Can Ghosts be caught in photos?


New Member
What do you think of these images that I've taken.
Two are film.
The rest Digital.
All unedited....

The first is from The Crumlin Road Gaol in Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK). It was taken with my iphone in the underground tunnel they used to bring prisoners from the Courthouse to the Gaol (jail). There were no insects and no just because it was rather damp. Is it an Orb or ...?

This is again from the Crumlin Road Gaol. This was taken on my iphone while we were in the boiler area. I know the photo isn't exactly in focus but the strange mist at the bottom wasn't an object in the room or pattern on the floor. Spirit or ...?

This is taken on top of the Thompson Dry Dock in Belfast where the Titanic once sat. The paranormal group I'm part of (N.I.P.R.A) take paranormal tours here regularly and I do the photography for the group. This one is hard to see but if you look to the left og the image to the man with the black beanie and white jacket. My camera is in excellent condition, so I know that the white shape is not anything technical with the lense or camera. I had taken a few images before and after this of the group in this area but this is the only one with this white shape. Spirit Light, Orb or ...?

This was taken in a Graveyard near to where I live for a photography project. I was taken on black and white film. I know the marks at the top are from my developement of the image but developer doesn't usually look as "misty" as the shape on the bottom to middle left. I know what I see but I won't say incase it affects what you see.

Taken in the same Graveyard. this one is a little trickier to see but if you look to the middle right you can see a white misty shape.


Junior Member
I'm a photographer by trade so I'm always using different types of cameras in various locations. What I've noticed with digital photographs is you have a much higher chance of capturing something when your camera can operate under high ISO's because spirits do move a lot faster than us, it's the same when I communicate with them they talk twice as fast and arrive and leave at the drop of a hat so in order to capture them you really have to push your equipment to it's limits. Basically the ISO is a way the camera can bump up it's ability to capture images in the dark, more than half of my work is done for metal and rock bands so I always need to use equipment that can handle extreme low light conditions and fast glass under often smoky conditions. Phones work in a very similar way except they generate a lot more noise because the chip in the phone is not as big as a DSLR camera.

It doesn't look like there is a problem with the camera, dust on the sensor doesn't look like what you captured at all and it's not a problem with the lens either. I really like the mist one but when it comes to orbs it can be really tricky, they are a lot easier to distinguish on video because insects and dust look a lot different once you train your eyes to see but when it's an image you really have to analysis the settings used when the image was captured so you have a better idea of ruling out anomalies caused by a long exposure etc. Is that Friar’s Bush Graveyard? I was up there a while ago when Slipknot played Belfast, I didn't have most of my equipment but you could feel the energy. Amazing place and surprisingly enough for a graveyard it did feel very active, most graveyards are completely empty of spirits but there is definitely something there.
