia, though im not sure in the sporting arena. There has been slighlty different protests on the sporting fields.

It has for other reasons occured in the court system, i know its a little different but it does show an FU for authority in some respects.

I think your right respect and sacrifices and not viewed the same as few years ago. Some have laid down their lives for the flags of many countries, and are quite digusted at this.

In saying that not all see it the same.


Many issues here:

1. Americans are paying their salaries. THAT FLAG is the reason why they are rich. They are NOT oppressed. They should be grateful.

2. The requirement to stand for the anthem is actually LAW: 36 U.S. Code § 301 - National anthem

3. They are at work. Normal citizens would be fired for bringing politics into the work place. They also have an obligation to help the owner make a profit. If they don't believe in what the owner wants, they need to find a new job. This isn't a hobby. Most of us do not have free speech at work. We have to bite our tongues until we get home. It's normal. It's part of being a mature adult.

I guess we have to just stop paying their salaries.


It has happened in Australia, though im not sure in the sporting arena. There has been slighlty different protests on the sporting fields.

It has for other reasons occured in the court system, i know its a little different but it does show an FU for authority in some respects.

I think your right respect and sacrifices and not viewed the same as few years ago. Some have laid down their lives for the flags of many countries, and are quite digusted at this.

In saying that not all see it the same.

I would do the same for any country. If I were in their country and this was a tradition, I would participate. It's called respect, and basic respect is leaving the United States. Even customer service is terrible. The young people just don't care. They believe that no laws or rules of ethics apply to them. Apparently, this is extending out to the adult world as well. Nobody is held accountable for their own behavior. They blame everyone else.
